Our family is in decline

Chapter 2 The old road is attacked

He raised his head and looked at the two men again. In his memory as Lance, he could clearly remember that they were the carriage guards hired by his teacher, and their mission was to escort him to the territory.

The two men who happened to match the lord at the beginning of the game were so outrageous that Lance felt as if there were two big hands behind the scenes pushing all of this.

The one in the knight's armor is the crusader Leonard, and the one in the coat is the bandit Disma.

In the background of the game, the experiences of the two people are somewhat vague. The only thing that can be determined is that they are both ruthless people who have killed countless people, but for some reason, they have embarked on the road of self-redemption, turning from murderers to protectors.

It's just that the reality is not like the game where you can always be loyal with just a click of the mouse. Whether you can keep the two of you will be the key to opening up the situation. You must know that the territory is not peaceful at all, and now they are the only cards in your hand that you can play. .

Just as Lance was thinking, an explosion sound came from nowhere and interrupted his thoughts.

"It's gunfire!" Disma, who had been napping with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and revealed his sharp eyes.

Leonard on the other side also held the long sword. Although he was still sitting, he gave people the feeling that he was about to charge.

"Bandits!" the steward in front yelled and whipped hard, trying to urge the horses to speed up so as to distance themselves from the bandits.

The stimulated horses ran wildly, and the speed of the car was accelerated amidst their fierce neighing. The bumps had reached a stage that was unbearable for ordinary people. Lance felt as if his brain was about to be shaken.

It's just that too much speed is not a good thing on this worn-out road.

Before he could react, it was as if he had hit something, and the whole car felt like it was hanging in the air. The strong jolting stopped at this moment, but the next second it hit hard again with a huge noise, and the whole car felt like it was hanging in the air. Then tilt and roll sideways.

The two people sitting opposite them instantly grabbed the seats and stabilized their bodies without being greatly affected.

But Lance hit the car uncontrollably as if he was not wearing a seat belt. He didn't wake up from the dizziness until the two of them dragged him out of the car.

"Are you OK?"

Leonard's voice came from the helmet. It was a man's deep voice, which was even duller under the influence of the helmet.


Not caring about anything else, Lance quickly stood up and took stock of the situation in front of him.

What he was worried about still happened. If the car was traveling too fast, just a small stone or pothole could fly into the sky. When it hit it, it would directly cause the axle to break. The entire car would roll over and throw all the items on the shelves to the ground. This was The original owner's belongings were only some clothes and books.

As for the butler and the horse pulling the carriage, they have long since disappeared. The butler must have run away on his horse.

The old road was overturned, and Lance felt his dead memories begin to attack him.

"The bandits will be here soon. We have to leave here quickly." Disma had already drawn out his flintlock pistol and started loading, looking at the surrounding environment with vigilant eyes to be wary of possible bandits.

"It seems there is still a long way to reach the town." Leonard looked into the distance. The old road was obscured by gloomy trees and it was not clear how far it was.

"You can't run away if you want to survive."

Lance interrupted the two people who were discussing escape, but his words were somewhat contrary to common sense.

"What do you mean?" Disma looked at him strangely, his distrust undisguised.

Although Leonard didn't say anything, the look in his eyes hidden under the helmet also showed a sense of doubt.

The attitudes of the two people have obviously changed, but if they don't get a reasonable explanation, no one will accompany him crazy.

But Lance didn't pay too much attention. If this was not an accident, he already knew what would happen next.

"Now we don't have a carriage and are not familiar with the environment. Are you sure you can avoid the bandits when we escape on foot? Once we are caught up, our physical and mental consumption will definitely be great, and the battle will only be more difficult.

So fighting is inevitable. If we want to survive, we must take the initiative in our own hands. "

"You mean you want to attack the bandits? There are only three of us."

Disma's words were actually quite polite. In fact, everyone understood that the real combat power was only two, and they had to protect Lance, a weak employer.

"No~" Lance shook his head slowly, "A real large-scale robbery cannot only have one gunshot. I estimate that the robbery along the road is only a small group of four or five people at most. As long as our tactics are reasonable, this is not a problem." Difficult matter."

With that said, Lance turned to look at Disma.

"How's your marksmanship?"

"I never miss." Disma blurted out without hesitation, obviously very confident in his shooting skills.

"I believe you." Lance nodded with a smile, then began to raise his hand and point to the surrounding environment to make arrangements.

"The tactics are simple. The woods on both sides are our natural camouflage. We lie in wait for the bandits to appear, and these goods attract them to stop.

At that time, I need you to shoot to kill the bandit's musketeer first, and then continue to reload to kill the ones you think are the most threatening. Maximize the advantage of our sneak attack and don't expose your position easily. "

As he spoke, he looked at Leonard to assign tasks.

“As soon as the gunfire rings out, I will create movement on the other side to attract the enemy’s attention, not only to buy him time to load the second bullet, but also to lure the bandits into a trap.

The armor you are wearing is too obvious to move around, so I need you to ambush in the grass and wait for them to be attracted to me to kill and cause as many casualties as possible. "

Disma originally thought that Lance's tactic was to lure the enemy away while the knight stayed to protect him, just like the employers he had encountered before.

But he never thought that this person would take the initiative to take on the responsibility of being a bait. This was equivalent to putting himself in an extremely dangerous situation and entrusting his safety to the two of them.

That long-lost trust felt strange to him. It was a feeling of blood pumping. He had forgotten the last time it appeared.

Lance didn't notice anything strange about Disma, but waited for Leonard's answer.

"No problem, the Holy Light guides me." Leonard raised his sword. His actions had shown his attitude and his willingness to carry out this dangerous mission.

Lance was relieved after hearing this. If the bandit didn't have a gunman, he would have to step over Leonard if he wanted to attack him. Therefore, the only person who really needs to face the bandit in this tactic is Leonard, but he seems to be in danger, but in fact there is not much risk. .

Less than two minutes after the car overturned, Lance took control of the situation, and then the three of them lurked in the dense forests on both sides of the road, waiting for the bandits to arrive.

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