Our Mommy is the Best Investigator!

Chapter 96: owe each other

  Chapter 96

   Several people hurriedly got out of the carriage to investigate the situation, only to see that a pile of rocks blocked their way ahead.

  It was originally a small path with nine twists and eighteen bends. It was blocked by this huge boulder, and there was no way to go around it.

   But taking a closer look, Chu Nanzhi immediately noticed that the piled stones were not rolled down from the mountain, but seemed to be piled up deliberately by someone.

  She immediately raised her vigilance, feeling a bad premonition in her heart.

"Be careful."

  Just after reminding everyone, a group of masked men emerged from the dense forest and surrounded several people.

  Guan Erbai clenched the saber in his waist and slowly pulled it out of the sheath, while angrily angrily shouting at the big man in black: "Where did the unscrupulous people come from, how dare they attack the county office?"

  The group of men in black kept silent with each other, staring at each other, revealing a pair of dark eyes as deep as a cold pool, ferocious and terrifying.

  Chu Nanzhi whispered to Li Sanmu and Guan Erbai: "They dare to choose to fight in this barren mountain and wild forest, so they are naturally well prepared."

  After hearing this, Li Sanmu looked at her petite body, and became a little worried: "Sister-in-law, take Mrs. Xiaofen to the carriage for a while, otherwise I might not be able to protect you in a fight later."

   "No need."

  Chu Nanzhi fixed her eyes on the man in black who was ready to go, and said carefully: "You just need to protect Xiaofen and the old man."

   As soon as the words fell, three strong men rushed up first.

Taking advantage of the fact that the man in black still didn't know his details, Chu Nanzhi took a step towards the middle of the three of them, using his nimble body skills to get behind the tall and thin man in the middle, and grabbed the tall and thin man directly from behind He came over with his hands behind his back and fell on all fours, hitting his heart on a boulder.

  Caught off guard by such a violent fall, the tall and thin man lay on the ground grinning in pain and rolling over.

  Li Sanmu and Guan Erbai were shocked, they never expected this woman to have such ingenuity.

Although the five men in black who hadn't moved could not understand her strange moves, they knocked down a teammate with just one move, and they didn't dare to be careless anymore. They looked at each other and cursed: "This **** has skills!" .”

"Go together."

  With a shout, the other seven men in black rushed over.

  Li Sanmu pushed Xiaofen into the carriage, and fought with Guan Erbai at the same time.

  Seeing this scene, the groom was so frightened that he hid directly under the carriage.

  In the middle of the valley, there was a flash of swords and swords, and the seven strong men became more cautious after suffering the loss just now. When they started fighting, Chu Nanzhi realized that there was no gain at all, and could only groan inwardly.

  With the physical strength of her previous life, it would not be a problem for her to fight one against three of these people, but the original owner's body is too weak, and she can only use her fighting skills to resist the opponent's attack.

As light as a swallow, she shuttled through the enemy group for a while, and seeing the two big men rushing towards them, she quickly picked up the long knife on the ground and slashed at the person on the left. Chichi" blunt sound.

  Seeing this, the other person took advantage of his unpreparedness and rushed straight to her side. Just as the knife edge was pressed down, Guan Erbai suddenly blocked it with his body.

  The blade slashed across, and a **** was forcibly cut on his back.

   "Guan Langjun."

  Chu Nanzhi shouted in shock.

   "Miss Chu, be careful"

  Guan Erbai endured the severe pain, and tremblingly went to cover the wound.

Chu Nanzhi gritted her teeth in anger, and first deliberately slashed at the side of the big man who was rushing towards him. The man just escaped the knife and was secretly rejoicing, but Chu Nanzhi kicked him in the crotch with all his strength, and the man was in pain. Immediately fell to his knees, without the strength to resist.

  Seeing that Guan Erbai was wounded and unable to fight anymore, Chu Nanzhi's clear eyes began to reveal a terrifying murderous intent.

   It was too late to say it, but she clenched the long knife and slashed at the face of the man in black who was still stunned and stunned beside her. The murderous intent was revealed, and the man fell to the ground and died.

  One died and two were injured. Although the three were dealt with, Chu Nanzhi gradually realized that her body was a little weak and weak.

  Just as she was helping Guan Erbai to approach the carriage, another three men in black rushed up aggressively.

