Outrageous! He became the Elf King at the beginning

Chapter 5: Fighting the Undead Legion

The undead is an evil creature derived from the power of the dead.

In the Dark Continent, the number of undead is very large.

It exists all over the world.

They can be seen even in barren deserts, cold ice fields, and even in the endless ocean.

Especially at night, the undead are most active.

At night, countless undead creatures sleeping underground will wake up.

There are many types of undead, including skeletons, corpses, ghosts, zombies, abominations, etc.

Ordinary undead creatures have chaotic consciousness and almost no IQ.

Generally speaking.

Only high-level undead who have reached level seven or above will have a certain IQ.

At the king level, the IQ of the undead is no less than that of humans.

There were thousands of undead creatures attacking.

They are everywhere in the sky and on the ground, and they are as vast as a black tide.

That scene was more shocking than a swarm of vampire mosquitoes.

“A big wave of experience!”

Lin Yi said to the elf swordsmen and elf archers: "You are free to fight, but you must protect your own safety."

Thousands of undead creatures, mostly low-level.

There are not many undead creatures that have reached the intermediate level, only a few dozen.

With Lin Yi, an eighth-level senior magician, this undead army could not threaten his territory.

But the quantity is there after all.

The Tree of Life has the ability to resurrect elven troops.

However, Lin Yi asked the system and found that although the elven troops can be resurrected, they will also consume energy crystals. The quantity is equal to the consumption during training.

What Lin Yi lacks most now is energy crystals.

Naturally, we don’t want to see any elf soldiers die unexpectedly in battle.

The elf swordsmen and elf archers responded to Lin Yi's order in unison. They did not attack rashly, but gathered not far in front of Lin Yi.

They value the safety of their own Elf King more than destroying this undead army.

Soon, thousands of undead poured into the square.

And he was heading straight towards Lin Yi and others.

The first to arrive were the undead creatures with the ability to fly. Most were undead birds, and a few were ghosts in the form of smoke.

Compared to undead creatures with physical bodies, ghosts are the most difficult to deal with.

This kind of undead is invisible and immune to almost all physical attacks.

Of course, there are many ways to restrain ghosts.

Such as light magic, soul realm secrets, etc.

Especially the former, not only targeting ghosts, but basically killing all types of undead.

Facing the incoming undead, the twelve elven archers took the lead in attacking. They skillfully loaded their bows and shot the elven arrows emitting green light into the sky.

The sound of arrows breaking through the air was sharp and harsh.

The twelve arrows, like twelve green lightning bolts, instantly spanned a distance of hundreds of meters and hit the target with incomparable accuracy.

The body of the undead creature that was hit suddenly exploded.

Some ghosts screamed and turned into ashes and drifted away.

The undead creatures with entities were also forced to disintegrate, turning into countless fragments and falling from the sky.

The arrows of the elven archers contain pure life and natural magic. This power also has a certain restraint effect on the undead. Especially when the level gap is huge, the restraint is very obvious.

Even the soul fire in their bodies was forcibly dispersed.

The sound of breaking through the sky comes and goes...

The elven archers moved in unison, and arrows flew out of their fingertips one after another.

Long Shot allows them to shoot at a longer distance.

Strong attack makes their arrows more powerful.

In addition, all the elven archers are expert archers, and almost all of their arrows hit the target without missing a beat. In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred flying undead creatures were killed by the elf shooters.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yi also took action.

He waved his wand, and huge fireballs flew towards the undead creatures high in the sky.

The diameter of the fireball was more than two meters.

Burning with blue flames.

Although the fireball technique is a low-level magic, when cast by Lin Yi, its power is no less powerful than ordinary high-level magic.

Boom boom boom boom...

Fireballs exploded high in the sky, blooming brighter than fireworks.

The blazing wave of fire swept through everything around it.

Immediately, a large number of undead creatures were ignited, and were quickly burned to ashes.

At the same time, the ground troops of the Undead Legion also rushed over, and the first thing to greet them were walls of fire that were more than twenty meters high.

The undead don't know what fear is.

They rushed forward and rushed towards the wall of fire.

Some slightly wiser undead planned to bypass the fire wall, but Lin Yi did not give them this chance. He waved his wand continuously, creating more fire walls in the direction of the undead army.

A large number of fire walls are arranged in a curved pattern.

It's like a huge funnel, trying to fit the entire undead army into it.

However, the number of undead creatures is still too many.

As a large number of undead creatures rushed into the fire wall, the elemental magic contained in the fire wall was quickly consumed, and its lethality was rapidly reduced.

Finally, an undead creature broke through the blockade of the fire wall.

They rushed towards Lin Yi and others with the flames burning on their bodies.

At this time, it was finally the Elf Swordsman's turn to attack.

They crossed dozens of meters in an instant, and the elf swords in their hands were swung out beautiful sword lights. Every time a sword light was cut down, an undead creature would be directly killed.

The strength of the sixth level is far beyond the ability of these low-level undead to resist.


An undead in the form of a beast roared and pounced on an elf swordsman.

This is a ghoul.

It is about three meters long, with sharp claws and teeth, and its level has reached the fifth level.

In this undead army, there are not many undead creatures of this level.

The elf swordsman dodged the bite of the ghoul with a flash, and slashed the neck of the ghoul with a backhanded sword. Accompanied by a sound similar to the sound of metal clashing, the head of the ghoul was cut off.

But the ghoul did not die after being severely injured.

Instead, it held its fallen head with its claws and prepared to reinstall it.

This scene perfectly reflects the undead attribute of the undead creature.

The fatal injury to most intelligent creatures is nothing to the undead creatures.

The fatal point of the undead creatures is the soul fire in their bodies.

Unless the soul fire collapses, it is difficult for undead creatures to be killed.

Even if the body is blown up, as long as the soul fire is not extinguished, the undead creatures have a chance to revive and reborn.

The elf swordsman did not give the ghoul a chance to reassemble its body. She struck hard, the damage increased sharply, and directly pierced the ghoul's head with the elf sword. At the same time, the tip of the sword burst out with powerful magic power, forcibly dispersing the soul fire of the ghoul.

It was not until this time that the ghoul fell to the ground.

There were many green soul fire fragments and dozens of energy crystals scattered around the body.

The higher the level of the monster, the more energy crystals exploded.

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