Our Mommy is the Best Investigator!

Chapter 65: Familiar and Strange Daughter

  Chapter 65 Familiar yet Strange Daughter

  Liu Shuyang watched the crowd quietly, only to see that his mother-in-law, who usually defended him the most, was silent at this moment, not daring to speak, and suddenly fell into a panic.

  He looked at Chu Nanzhu again, and earnestly begged:



  Chu Nanzhu also had a cold face, and finally buried his head directly.

  Seeing that the whole family ignored him, he had no choice but to look at Chu Muci in her arms pitifully, and complained bitterly:

   "Ci'er, look, I'm your own father, they're going to drive your own father out today, and you won't have a father in the future."

  Xiao Muci opened his round eyes, stretched out his immature hands and pulled his cheeks around, babbling and babbling, "Ah, dad."

  Liu Shuyang heard the sound of "Daddy" and suddenly burst into tears, staring at the two old people with teary eyes, and burst into tears:

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, I'm Ci'er's real father. Don't you really have the heart to say that Ci'er will never have a father? In the future, you will have to rely on me to continue the incense of the Chu family. The elder sister married out alone. It's fine to live without worry at home, and let her father-in-law and mother-in-law worry about her many times, how can she have the face to scold me now."

  Liu Yun couldn't bear to hear it, and was about to persuade, Chu Wenbi gritted his teeth and slammed his cane to the ground: "You are so virtuous now, it's better not to have you as a father."

  Chu Nanzhu felt uncomfortable, but then he started to sob silently.

  Liu Shuyang was extremely desperate, and looked at Chu Nanzhi with resentment in his eyes. Looking at the woman with sharp and murderous eyes, he couldn't help but shuddered in his heart, and quickly shrank his head, not daring to look at her again.

  But the woman in front of her still looks like the crazy elder sister from before.

  He was suddenly filled with fear.

  Leaving this home, he has no other place to go.

   But if he chopped off his hands, he would be afraid of pain, let alone become a useless person.

  No one in this family is willing to really understand him, let alone talk to him calmly, and will always treat him as a humble and useless son-in-law.

  He was sad and desperate.

   But he didn't want to admit defeat.

  Being bored, his body suddenly went limp, and he sat down on the ground. He mustered up the courage to stare blankly at Chu Nanzhi, and begged:

   "Sister, do you really want to be so cruel, Ci'er can't live without a father."

  Chu Nanzhi is like a sculpture, continuing to maintain a cold and serious expression: "Yes, if there is a choice, which child wants to leave his parents after birth, but what can you give him by staying at this home?"

  She had already made up her mind that if this son-in-law couldn't show the most sincere attitude today, she would definitely not dare to give him another chance to repent.

  Hearing these words, Liu Shuyang's heartbroken body trembled suddenly, and he said loudly:

"I'll change it, I'll change it, I promise I will never gamble again in the future, give me one more chance, big sister, if I do something harmful to the Chu family again, let alone chopping my hands, you will kill me to pieces. I also admit it."

  Chu Nanzhi couldn't believe it, her pupils were sharp, and she looked at him like a knife: "In my impression, you didn't say these words once or twice, how can you tell me to believe you?"

  Liu Shuyang's face was ashen, and he went limp again. He said helplessly, "Then how can you trust me, elder sister? Do you have to chop off my hands before you give up?"

  Liu Yun frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy all the time, just about to get up again, Chu Nanzhi hurried over and stopped her:

   "Mother, stop protecting him. Do you want to see that one day the third sister will die and live in front of you?"

  After hearing this, Liu Yun shook her head resentfully, and sighed helplessly.

  Chu Nanzhi turned back to Liu Shuyang, still expressionless, eyes stained with frost:

"I can give you another chance, but you hear me clearly, there is only one chance, I am not a father or a mother, if I go crazy, you know, no one can cure me, then what I want is not you Hands are so easy."

  Liu Shuyang looked at her ferocious and terrifying face, and asked frightenedly: "Sister, tell me, tell me, I will definitely do it."

   "Write down word for word what you just promised."

  Chu Nanzhi said briefly.

  Liu Shuyang scrambled to find a pen and paper to write a letter of guarantee.

  Chu Wenbi held his crutches and sighed heavily. I really don't know if his daughter's words will have any effect.

   Now that the second daughter has reconciled, it is impossible to really drive this son-in-law out of the house and leave the young child without a father.

  He was a little at a loss, and he really didn't know what to do.

  Taking advantage of Liu Shuyang's time to write the letter of guarantee, Chu Nanzhi walked up to the two old people, and said patiently:

   "Father, mother, what I said today is not to threaten Liu Shuyang. It's time to change the family style of this family. As long as the whole family works together, the lost family business will be able to earn back sooner or later."

  Chu Wenbi and Liu Yun looked at her firm eyes and nodded hesitantly.

  But both of them had a doubt in their hearts at the same time: Is this still their own daughter?

   I looked at it again from head to toe, and the appearance and voice have not changed, but the temperament is completely different.

   This is clearly their daughter.

   "Could it be that my Chu family's family business is destined not to fall like this?"

  Thinking of this, the eyes of the two collided at the same time, and then showed gratified expressions.

  The four little treasures watched the excitement for a long time, and they always felt strange:

  The villain of today acts the same way as before, because she is still fierce.

  But after thinking about it carefully, I feel that the bad woman is different from the past, because she is only fierce to others, not to them.

   They suddenly liked such a bad woman.

The second treasure, Lin Ruixi, went over to hold Chu Nanzhi with a smile, and said to Liu Yun and Chu Wenbi kindly, "Grandma, master, my aunt said that she is going to open a restaurant in the county, and she will take grandma and two aunts with her." , we can eat delicious food every day in the future.”

   "Open a restaurant?"

   Several people were surprised for a while.

  Chu Nanzhi looked at the whole family, and there was a natural smile on his face at this moment:

"Erbao is right. Now that our family's fields have been wiped out, I want to teach my mother and younger sisters the dishes I have studied, and open a smaller restaurant in the city first, so as to support them. family."

  Liu Yun nodded approvingly: "The idea is good, but how can there be so much money, you just said that you will not let you take money from your uncle's house."

   "Mom doesn't have to worry about money."

  Chu Nanzhi told the elders about the matter of earning money by settling the case, but Chu Wenbi was a little worried:

   "It would be enough to find a smaller shop for these money, but the Qi family's restaurant in the county has been in existence for many years, and you may not be able to stand up if you rush to compete like this."

Chu Nanzhi took the hand of the elders, looked at each other with warm eyes and said in relief: "Don't worry about these fathers, I have my own way. In short, you two elders will live your own life in the future, and stop caring about us like before. It's exhausting."

  Chu Wenbi stared deeply at his strange and familiar daughter, always feeling that she was still a little abnormal, and he was only suspicious of her words, full of anxiety.

   Not long after, Liu Shuyang took out the written guarantee and handed it to Chu Nanzhi.

  Chu Nanzhi looked at the neatly written letter of guarantee, and the moment she handed over the bank note to him, she smiled evilly and lowly at him:

   “Cherish the opportunity.”

   At the same time, he made a firm gesture.

  Liu Shuyang took the bank note in horror, with goosebumps all over his body, went out trembling and returned the money and sent it away to the clerk of the gambling house, and obediently handed the remaining thirty taels back to the crazy woman.

  (end of this chapter)

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