Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 979: Soul contract ~ loophole!

Tiffa returned to the Half Plane Lab and rushed to the room for the first time. She was being restrained by the ethereal doll Tiffany to avoid the plug that caused second-degree damage due to self-harm caused by mental errors in excessive pain. Li An, at this moment in a state of fainting in pain, the whole body's black and gray 'color' skin is full of sweat as if it had just been removed from the water, the dark 'fine' spirit young 'woman' seems to be connected The strength of the screaming was gone, only the body was continually twitching, apparently not completely free from painful torture. .Fastest update visit: щщщ..сОΜ.

"Is the contract punished?" Tiffa checked Cyrian immediately.

"I think it is Miss Tiffa. Before you came, I have tried many methods, including analgesics," medicines "and magic, which could not alleviate her physical pain, even to make her drowsy."

Aether doll Tiffany Xun like Tiffany to explain the situation, the dark 'fine', 'soulless' 'woman' suddenly wakes up and then seems to be subject to certain restrictions. Well, to be precise, I dare not talk to myself, and when I mention it myself When it seems that a small leak 'hole' in this contract has appeared, the 'female' child's face obviously has a slight change in expression, but then the 'female' child is 'pumped' by the whole body in front of herself It usually fell down, and then the screams that seemed to be tortured by countless torture in the world rang.

I tried many methods by myself but they didn't work. I couldn't even check out why the dark 'fine' spirit 'girl was so painful. The muscle' meat 'tissue was normal, the internal organs were normal, and the blood flow was normal. Curses and 'medicines' are caused. It can be said that every cell in the whole body is normal, and the only abnormal place that is detected is probably that the neural circuit in the brain of the 'female' child is violently active, and this neural circuit Theoretically, this phenomenon should only occur when the body is seriously injured, but it is obvious that the body of the dark 'fine' spirit 'female child is intact, and in theory this should not happen.

Soul contract that binds 'girls'

The only thing Tiffany can think of is this. It can stimulate the pain from the influence of the soul, or send false pain signals directly to the brain of the 'female' child, so that it will appear even if the body is not harmed. This kind of pain seems to be tortured by thousands of tortures, and when the brain, which is the largest signal source, betrays the body, no 'medicine' and magic can work, unless the brain stops the signal activity, but that is only the dead. What can be done.

Soon after checking Cylian's body, Tiffa nodded: "Yes, you are right. The contract is indeed sending a lot of false pain signals to her brain. In this way, there is no way to stop it unless you sign it. The other party to the contract offered to stop it. "

"Does Yalin want to kill her?" Aphrodisiac Tiffany asked in a low and contradictory tone.

"I don't think it should be. Although this big sister's physical function has some disturbances due to pain, the pain still remains at a level that is not life-threatening and should be just a punishment."

Tiffa can confirm that the pain on the dark 'fine' spirit 'female child is decreasing. Although the' female 'child still seems to be tortured but can only intermittently moan' groaning ', but originally' twitched ' The body was gradually calming down, but the subsequent punishment of the contract continued.


Seeing the dark 'fine', 'lings', 'female' who had been half-fainted, the painful low groaning 'groan' sound continued, Tiffa thought for a moment, and as far as possible, the strength of the son of the stars has eased Celian's 'fine' god, Although Celia's pain could not be completely eliminated, it could at least slightly ease the pain.

"Miss Tiffany, you said that a leaky hole in the contract was revealed, and then she started to feel pain?" Seeing that Celia's situation had improved, Tiffa involuntarily asked Aether, aside Puppet.

"Yes, exactly when she turned her head and looked at me as if she wanted to say something." The second idol, Tiffany, thought back carefully and said, "I wonder if it's my words Mechanism, or that the pain was deliberately done by the other party to the contract to keep her secret. "

"I think it might be some mechanism for the older sister to touch the contract herself. Honestly, this contract is really special."

Gradually, Celian's body that was still 'twitching' finally calmed down. Tiffa also slowly withdrew her strength. After such a tormenting, Celian fell asleep again, but this time it was not Because of contractual constraints, the struggle against pain exhausted the physical strength of the 'girl' child. The ape doll Tiffany came forward and took off Celian's clothes. After creating hot water by magic, she carefully wiped her body wet with sweat with a 'hair' towel, and Tiffany Sitting with an eye on her mind while watching Tiffany taking care of the 'girl' child, although she only contained a little insignificant power of the child of the star, although she was not born from heaven but was born of blood 'flesh Among them, but the dark 'fine', 'lingering,' female 'in front of me is like a loved one, and is the only person who has contact with herself in this strange alien world.

