Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 988: The battle between death and destruction

The chasing of the abyss knight is extremely fast. The **** warrior is worthy of the whole beast-shaped demon with the highest mobility in the distorted void ground. Almost one person caught up with the death knight scattered to the two wings. At the moment when the two sides were close to each other, a dark knight was sharply cut by the opponent. Cut off the war horse. [No Popup Novel Network]

The heavy rifle fell down against the knight's sword. After all, not every dark knight has the same ability as Ingham, and the highest use of the dark knights on weapons is only superior. Weapons, although the weapon level in the hands of the abyss knight is unknown, at least it should be excellent.

"Surround him, don't conflict with him!"

After seeing the companion being chopped off the horse, the fire of the soul in the eyes of the two dark knights in the back burned violently. The two immediately turned the horse's head together with the skeleton cavalry and surrounded the abyss knight. The power of the abyss knight is indeed no small matter. At the same time, how to deal with attacking opponents from all directions!

The Skeleton Cavalry is used as a meat shield in front of the Abyss Knights, but within a few seconds of delay, the Dark Knights have the confidence to pierce their weapons into the opponent's body.

The abyss knight raised his sword in his hand. A fiery red sheen appeared on the edge of the blade. Without the mind and feelings, he retained the combat instinct. The skeleton cavalry was even separated before he could dodge. Cavaliers, whether elite dark knights or skeleton cavalry just as ordinary consumables, are equipped with good weapons and armor, but they are not vulnerable to the abyss knight's incredible power.

However, when the three skeleton cavalry were slashed, the two dark knights had found the space for the opponent's attack. The black spear and the two-handed epee shot at the same time to seal all the dead ends of the opponent, the black gunpoint and the dark blade. They are full of strong breath of death. If it is ordinary people, even if they are only slightly abraded, the breath of death flowing into the body will quickly weaken them and die.

Extraordinarily effective against the power of mortal death, what about demons?

Today the Dark Knights have verified on the Hellhound. The breath of death is enough to rot these demons from Hell. After all, everything in this world is not eternal, only death will fall on everyone, even if it is the sky After all, the gods will also usher in the moment of falling!

The abyss knight never thought that he could evade death. No one can evade invisible death, but the death fate of the tangible sword can be broken.

The wielding sword was unable to recover for a while. The abyss knight resolutely no longer relied on the sword. He released his right hand and ejected the blade from the armour to face the blade that was cut off from the head. The **** warrior under the abyss knight seemed to feel it. The owner's crisis, the war horse suddenly released his steps and squatted down despite the high speed, almost sliding his knees against the ground, and this crouched another dark knight's lance.

The pupils of the two dark knights burning with the faint blue soul fire could not help but widen their attacks. The attack that seemed to have no dead ends was broken in this way. The opponent and the **** warhorse seemed to be united together as if they were horses and horses. attack.

Can this tactic, this technique, this really be a chaotic demon who can imagine it? Even battle-fighting knights in the main material plane may not be able to do it. How many battles did these demons go through and how many years did they fight to honour this combat technique!

The Dark Knight is unimaginable!

The abyss knight didn't want to give the undead a respite, the moment he avoided the attack, the **** warrior stood up desperately, and the blade on the armour beheaded and killed a ghoul that came over. The abyss knight quickly adjusted. After taking the stance, the two dark knights rushed over from behind in an amazing speed.

Faced with a powerful opponent, the Dark Knight's eyes also burned a flame called battle. Since this time it can't be avoided, it is only a fight.

The sword was cut out again. When the first Dark Knight had reached the epee, the huge power caused the dark horse's war horse to make a crackling sound. Although he had been prepared for it, the Dark Knight did not. It was expected that the strength of the opponent would be so large. Looking at the blade that was suppressed to his side, the Dark Knight had to grab the blade with his other hand to avoid cutting his head by his own weapon.

The power increased again in the next second. The Dark Knight felt as if his body were to be squashed by this great force. With the sound of bone and metal tearing, the Dark Knight finally noticed that his arms were in each other ’s arms. It was torn apart under brute force, and after losing all defenses, the sword fell without hindrance. The Dark Knight was almost halved from beginning to end. The fire of the soul of the undead extinguished as quickly as it was blown by the wind. .

After knocking down the first Dark Knight, the remaining Dark Knight is no longer scary to the demons of the abyss. Although mortals have chosen the path beyond death to transform into undead, not every one among the extraordinary is willing Anyone who invests in embracing the road of death can become an extraordinary person with extraordinary strength, which still requires time and experience.

Although death is the only thing that represents eternity in this world, the undead who embraces death is far from comparable to the demons who brought countless deaths to this world in the abyss!

