Chapter 379

The town of Cam is about 85 kilometers from Midgar, and a wide road connects the two places.

At the beginning, there was a complete desert around the highway, and there was no existence that could be called ‘plant’ at all. Occasionally, there were living creatures moving and hungry monsters staring at it.

Perhaps the war golem [red comet] loaded on a truck looks quite deterrent. Even if the monsters are very hungry, they just stand still by the roadside and have no intention of attacking.

The farther away from Midgar Wilderness, the better the weather and environment.

When approaching near the town of Kam, not only did the clouds in the sky become normal, but some grasses could even be seen near the huge magic tunnel.

As a transit station and a mining town for the transportation of magic trees, the residential houses in Kam Town are not as large and larger as the Shinra factory and the magic furnace. The architectural style is very similar to the 18th century British suburban style of the original Heather world. Of course, the level of mess is about the same.

The supply operations in Kam Town were not affected in any way. The seventh heaven’s money was usually kept by Tifa. With Heather’s permission, the entire team shared this huge amount of money, so whether it was energy supplies or food, weapons, and ammunition supplements. It’s all right.

What makes the group feel weird is the attitude of the people in the town.

It seems that everyone is wearing a fake mask, and everything he has gone through is the praise of the Shinra Company and Mozhuang Energy, as if anyone who dares to disobey the Shinra is a sinner. Naturally, the avalanche organization that rebelled against the Shinra Corporation was also judged by them as [idiots] and [fanatics].

Had it not been for Heather and Claude, Bullet really planned to pick up the metal revolving machine gun on the spot and give those guys who ranted a ‘head for a blow’.

After replenishing the supplies, Heather and others did not stay in the town much, but drove away from the town under the strange eyes of the townspeople and marched to the east.

If you want to go to Zhunong, you must either take the Shenluo special freight train directly from Midgar, or enter the Mithril Mine from the swamp southeast of Kam Town in the ranch area, and then pass through the mine to reach the Zhunong area.

Above the wilderness, several open hoods stood leaning on the hillside, trucks and motorcycles were parked aside, and the war golem [Red Comet], which had recharged its energy, was meticulously performing alert missions around the camp after receiving instructions from Jesse.

The tents were erected around the bonfire, and a group of people sat in front of the bonfire, with the red light reflecting on everyone’s face.

“It’s been a long night…”

Jesse put on a coat and sat next to Crowder, and yawned: “If it is written as a novel, there must be at least 50,000 words of plot tonight, right? I’m sleepy, squint a little…”

Claude fiddled with the fire with a wooden stick and felt Jesse leaning on his shoulder. He adjusted his posture to make Jesse leaning more comfortable, and then looked at Heather: “The townspeople of Kam Town have no attitude. Too right, is it because of pressure from Shinra?”

“Previously, Kam Town relied on the mineral resources of the Mithril Mine Caves to be not too bad, but Kam Town has been completely held in the palm of the hand by Shinra after Shinra established the magic furnace in Kam Town.”

Heather was sorting the magic spar in the box, and said without looking up:

“The main source of energy is the Shinra Master, and the young people in the town are increasingly giving up the ancestral mining industry and turning to the Shinra army or the maintenance of the magic furnace. After all, Kam Town can’t be better. It is just a microcosm of many small towns destroyed by the magic furnace. In comparison, they are considered lucky. Some towns and villages have even been wiped out by Shinra. No one mentions them or keeps their memories, and disappears completely. In the long history.”

Tifa, who was sitting next to him, lowered his head slightly. She and Claude’s hometown, Nibelheim, is a living example.

On the other side, Bullet also remained silent. His hometown of Kelei was also completely wiped out because of Shinra. Only he and Marlene survived.

With his head tilted and leaning on Crowder’s shoulder, Jesse rolled his eyes and said, “The topic is too heavy! Let’s change to a lighter one? Heather, I didn’t expect you and Tifa’s seventh heaven to make money like this. ?”

