Outrageous! He became the Elf King at the beginning

Chapter 23 Fantastic Scenes in the Treasure House!

The information about the treasury of the capital of the elves was only told to him by the old tree after Lin Yi specifically asked.

It was not that the old tree wanted to keep it secret.

It was because the elf empire was destroyed and the entire capital was looted, not to mention the treasury of a country. Lin Yi was lucky to find half a gold coin in it.

Therefore, the old tree did not take the initiative to mention the treasury.

He thought that Lin Yi would make a wasted trip.

Lin Yi was thinking about the treasury and wanted to try his luck.

Even though he knew that the treasury might be cleaner than his face, he was unwilling not to take a look.

"The old tree said that the treasury is under the city lord's mansion."

"It has long been buried by the ruins of the building..."

Lin Yi released his own spiritual consciousness and searched the bone temple and the nearby building ruins.

After a long time, nothing was found.

"It should be buried deep."

"No matter what, I will dig three feet to find the entrance to the treasury today."

As he spoke, Lin Yi waved the magic wand in his hand.

Suddenly, a fireball with a diameter of nearly ten meters flew rapidly towards the bone palace in front.

Now that Lin Yi's level has been promoted to the king level, the magic power he controls has become even more powerful.

As the fireball hit the bone palace.

A huge roar suddenly sounded.

Accompanied by a terrifying wave of fire rushing in all directions.

Wherever the fire wave passed, whether it was the ruins of the building or the bones, they were all burned to ashes.

Then Lin Yi released several fireballs in a row, and soon destroyed the bone palace, and the nearby building ruins were also burned clean.

When the flames went out, what appeared in front of Lin Yi was a charred land.

There was no entrance to the treasure house at all.

However, Lin Yi did not give up, and he waved the magic wand in his hand again.

In a moment, flame dragons more than 20 meters long appeared in the sky.

Although these flame dragons are products of magic, their appearance still reveals a kind of power that is difficult to describe in words.

Under Lin Yi's control~

Several fire dragons swooped down from the sky and crashed into the charred ground.

Suddenly, the earth shook and roared.

The terrifying fire wave, wrapped in smoke and dust, instantly swept hundreds of meters in radius. Even Lin Yi was not spared and was submerged by the blazing flames, and even his figure could not be seen.

It was not until a long time later that the flames went out.

At this time, Lin Yi's figure also appeared.

He was unharmed.

Even the robes on his body were not damaged at all.

When the flames were still several meters away from him, they automatically bypassed.

Lin Yi walked to the place where he was attacked by the fire dragon, where a large pit with a diameter of more than 200 meters had appeared.

He searched carefully in the pit.

After a long time, he finally found a sunken position.

After clearing the rubble in the sunken area, a dim passage appeared in his field of vision.

The passage was several meters in diameter and was obviously dug by manpower.

There are not only steps leading directly into the passage, but also copper candles that have long been extinguished on both sides of the passage. Now, the candles are already covered with spider webs and dust.

"This is it."

Lin Yi waved the magic wand in his hand.

A fireball with a diameter of half a meter appeared on the top of the magic wand, lighting the way for him.

He walked along the steps into the depths of the passage.

The passage is not long, only about a hundred meters.

After passing through the passage, a slightly larger space appeared in front of Lin Yi, and a stone door was directly opposite. One side of the stone door was completely open, and the other side was broken.

"This is the real door to the treasure house."

Lin Yi walked forward and stretched out his hand to touch the open stone door.

You can vaguely see that there is a faint light on the surface of the stone door.

"This is the magic restriction of the elves, which can resist magic attacks and verify the elf bloodline... Unfortunately, the magic restriction above is already broken and dilapidated, and the power has almost disappeared."

At this time, Lin Yi seemed to think of something.

He communicated with the system and asked, "How many energy crystals are needed to repair the magic restriction above?"

——[This is a magic restriction set up by many demigod-level strongmen. It takes 300,000 energy crystals to repair it. 】


Lin Yi rolled his eyes immediately.

Originally, he wanted to repair the magic restriction and see if he could learn something from it.

Anyway, he has a system and doesn't need a brain to learn things.

But when he heard the system's reply, he immediately gave up the idea in his mind.

The magic restriction set up by the demigod must contain a lot of "knowledge", but let's wait until he has money in the future.

Now, I can't afford to learn!

He then walked through the stone door and into the treasure house.

This is an extremely large underground cave. Lin Yi summoned more than a dozen huge fireballs and placed them above the cave, but he failed to reflect the full picture of the cave.

"Back then, this place must have been filled with the treasures of the Elf Empire."

"There are countless gold coins, gems, magic metals, gold and silver utensils..."

Lin Yi whispered, walking in the dim treasure house. Every time he walked a distance, he would summon a giant fireball to illuminate the nearby area.

Under his perfect control, all the fireballs were suspended above the treasure house.

As long as the magic power is not exhausted, these fireballs will not go out.

I don't know how long it took.

Lin Yi finally walked through the entire treasure house.

Just like Lao Shu said, he couldn't find even half a gold coin.

The things in the treasure house were looted cleanly, and the rats would have to wipe their tears when they came.

"Damn demons and evil races."

"If you can leave me some broken pieces, it will be fine!"

Lin Yi complained. He had the system to back him up. As long as he could afford the energy crystals, anything could be repaired.

As a result, the entire treasure house was really cleaner than his face, except for the dust all over the floor.

He searched again unwillingly, not even leaving any corner of the treasure house, but in the end he still found nothing.

"Sure enough, it's not easy to make a fortune."

"Let's go back and develop the territory honestly..."

Lin Yi adjusted his lost mood and prepared to leave the treasure house.

He was a little disappointed that he couldn't find the "legacy" of the Elf Empire, but it was not so difficult to accept. The old tree had reminded him earlier, and he was mentally prepared.

But at this moment.

Lin Yi suddenly found that there were some stars in front of him at some point.

There was no fluctuation of magic in those stars.

He touched it with the magic wand in his hand, but it passed through directly, as if it was an illusory thing.

Gradually, more and more starlight appeared around him, all coming from the ground under his feet.

Rising from the ground, floating in the air.

"What is that?"

Lin Yi was confused, and his body honestly leaned towards the stone gate.

If there was any abnormality, he would immediately run for his life.

A moment later, under Lin Yi's extremely surprised gaze, the starlight floating in the air began to merge with each other, and gradually revealed a series of illusory figures.

Those figures included beautiful and pure elves and tree people as tall as tens of meters.

There were colorful fairy dragons and snow-white unicorns.

There were also giant birds burning with golden flames.

"That giant bird..."

"It should be the Phoenix Guard mentioned by the old tree."

"It is also an intelligent race belonging to the elf camp, with super strong combat power!"

Lin Yi took a deep breath, the scene in front of him was too fantastic.

As time passed, more and more figures appeared, and they were all from the elf camp. He also saw elf dragons, forest giants, elemental elves, flower elves...

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