After losing the support of his teammates, after seven or eight skeleton cavalrymen were beheaded and killed, the abyss knight's sword has quickly torn the defense of the dark knight, although for the dark knight, he has done his best to perform his life-long practice of gun skills. However, the opponent's strength, speed, skills, and experience are far above his own side, especially in the link of experience. These abyss knights are like killing from countless battlefields and living just for fighting and killing, purely to Incredible degree.

The skeleton warhorse was beheaded, and the dark knight rolling down on the ground stood up embarrassed, watching the **** warhorse rushing towards him and the demon holding the scarlet sword like blood on it. He had no time to pick it up. Falling aside the weapon, the only thing that can be done is to finally try to fight.

Pulled out the dagger that he carried with him, but in the face of the abyss knight, it seems that the tomahawk can tear up everything, even the undead who always keeps calm emotionally does not know what to do. This little hand in his hand The dagger could not fight the sword at all, and the dark knight's heart could not help but appear the picture of returning to the sea of ​​souls after being beheaded.

It seems that I am so limited today!

Just when the Dark Knight was ready to die, a twisted dark green light burst suddenly shot, causing the Abyss Knight to be caught by surprise.

At this time, the Dark Knight noticed that the green light group that seemed to be full of soul energy was a product of numerous souls twisted together. These crazy dead souls were screaming in sorrow and screaming, and seemed to want to join the attached demons together. Pull into the world of death. The Dark Knight remembered what it was. A spell spelled by the death knights of the Lich His Majesty named Alsace. These fused twisted souls are mixed with rich dark elements and a breath of death, which is enough to corrode steel. , Poisoning the air, weakening flesh and blood, itself is a highly toxic substance to the living, but to the undead, it can quickly repair the damaged body like a healing spell.

Death entanglement is like a signature skill representing the death knighthood!

The abyss knight who was hit felt the coldness of death caused by countless grieving spirits, and even the armor of his whole body hissed under this corrosive dark power. Although the demon is also a dark creature, but not It means that darkness cannot kill demons, even if the light element used for healing in the living is as long as the caster is willing, the healing light can also become a weapon for killing.

And darkness itself is a force for destruction, not salvation!

The abyss knight, surrounded by grudges, waved his sword to disperse these spirits, and even the **** warhorse he sat down issued some kind of roaring sound like a beast to practice the red flames that tried to drive away the breath of death.

In the moment when the Abyss Knight was procrastinated, the Dark Knight took the opportunity to pick up the weapons that were lost when he was shot down and dismounted. At this time, the Acherus dead warhorse had passed over his own high, pulling the reins of the warhorse. The Death Knight did not hesitate to cut the long sword inlaid with the Rune at the Abyss Knight.

Even if it was caught off guard by death entanglement, the sword of the abyss knight once again cut through the air and resisted the bite of the grieving spirit when facing the sword light intertwined by the death knight.

When the power of death entanglement gradually weakened over time, the abyss knight's offensive became even more violent. The sword that is good at slicing almost made the rune weapon in the hand of the death knight make an overwhelming metal tearing sound, on swordplay On the death knights of power, they had to admit that they were inferior to each other. After the spears pierced by the dark knights on the side joined the battle, his side was finally able to barely fight with each other.

Army of Undead!

The aid from the side finally gave a little gap to the death knight. Under the operation of the jerky spell and the breath of death, a withered hand reached out to the ground and grabbed the hoof of the **** warhorse to make the **** warhorse still agitated. Instantly lost balance and fell to the ground, and the dark knight's spear also found a gap when the abyss knight landed with his mount, and the spear's tip penetrated the opponent's right eye exactly.

The pain made the abyss knight angry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At the same time, he was even more agitated for the smell of blood. After the sword of the dark knight was repelled by the sword, the body of the abyss knight was like a flame, which was bare Under the skin outside the armor is like a hot face flowing, and the temperature around it seems to have risen a lot for a while.

"Come on ... undead! Continue fighting and dedicate everything to you in this battle!"

The abyss knight who lost his right eye roared with a hoarse, beast-like voice. His tone was bloody, almost like a monster born just for killing.

Sure enough, every demon's brain is abnormal, and almost all of them are extreme paranoia.

The death knight's heart can not help but sigh, the Scourge kills also has the purpose of purifying the world, and the abyss knight seems to just kill for killing without any reason and reason.

However, the Abyss Knight did not hold up his sword for a long time. A purple light and huge suction immediately restrained him. The ensuing pulling force made the Abyss Knight vacate and fly backwards. Before being shocked and ready to regain control of the body, the blade of a two-handed epee had pierced his chest from Beihu. (To be continued.)

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