Chapter 67 Unable to let go


Ur doesn’t object to such a view of Flying Squirrel.

The two were silent for a while, and Flying Squirrel asked again: “Ulsan, Naxalik is now on the right track. Do you have any thoughts on our next plan?”


This is actually the biggest purpose of Flying Squirrel wanting to meet Ur.

The next road, how to go! As one of the highest decision-makers in the Great Tomb of Nasarek, Ur’s opinion is of course very important.

“Boom boom.”

The thrones on the tenth floor were empty, only flying squirrel and Ur.

Ur tapped the armrest of his seat lightly, but the quiet voice was extremely clear in this empty room.

“In this world, what is your goal”

Ur didn’t answer his question, but stared at Flying Squirrel’s eyes and asked faintly.

Without waiting for him to answer, he said to himself: “Invade, occupy, rule and preach belief.”

“No no no”

Flying Squirrel waved his hand quickly and interrupted Ur.

Although the great tomb of Naxalik is full of talents and does have such strength, he really does not want to make such a big battle.

Naxalik alone is powerful enough for him! A woman is pure talk! In fact, if he speaks, he is more like Ur. He doesn’t want to do those earth-shattering things, just want to salt fish. As long as you protect yourself and Naxalik, it is enough.At most, you can go out to abuse food and experience the amorous feelings of another world, that’s it.

I don’t know that his casual second language was actually understood by Dimiugos to conquer the world.

Now that Ur is also trending towards Dihua, he quickly interrupted.He didn’t want to pretend to be under the subordinate in front of Ur in the future, and his heart would be too tired.

“in fact”

Flying Squirrel was about to speak, but suddenly thought of something, his eyes flashed red, and he fell silent again.

He pondered for a while, seeming to be organizing the language, then gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and looked at Ur: “Ulsan, I don’t actually have that ambitious ambition, but I do have one if I want to talk about goals.

The red light filled the hollow eyes again, and he said firmly: “I still want to find Ainz Urgon’s companion!”

Knowing that Ur had never supported his naive idea, he hurriedly continued: “Ulsan, I have inquired about it when I took the risk. These magics were all taught by the rumored [six god-tier].(Read more @

This [six god-tier] is most likely a game player, and it is rumored that [Eight Desires] and [Thirteen Heroes] are very similar to game players”

Flying Squirrel rubbed the guild ring in his hand, and his hollow eye sockets revealed a bit of deep emotion: “I know this idea is very immature, but I really can’t let it go.

I don’t know how you are, anyway, I will never forget those happy times when I was adventurous with them!”

“Ul, I understand, I just want to look at them! If they become something I don’t know, then I won’t be merciful!”

Although he was speaking fiercely, the flying red light was a bit dim, and looked at Ur as if asking for help: “Ul, you will help me, right?”

At this time, he respectfully said that he didn’t bring Ur and lowered his eyes.Somehow, he wanted to fly the innocent words of Flying Squirrel, but he swallowed it.

There was a silence for a while, and only one word was spit out lightly: “Okay!”

Uncontrolled, originally forgotten by him

The picture after that came to mind again.

“Big guy, big guy! What kind of race is Xu?”

“My boss, hello, I’m Taqmi, I’m glad to meet you, can you talk to me?”

“Ulsan, come and join our guild!”

Ur lightly touched the dark and deep virtual hole at the bottom of his neck, and muttered to himself a little nonchalantly: “Mind”

Fill the empty part of Xu’s soul, what will it become? “Ulsan, really?”

Flying Squirrel is mostly just talking, but he didn’t expect his ideas to be recognized by Ur. For a while, he was overjoyed, and even the racial talent was forced to calm down several times.

“You are a leader, do it if you want!”

Ur shook his mind, dispelled the memories in his mind, and responded lightly.

Flying Squirrel nodded, took out a scroll from the storage item, spread it out in front of him and Ur, and said, “Ulsan, I have planned some. If everyone is here, find them. The best way is to let them come to us!”

“We need to do something big in the name of Ainzurgon to increase our visibility! If they hear about it, they will definitely recognize us!”

Ur nodded and motioned for him to continue.

“No, I’m here to discuss with you what kind of big thing we should do! It’s just an adventurer’s words, it’s too narrow, and the spread is not deep!”

Flying Squirrel dropped the chain at a critical moment, and there was still ambition ahead, but now it stopped abruptly.

He wanted to ask Ur’s opinions on all these questions about how and how to do big things.

Ur didn’t make fun of him either, looked at the map in front of him, and pondered for a moment.

Suddenly remembered his biggest goal in the near future.

For a while, his thoughts became alive.

Perhaps, all of this can be done together! Stretch out his pale palm and lightly point to a point on the map: “Here!”

Flying Squirrel looks along his fingers: “The Kingdom”

Ur nodded and continued: “War! War is the most effective way to increase visibility! After a battle, everyone on the mainland will know the names of the two warring parties!”

“good idea!”

Flying Squirrel’s eyes lit up, and it instantly understood.

He has no compassion for the Virgin, no matter

How tragic the battlefield is, and how many people will die, as long as he can achieve his goal, even if he builds up his bones, he will not hesitate! Ur’s eyes are faint and he is not moved at all, and continues to enumerate the benefits of war for them.

“Here is the nearest to us, on the side of the couch, how can others be allowed to sleep soundly! Must be occupied!”

“Moreover, we are familiar with this place, the intelligence is complete, the strongest fighter is only Geff, who is less than 13th level, and it is easy to capture it!”

“And don’t you want Gu Geoff? You can take the opportunity to turn him over!”

Listen, flying squirrel’s eyes are brighter, Karakala patted his bone hand, and the red glowing hollow eye sockets are full of excitement: “Yes, yes, you are right! When are we?”

For them, this is simply a multitude of benefits, and there are so many benefits! Unlike the flying squirrel who is full of joy, Ur, who proposed this plan, is very calm, and looked at the flying squirrel as if he was mentally retarded: “Will you govern the country?”

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