Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 71 The sky cleared up, the rain stopped, and Lao Mi felt that he was fine again!

"South China Sea, South China Sea, the Builder has reached orbit, and the radar has scanned the impact point."

"The impact point is being determined. Is it a hard rock layer?"

"The target is determined. It is a hard rock layer. Check the target and confirm it is correct!"


In the quiet space, a round cover suddenly opened on the walls of the space station circling the moon.

The military green earth-penetrating missile was thrown out suddenly.

It was very fast and soon exceeded the position of the space station.

Wait for a safe distance.


The earth-penetrating missile engine started working!

The flame spread like a phoenix spreading its wings, pushing the earth-penetrating missile into the moon.

A residual image flashed by, and a cloud of dust rose from the moon.

For a long time...

A deep pit was left on the moon.

This pit is particularly eye-catching!

"The space station immediately separated the landing capsule, released the robot, and started cleaning the cave and the surrounding area."

In the space control center, Zhang Zhaoming had an undisguised smile on his face.


The earth-penetrating missile blasted a perfect hole!

This laid a solid foundation for the lunar base.

The rest is a piece of cake!

It can be said that the lunar base is halfway to success.

Next, it's just a matter of time.


February passed quickly.

China, which has benefited from the war, has made unprecedented development.

However, the most noteworthy thing is that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology refinanced "Longxin" and secretly sent scientific and technological personnel to join the company.

Although not many people know about these secret events.

However, the achievements and actions made by Longxin Company at the end of the month directly triggered public opinion.

"Major good news! The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Longxin have jointly developed an EUA lithography machine with an accuracy of 10nm!

"Longxin EUA lithography machine has been finalized and will be mass-produced next month!

"The pain of chip shortage has finally been solved, and another industrial pearl has been broken through?

"The "heart disease" problem of domestic technology has finally been solved!

Lithography machine!

This is the pain of China's semiconductor technology for 20 years!

It was also a technology that was once blocked and even controlled by the United States.

Now, it has been easily broken through? ? ?

Because there were too many false news about lithography machines, when the news broke out, people subconsciously didn't believe it!

Because until a few months ago, an authoritative person analyzed.

It will take at least two years for China to break through the lithography machine technology!

And in the past two years, the breakthrough was only the 28nm EUA lithography machine.

Now the 10nm lithography machine has suddenly broken through after three shocking jumps. How is this possible? !

I'm afraid it's just another gimmick! ! !

However, as a photo was released, people suddenly realized that this was actually true!

The photo was taken in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In front of a container-sized lithography machine, the bosses of several major communication companies and several major wafer companies all stood together with smiles on their faces, pointing at the lithography machine.

This is half of the domestic semiconductor industry!

Now that they are all gathered together, it can only mean that-

This news is true! ! !

The photolithography technology has really made a breakthrough!

"Damn, there have been so many good news recently!"

"Since we came back from the back of the moon, various technological breakthroughs have emerged one after another! 'Deep Thoughts'"

"Great, kill ASML, damn, they dare to impose an embargo on us!"


This message came very suddenly, and everyone was caught off guard.

At the end of the last century, the argument that it was better to buy than to make wafers had an absolute upper hand.

This is also an important reason why China's semiconductor industry has been in a slump since then.

It was not until a few years ago that the US embargo woke up all those who had illusions and understood the weight of the four words "autonomy and controllability".

If you cannot be autonomous and controllable, if the enemy targets you, a piece of paper can paralyze your entire industry!

However, at that time, the gap between China and the United States was too big!

The embargo on photolithography machines even caused many domestic manufacturers to collapse!

Fortunately, they survived.

And now, this news is a shot in the arm for the semiconductor industry.

This time, the advantage is mine!

The latest chip was released within five days after the news was released.

Not only that, because it is our own lithography machine, after deducting various costs, the price of all products equipped with new chips will be reduced by another 10%!

10%, this reduction almost instantly overwhelmed similar foreign products.

Out of helplessness, they had to follow the price reduction.

This is the advantage of domestic production.

When you have it, it will force foreign monopoly manufacturers to not dare to "catch fire" in the factory, resulting in reduced production and price increases.

Because the market is there.

If you reduce production, the enemy will occupy your market!

Cheng Hua, who is buying a mobile phone, has a deep understanding of this.

Because he saw with his own eyes that a mobile phone he had originally taken a fancy to fell from the original 6999 to 5799 in just one hour.

This is almost a small cheat!

Damn it, it can be seen how much money those manufacturers usually cheat China!

"Also, it is said that domestic chips that support AI computing power have achieved a huge breakthrough, but I don't know whether it is true or not."

Cheng Hua tutted his lips, feeling emotional.

In just the past six months, it feels like a dream. They are taking off in a rocket!

This technology is so explosive that it seems unreal.

The United States, the White House, the President's Office.

Fred has not been well since the end of December. Now, seeing the message from ASMA, his face is even worse, and he is so gloomy that water is about to drip out.

Fanuo, who is sitting opposite him, is also in a state of panic.

Since the defeat and the destruction of the military myth, Western Europe has been dissatisfied with the United States and is ready to move.

At home, because they have lost the two blood bags of East Asia and the Middle East, they can't absorb blood, and various contradictions have begun to erupt, making them extremely annoyed.

"We can't go on like this. We must win back a city in technology!"

Fred's voice is low and his fists are clenched. He is like an old lion who has been driven out of his home, and he is simply gritting his teeth.

"General Fanno, how far have we progressed in the research on electromagnetic pulse weapon defense?"

"Mr. President, forgive me for being blunt, but according to the returning prisoners, the enemy's electromagnetic pulse weapon is not from the same era as ours. Our research... has made no progress."

"No progress!"

Fred's eyes were red with anger, and he hated this damn weapon to the extreme.

If it weren't for this weapon, at least during his tenure, the United States would never have fallen from grace!

Thinking of this, he clenched his fists even tighter.

"The enemy was able to defeat us because of an epoch-making weapon."

Fred muttered, his eyes were fierce, and he was thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the false accusation plan that was used to divert attention.

ITER thermonuclear fusion reactor!

His eyes suddenly lit up, and Fred said excitedly:

"I thought of it, nuclear fusion. If we can achieve controlled nuclear fusion in advance and re-bind the US dollar to energy, the future, the future still belongs to us!"

"Quick, Fanno, contact France, I will invest in ITER with all my strength, and I will also use epoch-making technology to defeat the Eastern power again!"

"Make the United States great again!"


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