Outrageous! He became the Elf King at the beginning

Chapter 158 Naga Queen Melinda! The terrified Naga tribe! Will they die if they surrender? (Subscrib

"Your Majesty the Elf King!"

The Naga said in a trembling voice: "Is this war really unavoidable? We summoned the Warcraft families and evil forces in the forest just to protect ourselves."

"You can protect yourself, but you will die if you commit treason!"

Lin Yi's words were still calm.

But in the ears of the Naga, they seemed cold and ruthless, and even had a strong murderous intent.

She was very unwilling, but she couldn't help but feel terrified.

Especially after sensing the terrifying aura on Lin Yi, the fear became even stronger.

This sun elf is a demigod-level strongman!

And he is not a demigod for the first time.

The aura emanating from his body is no less than the demonized tree of life they guard.

Originally, she was still very confident when she came. After all, they had a demigod in charge and summoned tens of millions of troops. How could they not deal with a mere elf army of hundreds of thousands?

But now, she is not confident.

But at this time, Lin Yi said: "Go back and tell your queen that there is only one way to save the Naga clan, that is surrender!"

"I'll give you half an hour."

"My army will launch an attack in half an hour."

"Any Naga who dares to resist is the enemy of my army and will be killed without mercy!"

"Your Majesty..."

Naga lowered her head and said: "Our Naga clan is called the exiled banshee, belonging to the evil and dark camp. Even if we surrender, I'm afraid we won't have a peaceful day in the future."

Everyone knows that natural elves regard evil and dark creatures as mortal enemies.

Although natural elves love peace, they will still kill evil and dark creatures as soon as they encounter them.

In her opinion, the natural elves under Lin Yi will never coexist peacefully with their Naga clan. Even if they bow their heads now, they will be liquidated one day in the future.

Lin Yi said: "It depends on whether you, the Naga clan, are really willing to surrender."


Naga hesitated.

At this moment, she saw Qing Yao standing in the crowd.

The reason why she paid attention to Qing Yao at a glance was that among all the women, only Qing Yao exuded an evil aura and a strong smell of blood.

Then, she noticed Sera and Daphne standing in the crowd.

Her focus had always been on Lin Yi before.

Now, after seeing all the women, her fear deepened a bit.

In addition to Lin Yi, the sun elf, there were In addition, there are two demigods, one of whom is the Medusa from Tianma Lake.

She also met Medusa Daphne.

That was more than ten years ago.

Daphne once came to the Naga clan and discussed the mysteries of the law with the demonized tree of life they guarded.

But I didn't expect that this Medusa would also join the Elf King. It seems that Tianma Lake has also undergone drastic changes.

Things are a bit troublesome!

Three demigod-level strongmen, what can the Naga clan do to resist?

It is possible that their sacred trees will be uprooted.

"I understand, Your Majesty the Elf King!"

Naga hurriedly stood up and said, "I will go back and convey your words to the Queen of my clan."

Lin Yi nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Naga did not dare to hesitate and immediately flew towards the dense forest behind.

Until her figure completely disappeared, Sera spoke: "Your Majesty is merciful, and the Naga clan may also have the hope of inheritance. "

Lin Yi said: "After all, they have the blood of natural elves, and their ancestors have indeed made contributions to the Elf Empire. It is not a bad idea to give them a chance to inherit."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Sera complimented.

The ancestors of the Naga were indeed eroded by the evil power of the abyss of the demons in the war that year, and then they became what they are now.

The blood of the later generations has been blessed by their ancestors.

It is normal for His Majesty the Elf King to give them a chance.

Of course, it depends on whether the Naga can seize this opportunity.

If they are turned away, their Elf King will probably not show mercy.

The Lizardman Kingdom, which is also an evil race, was killed by their Majesty from top to bottom, and even the corpses were used to transform into undead creatures.

The reason why the Naga clan still has a chance...

It's really just for the face of their ancestors.

If they don't know the times, they will still have only one way to go.

Sera saw it a long time ago that their Majesty was better than the Sun Elf King of the year. Arthas is much more cruel and ruthless.

In the era of the Elf Empire, the Sun Elf King Arthas tolerated all races and gave those evil intelligent races the opportunity to reproduce and inherit, without killing them all.

But their Majesty...

When dealing with the races he likes, he will only give two choices, surrender or kill them until they surrender.

As for other races that he doesn't like, there is no chance for them to surrender.

For some reason, Sera always has an inexplicable feeling that their Elf King always seems to look down on all races in the world with a detached look, and often does things unconventionally.

Take Lin Yi's transformation of her and the octopus monster Bazelt into corpse wizards, for example. This behavior cannot be judged by common sense.

If it was the Sun Elf King Arthas back then...

How could he do such a thing?

The center of the dense forest.

Not far from the demonized tree of life, there stands a wooden hall.

Dozens of Nagas gather in the hall.

All of them are powerful saints.

All of these Nagas are mature and plump, with delicate faces, and with their dark blue snake tails, they have a strange dark beauty.

A Naga is also sitting on the throne at the top of the hall.

She is wearing a lavender gauze dress, and her exquisite body is looming, which makes her look extremely charming and seductive. She is the ruler of the Naga clan - Queen Melinda.

