Everyone trembled when they heard the sound, and then they saw a beautiful figure rushing into the courtyard with an angry wave.

As soon as Wang Suyue came in, she saw Eunuch Huang being held up.

Then she saw the bellyband on the hand of the accompanying eunuch.

Her face turned red, and she quickly rushed up and took off her bellyband.

But the next moment, she pinched the string with two fingers in disgust, and asked in a horrified tone: "What's going on with the wet stuff on top?"

"And these unnatural creases!"

Although Wang Suyue is not a famous detective, she can still imagine what her beloved little bellyband has been through at this time.

"Prince-in-law, that's him, right?"

Wang Suyue pinched her bellyband with a gloomy face and looked at Eunuch Huang fiercely.

Wei Chengji raised his hand and tried to stop him: "Wang Cairen, I still have to handle this matter..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Wang Suyue throwing her wet bellyband directly to the ground, then rolling up her sleeves and walking over.

"I will spare his life."

Wei Chengji stretched out his hand, and finally could only sigh.

Eunuch Huang couldn't help but panic when he saw Wang Suyue approaching him.

Everyone remembers how she beat Liang Chuchu in front of everyone last time.

Eunuch Huang is naturally the same.

At that time, Wang Suyue made two moves. Before the third move was completed, Liang Chuchu had already turned into a pig's head.

Now that Wang Suyue took action in anger, half of his life would be lost.

"Eunuch Wei, help me, help me!"

"She will beat me to death, you can't just watch!"

But Wei Chengji didn't say anything. He just turned around silently and walked out of the yard, unable to bear to look anymore.

The two accompanying eunuchs beside him had no intention of letting go, which immediately chilled Eunuch Huang.

"Let me go, you can't do this to me."

"I have made great contributions to the palace!"

"I shed my blood for my father-in-law!"

"You can't do this to me!"

"I want to see my father-in-law!"

Eunuch Huang made pitiful calls, but only Wang Suyue's iron fist was waiting for him.


"You are so talented, ah~"


When Li Xuan saw the familiar starting position, he couldn't help but widen his cat's eyes and looked at the court intently, fearing that he might miss any of it.

"Is this the complete version of 'Wang's Military Style Boxing'?"

"It's really extraordinary."

His eyes were bright and lively, like an open-minded and studious student.

A fierce general is furious and courageous.

With a set of martial arts punches, Wang Suyue displayed the demeanor of a general and a tiger girl, and the aura of a great martial artist.

With the last fierce uppercut, Wang Suyue shattered all of Eunuch Huang's teeth and scattered them all over the floor.

With Eunuch Huang half-dead, Wang Suyue also kept her promise and slowly gained momentum.

Wang Suyue snorted coldly, picked up her bellyband on the ground and left quickly.

She planned to burn this thing when she got back, and keeping it would only hurt herself.

At the same time, the information in Li Xuan's mind also changed, and the word "Mutilated" behind Wang's Military Body Fist disappeared.

[Wang's Military Boxing: 0%]

"Great, I learned another skill."

Li Xuan was overjoyed and immediately crossed his front paws and bowed his hands towards Wang Suyue's back.

"Thank you so much, Heroine, for making me a success!"

As Wang Suyue left, Wei Chengji left and returned.

He stepped forward to check on Eunuch Huang's injuries.

At this time, Eunuch Huang was simply more pig-headed than pig-headed, and it was impossible to recognize his original appearance.

Wei Chengji stood three steps away. Seeing that he was still conscious and that the injuries were mostly concentrated on his face and chest, he couldn't help but nodded.

"Wang Cairen is still very measured in his actions."

Eunuch Huang managed to raise his head and looked at Wei Chengji with confusion.

If he hadn't really run out of energy, he would definitely have put a question mark.

"Okay, now that Wang Cairen has finished punishing him, it's our turn."

When Eunuch Huang heard this, he almost fainted from fright and kept moaning "wuwuwu".

All his teeth were smashed, his face was bruised and swollen, and he couldn't even speak.

Wei Chengji grabbed Eunuch Huang's hair and said coldly: "Don't worry, because of our long-term friendship, I will naturally not take your life."

"Come here, go get some willow sticks and dip them in some water."

"There have been so many evil spirits in our Yanqu Palace recently. Xiao Huang must have been deceived as well. Let's personally help you exorcise evil spirits and avoid disasters."

"Uh huh..."

When Eunuch Huang heard this, he shook his head crazily, his eyes full of prayer.

But no matter how hard he struggled, the accompanying eunuchs already pinned him to the ground.

After a while, someone brought a three-foot-long willow tree that had just sprouted, and a basin of water.

"Xiao Huang, please be patient."

As Wei Chengji spoke, he dipped a wicker stick in some water and stood next to Eunuch Huang.

"Hey, this father-in-law of the printing house is still nostalgic for old friendship, and he only spanked his butt with such a short wicker stick."

Compared with Wang Suyue's previous explosive military fist, Wei Chengji's punishment was full of human touch.

But just when Li Xuan was thinking this, the wicker in Wei Chengji's hand suddenly blurred, leaving an afterimage.

A sharp sound like the hissing of a poisonous snake exploded, frightening Li Xuandu to the point where he immediately pulled out his airplane ears, his face full of horror.

The clothes on Eunuch Huang's buttocks exploded instantly, revealing a deep bloodstain.

The willow branches that were originally stained with water were now stained red, and the blood and water were mixed and dripping, and the dripping sound was clearly audible.


Eunuch Huang's eyes rolled back, and he let out an inhuman scream, his body trembled unconsciously, and his hands tightly grasped the ground.



After two more hits, Wei Chengji casually threw the red willow branches in his hand to others.

"Drag him away to treat his injuries, don't let him die."


Eunuch Huang was dragged away like a dead dog, leaving a red mark on the ground.

The other eunuchs who were still in the courtyard were all silent, lowering their heads and not daring to look at the eunuch in the seal room.

They all knew that everyone in Yanqu Hall was afraid of the eunuch in the seal room, but today they really saw what they were afraid of.

Especially Deng Weixian, his heart was even more shocked.

He didn't expect that the eunuch in the seal room was also a master.

He didn't even see the willow branches being swung just now.

He has been practicing martial arts for more than a month and is about to break through the ninth rank. He understands how terrible it is.

Others are frightened by the misery of Eunuch Huang, but Deng Weixian is frightened by the strength of Eunuch Yinfang.

"This palace is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers!"

Deng Weixian has been praised by his godfather as a martial arts genius recently. Although he is calm, he can't help but feel proud in his heart, but he suppresses it very well and doesn't show it at all.

But Wei Chengji's three willow branches just now made Deng Weixian completely sober.

In this palace, he is still an ant, but he is stronger.

Wei Chengji glanced at these little eunuchs coldly and said grimly: "Be more obedient."

After that, he turned and left.

Until Wei Chengji's figure completely disappeared in the yard, no one dared to breathe.

On the wall in the distance, Li Xuan couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and was shocked.

"That was a whip technique, wasn't it?"

At this moment, Li Xuan's eagerness to learn burned brightly again!

Thanks to "Snail 402" for the monthly ticket support!

Everyone should study hard too!


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