Touching the blue 'color' gem on the necklace, this gem that came with this world also recognized the power contained in the dark 'fine' spirit little girl ', and the power of the child of the star contained in her body Even if it is weak and incomplete, it is an indisputable fact, only this power should belong to Tiffany!

Tiffa slightly closed her eyes and put her head on her knees to think about it. When she first saw the dark 'fine' spirit 'girl' as a child, she cast out the 'female' child's 'fine' **** because of her nervousness and fear. Going back, the process was a bit rough, but then I was undoubtedly happy. For the first time I saw the existence of the same power, even if the strength of the other party was very weak, but at least it showed that I was not alone in this world. Concerning the fate of the sacrifice, he has a companion who can understand each other and confide in each other's heart.

But now it seems that except for Tiffany, who has passed away, she is still lonely. The dark 'fine' spirit 'girl is not the child of the star, but just accidentally inherited a little of the power of the child from the blood, but there is It's strange that besides herself, only Tiffany should be the son of the star. Although Tiffany had some very close relationships with Yalong, the white dragon king, Tiffany was not born until the end. Descendants are right. So how did the dark 'fine' spirit 'girl child inherit the power of Tiffany's son from the blood?

Can't figure it out

With a sigh, instead of thinking about these issues enough to kill millions of brain cells, Tiffa thought of another thing: "Miss Tiffany, you just said that you knew the omission of this contract." Hole 'is it? "

The Ether Doll, who had just wiped her body for a moment, took a moment's glance, then turned her head and nodded: "Yes, is there any problem?"

"What a leak 'hole'." Tiffa came for a moment. The "fine" **** came to Tiffany.

"I'm just speculating, but I'm not sure if it's correct."

"It doesn't matter, can you tell me?"

How powerful the soul contract is. The Aether doll, Tiffany, also learned from Tiffany's mouth. As the son of a star who can bring people back to life, Tiffany inherited Tiffany's thinking mode and some memories and knowledge. It is clear that there are not many things that can not be eliminated by the power of the children of the stars. In this world, except for the deities who have a large number of faiths and powerful demons and the demons who live in the abyss of the distorted void, this world is probably The only thing that is connected to the rules of the world, such as the real name contract, cannot be erased by the power of the Star Child, but now there is one more thing.

Although strictly speaking, the contract imposed on the dark 'fine', 'spirit-less', 'woman' cannot be erased by Tiffa, the son of the star, but if the contract is to be forcibly cancelled, the contract itself will kill the weak side of the contractor as force. The cost of rescission, and the protection mechanism inherent in this contract, has forced Tiffa to cast a jeopardy, although Tiffa once could not help but think about whether to cancel the contract irrespective of everything, even if the contract killed the darkness anyway ' Jing 'Ling Shao' girl's big deal, she just resurrected after the incident, but this idea was denied by Ti Fa herself.

To return to the topic, if the two contracts are to be compared, the coercive 'sexuality' of the real name contract and the rules of the world makes any power including the Son of Stars powerless. If the power of the Sons of Stars can erase everything, then the real name contract is the existence of everything. With absolute characteristics, 'sex' does not allow any force to tamper with. While the contract on the dark 'fine' spirit 'girl is strong but it has not reached the absolute level, compared to the real name contract that must be signed by the contracting parties to act in accordance with the content of the contract. For the time being called the soul contract contract, it seems to have some kind of intelligence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The contract itself seems to be able to think and analyze the every move of the signatory and automatically determine whether the signatory has the intention to violate the contract rules, and the contract is more In many ways, it automatically filters and eliminates the possibility of signing the weak side to try to drill a small leak 'hole', unless the leak 'hole' is large enough.

Carefully comparing the seemingly harsh and rigorous real-name contract, if it is not formulated to the extreme, it actually has a lot of leaks to drill, and the automatic analysis and exclusion procedure of this contract instead repairs some of the leaks. .

The ethereum doll Tiffany sees these characteristics of the soul contract. At the same time, although the soul contract has a thinking and analysis mechanism, the contract's ability to think and analyze is not high. Simply speaking, the essence of the soul contract It is a more sophisticated program, with limited automatic analysis and thinking ability. For example, just now the dark 'fine' spirit 'girl' child tried to leave with a teleportation spell but was caught by a 'mystery' in the half-plane laboratory. 'The lock has been suppressed and has been unable to succeed. Here the dark' fine 'spirit' girl 'child has not been regarded as a breach of contract by the contract. That is to say, it is important for the signatory to do or not to do it. Failure to succeed is not a default.

"I want to hold this child's Bailong without weaving a leak-free contract rule. In my opinion, at least half of the initiative is on our side!" Adolescent doll Tiffany is confident Said. To be continued.

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