"Your Majesty, the elf army has gathered outside our territory."

"Should we immediately notify those monster families and evil forces and prepare for war?"

"It doesn't matter whether we notify them or not."

The Naga Queen Melinda said indifferently: "They are more informed than us. They have already started preparing when the elf army was still a hundred miles away."

A Naga elder said: "When the war starts, we can let those guys rush to the front and use the power of the elf army to kill them all."

"Once they are destroyed, this demonized forest will belong to our Naga clan again!"

"That's right!"

The other Naga elders present also agreed.

They have been waiting for the opportunity to eliminate those evil forces.

This is not an internal fight.

They just want to take back what originally belonged to them.

A long time ago, there was no so-called demonized forest in this area.

It was the ancestors of their Naga clan who planted the seeds of the Tree of Life here.

As the seeds gradually grew into the demonized Tree of Life, dense forests appeared around them.

At the beginning, this place belonged exclusively to their Naga clan.

However, as the area of ​​the forest continued to expand, monsters and other evil races and forces were born one after another, and other evil races and forces migrated in.

At that time, their Naga clan had fought many wars with monsters and evil forces that invaded their territory.

The number of sacrificed tribesmen was too many to count.

However, as the war continued, and more and more monsters and evil forces appeared, their Naga clan could no longer hold on.

In the end, they were forced to give in.

They handed over the outer territory.

Until now...

Their Naga clan only occupied a piece of land with a diameter of about 1,000 kilometers in the center of the demonized forest, and most of the other areas fell into the hands of monsters and alien races.

For this, the Naga clan has been resentful for a long time.

Now they finally have an opportunity to eliminate those demon families and evil forces in one fell swoop, and they naturally have to seize it firmly. As long as they succeed, this demonized forest will belong exclusively to their Naga clan.

At this time.

A figure quickly entered the hall.

It was the Naga who went to "negotiate" with the elf army.

"Elder Darcy!"

Queen Melinda on the throne sat up straight and asked, "What did the elf army say? Are they willing to agree to our conditions and cooperate with us?"

The Naga named Darcy shook her head.

Seeing this, Queen Melinda sighed secretly, and gritted her teeth and said, "It's normal for those elves not to agree. I have been mentally prepared. In this case, we can only fight them to the death!"

Elder Darcy's mouth twitched, and then said, "Your Majesty, it's not that they didn't agree to our conditions, but... but I didn't have the chance to say it."

Queen Melinda frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

The Naga elders in the hall also looked at Elder Darcy in confusion.

Elder Darcy is also one of the top five elders of their Naga clan. He has the strength of the peak of the Saint Rank, and he has always been steady in doing things. Why is he so unreliable this time?

He went out to negotiate, but he came back without even mentioning the conditions they prepared.

What kind of judgment is this?

Elder Darcy took a deep breath and said, "Your Majesty, I saw the Sun Elf King!"

Queen Melinda was stunned.

"Elder Darcy, we are talking about business now, don't joke. The Sun Elf King Arthas has passed away for thousands of years!"

Elder Darcy said, "Your Majesty, I am not talking about His Majesty Arthas, but the Sun Elf King of this era. He is the behind-the-scenes leader of the elf army."

"His level has reached the demigod level."

"And it feels to me that his strength seems to be stronger than the sacred tree!"

"There are two demigods around him, one of whom is Queen Medusa Daphne who lives in Tianma Lake..."

"This is impossible!"

Queen Melinda could no longer remain calm.

She stood up from the throne in an instant.

Dozens of Naga elders in the hall were also horrified, as if they had seen a ghost.

There was actually a sun elf in this era?

Moreover, he appeared right in front of them, and even led the elf army to attack them. They were really unlucky.

Elder Darcy smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, I saw it with my own eyes, and I dare not lie."

Melinda sat back on the throne in a daze.

She was certainly not doubting Elder Darcy.

A Saint-level peak strongman would not be so blind that he could even mistake the Sun Elves.

What's more, the Sun Elves are the only male elves.

Elder Darcy could not be confused about men and women.

She was just too surprised, and at the same time she was terrified.

A demigod-level sun elf, plus two demigod-level strongmen, that's three demigods. Although their Naga tribe is protected by the sacred tree, it is hard to guarantee that they will not be razed to the ground.

No wonder Elder Dashi returned to the territory without even putting forward the conditions for negotiation.

In this situation, she couldn't say anything.

The negotiation conditions drawn up by their Naga tribe were based on their confidence in defeating the elf army, but the current situation is the opposite.

"Your Majesty, what should we do?"

A Naga elder said worriedly: "Three demigods, the sacred tree may not be able to resist."

Naga Queen Melinda looked at Elder Darcy and said in a low voice: "Elder Darcy, what does the sun elf mean?"

Elder Darcy said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, he only gave us half an hour to consider whether to surrender or fight to the death. In half an hour, the elf army will launch an attack."


Naga Queen Melinda sneered.

She said: "Our Naga clan has long belonged to the evil and dark camp. Even if we surrender now to save ourselves for a while, we will be wiped out by him in the future."

"That's not necessarily true!"

Elder Darcy spoke after a moment of silence.

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