  She carefully placed Guan Erbai next to the carriage and sat down, then lifted the long knife again and looked at the three of them angrily. The violent breath scattered all over her body, making her vibrate again, full of strength.

  Suddenly, there was the sound of horseshoes galloping in the dense forest, and a group of people stopped their hands in panic, their eyes stared straight at the place where the sound of horseshoes came from.

   Not long after, I saw two men in green clothes galloping towards them. When they arrived at the fighting place, they tightened the reins of their horses and stopped in the crowd.

  The men in black looked at each other eagerly, and it was unclear why for a while.

  Chu Nanzhi and Li Sanmu also retreated to the carriage warily, unable to tell whether the person coming was an enemy or a friend.

The leader was a handsome gentleman, looking at the strange eyes at his feet, his face became awkward, and he explained with a smile: "Ben, I was passing by here, I didn't want to disturb everyone, so I left, I'm really sorry, everyone Go on, everyone go on, don't bother."

  After hearing this, the man in black calmed down and shouted impatiently at the man on the horse: "You're looking for death, get out of here."

  Hearing the scolding, Mr. Qiao Lang, who was about to leave, suddenly darkened his face and said sharply: "What I hate the most in my life is bullying the few with the more."

  Paused, he looked closely at Chu Nanzhi, blinked seductively, and said with an evil smile: "Especially bullying beautiful ladies like flowers and jade."

  Chu Nanzhi was taken aback by his malicious eyes, and quickly avoided those aggressive eyes.

   While hesitating, he saw that the two men had dismounted from their horses, and rushed straight towards the group of men in black without hesitation.

  Looking at the skills of these two people, their moves were fierce and vicious, and they did not leave any room for attack. Wherever the light of the knife touched, the man in black would be killed directly, which made Chu Nanzhi feel terrified.

   In the blink of an eye, the five men in black were all eliminated by the two.

Seeing the pretty man pointing his shining long sword at the two men in black who were no longer able to bind chickens, Chu Nanzhi hurried up in a hurry and stopped her loudly: "Mr. people."

  Hearing the shout, the handsome man turned his head hesitantly, his face was full of confusion: "These people want to kill you, and you want to spare their lives?"

  Chu Nanzhi didn't hide it, and explained bluntly: "Thank you for saving my life, Mr. Lang, but I still have some use for keeping these two people, and I ask Mr. Lang to hand them over to me."

   "It's not impossible."

The handsome man looked at several people seriously, and was quite curious about this woman with a better face but dressed in plain clothes. Just now he saw that she was able to maneuver among several strong men with a thin body, which was not like an ordinary woman. peasant woman.

Quietly observing the calm and capable woman, he asked meaningfully: "This is in the wilderness, I don't know what you are talking about, little lady, you brought two servants here, if you tell Ben. I will give the lives of these two dogs to you."

  Chu Nanzhi saw that he was slurring his speech, always stammering when he spoke, which was in stark contrast to his vigorous figure, and he was afraid that he had some kind of disease.

   What a pity.

  Although she felt a little sympathetic, she couldn't reveal her whereabouts. She shook her head resolutely: "If Mr. Lang has other requests, I will do my best to thank you, but I have nothing to say about this matter."

   "That's fine."

  Jun Qiaolang suddenly came close to her ear, stopped stuttering, and whispered in a low and charming voice: "I saved you anyway, why don't you promise me with your body, so that I can spare the lives of these two people."


  Hearing that his words were full of provocation and frivolity, Chu Nanzhi could not help but raise a sullen look between his brows.

   Didn't expect him to be a shameless apprentice, so she didn't need to be polite, she answered him playfully: "It's not a big deal to make a promise with your body, but I don't know if Mr. Wang is willing to accept buy one get four free?"

   "Buy one get four free?"

Mr. Qiao Lang frowned in astonishment, and smiled with a stiff expression: "Little lady, this gift is too big. My family is poor, so how can I support five ladies? Since my little lady is not so sincere, then I won't do it." Forced."

Before everyone noticed, he raised his eyebrows and stabbed at the horse beside Chu Nanzhi with his sword, and then blinked his malicious eyes: "But I don't like being owed debts, why don't you use a A horse is worth the lives of two dogs, we owe each other nothing, so let’s say goodbye.”

  This coquettish operation almost stunned Chu Nanzhi and Li Sanmu.

  Grandma has a leg, what does this mean?

  (end of this chapter)

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