I don’t know, when they were in Cam Town, everyone got together to raise money and wanted to buy some supplies. Bullet and Claude are completely paupers at all. Alice’s pocket money is usually earned by working in restaurants or selling flowers, and the total amount is only more than three thousand GIL. Jessie has some money but less than 10,000 GIL. If you want to buy a full supply, everyone will have to drink Northwest Wind.

Then, the rich woman appeared.

Tifa almost blinded everyone when she took out her Thunder Wolf Dragon wallet that she had sewn. It was a total of 240,000 GIL, which was only the working capital of Seventh Heaven this month. After Heather made the decision, the funds were shared by the whole team. But considering that other people are either unskilled boys or girls or old fritters who spend money, the small vault is left to Tifa for custody in the end.

Hearing Jesse’s joking, Heather glanced at her lazily and said: “If you don’t usually go to Bafan Street to buy those useless garbage, you can also save money.”

“I am not the same. I am responsible for the maintenance and development of the weapons and equipment of the Avalanche Division. The so-called “junk” can become very useful parts as long as you repair and repair or remove the discarded parts. They can even be sold. What about the money! Claude, let me tell you, I made all the water purification devices in the slums of Qifan Street!” As he said that, Jesse turned his head and asked her boyfriend for credit.

Crowder showed a surprised expression very cooperatively, and he didn’t know if he was really surprised or if he had an emotional intelligence to coax his girlfriend.

Beside, Alice finally smeared all the slices of bread with a thick layer of strawberry jam, and handed them to everyone diligently. Everyone thanked them and took the bread and ate it.

When they first arrived in Camtown, they knocked on the door of the bakery in the middle of the night and bought all the cold bread left over by the store for their own consumption during the day. The bargaining expert Heather also took away the Big Four. Jar of homemade strawberry jam.

Although the bread was completely cold and the edges were a bit hard to eat, it was still a very delicious meal for everyone who made a fuss about the Shinra headquarters and then fled overnight.

“Brother, are you going to the world swamp next? What about the truck?” Tifa looked at his beloved pickup truck with some worry.

“In fact, Shinra also built a road near the swamp, but due to some objective reasons, this road was abandoned when it was built. Um… a lot of jam?”

Heather took a bite of the bread, and the corners of his mouth suddenly got a lot of red jam. The jam on this piece of bread in his hand is obviously much more than other people’s. It seems that it comes from the sincere care of the apprentice.

“Abandoned? Isn’t it still useless?” Bullet also doesn’t want to give up trucks and motorcycles. With these transportation tools, a lot of things can be saved.

Heather shook his finger: “Abandonment does not mean that the highway is damaged. I said it is because of some objective reasons. And this objective reason is not a problem for me, but we need to go to the land in the pasture area first. Bird House.”

Chocobo? Others subconsciously turned their gazes to Claude, who was confused.

There is no other reason, Claude’s hairstyle and hair color are too similar to Chocobo.

Bullet frantically scratched his hair: “Heather, don’t sell it, what are you doing at Chocobo House?”

“Some chocobos can fly long distances if they are properly bred. I need to get a high-quality chocobo.”

Heather smiled: “And if we are going to the Western Continent, then the Kingdee Playground is a must pass. There is a chocobo contest, and you must have your own chocobos to participate in the competition. Looking at the entire Eastern Continent, only Chocobos at Chocobo House have the best breeding level.”

“The prizes in the competition are great?” Tifa knew Heather too well. Her brother is a typical profit-oriented. If there are no good things in that chocobo competition, the brother would not be interested.

“The Chocobo Contest is just the [process] of what I want. My ultimate goal is to cultivate the strongest golden chocobo. Because the thing I want can only be obtained through this method.”

From the beginning, Heather did not intend to leave the precious recast magic spar quota to relatively ordinary summoning stones such as Shiva or Ifrit. Even the Dragon God and Water God are only in his alternative consideration. within.

He had only one goal at the beginning, and that was the strongest summoned beast in FF7-[Knights of the Round Table].

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