Chapter 384

The vehicle was driving in dense fog, surrounded by shadowy dead wood limbs.

The road surface is covered with gravel and dust. Obviously, no vehicles or pedestrians have passed here for a long time. The surroundings were quiet, except for the roar of the engine and the sound of wheels rolling on the gravel, only the occasional sound of insects and birds.

Alice looked around through the car window, her tone uneasy: “The atmosphere is so depressing… It feels like a scene often seen in horror movies.”

“That’s because most of the similar movie scenes are taken in the earthly swamp, of course, I look familiar.” As a former actor Jesse explained.

Heather drove the Thunderbolt, and Tifa was sitting in the back seat with his waist. Neither [Seen, Hear, nor [Circle] noticed any suspicious sounds or breaths.

That demon wolf is very vigilant, so why didn’t even Midgar’s python attack? Is this still a worldly marsh known for its dangers? Heather felt like he was out in the spring.

At the beginning, all the strange sense of peeping disappeared. Except for the foggy smell and the unpleasant smell, the world swamp seemed like a paradise without any dispute.

After driving for another twenty minutes, the surrounding fog gradually dissipated, and the mud swamps on both sides of the road gradually turned into solid rock.

“Is that here? This is really the earthly swamp where Midgar’s python is entrenched?” Jesse looked incredulous. She had heard the terrible rumors of the earthly swamp in the troupe.

Bullet hugged his arms and nodded pretentiously: “It seems that those Midgar pythons are also afraid of our avalanche! Hmm!”

“No, someone took the lead in solving these problems for us.”

With that, Heather pointed forward.

On the side of the road ahead is a solid rocky mountain range, surrounded by many dead giant trees. On the tall and huge dead branches, there are many weird giant pythons with unusually large bodies hanging upside down. This giant python has a deformed unicorn on its head, and its mouth structure is different from ordinary pythons. You can see dense whites from a distance. The teeth are sharp, and the scales on the body surface are said to be difficult for bullets to penetrate.

But it was such a powerful giant python, all with deep knife marks that almost cut it off, and the stench of blood dyed the earth and dead wood red. These giant pythons either hung upside down on the tree, or were chopped into several pieces and scattered on the ground, rendering this dry forest into a blood-red corpse snake forest.

Ale screamed with fright, and Old Bill covered her eyes, his beard trembling constantly.

Yuffi and Alice on Heather’s side were also pale, because the sight in front of them was too shocking.

“This kind of stab wound… It’s Sephiroth!” Claude said affirmatively. No one in this world except Heather and Sephiroth could slash such a terrible slash.

Heather slightly estimated: “About fifteen Midgar pythons were beheaded here. The largest body was 42 meters long. It seems that this level of beasts can no longer stop Sephiroth’s pace. . But it’s good, at least it is confirmed that our path of travel is consistent with his.”

“Indeed, just keep pursuing this route.” Claude nodded.

At this moment, Heather suddenly raised his hand to signal everyone to stop: “Um…I found the goal of this trip.”

Following his gaze, everyone found that there were black shadows swaying next to those giant python corpses, and countless green light spots were swaying. Then a calf-shaped demon wolf slowly came out with the flesh and blood of a giant python in its mouth, staring at Heather and his group.

Bullet’s left hand held the arm-mounted rotating machine gun on his right arm: “These cunning beasts, after Sephiroth killed the python, they sneaked over and swallowed the python corpse, but obviously our fresh flesh and blood are more in line with their taste.”

“Perhaps they also know how to store food? More food is always good.” Alice tilted her head and offered her own opinion.

“It doesn’t matter what the reason is, am I the only one who found that they blocked all the way?” Yu Fei yelled in horror.

I don’t know when, there are demon wolves everywhere, and there are more than three hundred demon wolves in the mountains and plains.

Heather looked around leisurely, with a nostalgic tone: “Ah, it reminds me of the night I met Bullet and Jesse. There were not as many magic wolves that night.”

“When I think about it, I thought that Tifa was a wife who was forcibly taken as his own by Heather. Now that I think about it, it doesn’t make much difference.” Jesse directed the red comet to get off the truck. While joking.

Tifa blushed: “Jesse! Don’t talk nonsense!”

“That’s right, don’t talk nonsense, Jesse,” said Alice, who was checking the magic spar inlaid on the metal wand.

“This time I won’t sit and wait like I did at the time.” Bullet laughed and raised his arm machine gun, aiming at the demon wolves that were approaching in front of him.

“Once and for all?” Claude held the hilt behind his sword and looked at Heather.


Heather turned into a golden cross sword in his hand, with a relaxed tone. To deal with such a low-level magic wolf, there is no need to use powerful weapons such as “Narakawa” and “Mera-mera Fruit”.

Only the newly-joined Yu Fei grasped the huge cross shuriken anxiously: “Really, do you really want to fight? The number is a bit poor, right?”

“Get in the car if you’re scared.” Heather didn’t bother to continue talking nonsense with her.

“Who, who’s afraid! I’m the beautiful girl ninja Yuffi-sama!” Being excited by Heather, Yuffi was not so scared.

The crowd gathered the old Bill’s truck in the center, all ready to go.

There was a mournful howling of wolves in the distance, and all the magic wolves seemed to have heard the instructions, and they all rushed towards the convoy at the same time.

“That’s right, let me experience the feeling of Mowing Wushuang too!”

Heather laughed and threw the absolute crown in his hand. The golden cross sword turned into a streamer and instantly blasted the demon wolf closest to it into pieces of meat, and then the second, the third…After smashing eleven demon wolves, it suddenly stopped the castration. Heather shook hands tightly with the thin golden chain connected to the end of the distant sword hilt and swayed horizontally, and the absolute kingship immediately turned into a terrifying sickle blade and launched a large-scale sweep and slash at the magic wolves.

In the distance, Alice’s high-level magic [Big Thunderbolt] bombarded the wolves one after another, exploding the broken limbs, and the smell of burnt meat permeated. And Bullet and the red comet formed a dense firepower network. The bullet storm forced the wolves ahead to be unable to approach at all, and the flying bullet shells kept hitting the road ground.

Even if a powerful elite demon wolf breaks through the bullet rain and rushes nearby, it will be divided into two by Claude’s epee, or be blasted into icy debris by Tifa’s heavy fist. Their duty is to protect the long range. Department of teammates.

Yuffi jumped to the top of the truck, and the huge cross shuriken she threw forcefully turned into a whirlwind of death, constantly harvesting the magic wolves who tried to attack the truck. The throwing technique of the giant cross shuriken is very clever, and it will always return to Yuffi’s hand after a graceful arc.

When the battle situation was stalemate, the lonely wolf howl sounded again, but this time it was obviously much closer.

The Demon Wolf King is going to go out himself.

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