Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 976: 2 trends

The original incident of the cultists was only exogenous in the western countries of the mainland. However, after the advent of Tiffa, the son of the star, the activities of the cultists instantly spread to the Youxuan steppe. During this time, the orcs in the Youxuan steppe also captured Many cultists were executed, suffering, chaos, hatred, and killings. Almost several demon-dominated believers. Although Marcias has no suspicion of cultists for the time being, I am not sure whether he will be a cult helper or It is the blood hunting tribe that has other high-level personnel who have become cultists, and taking into account the identity of Marcias and the people he is most likely to contact in the week-the chief of the blood hunting tribe!

In the worst case, the patriarch of the blood-hunting tribe becomes a cultist, and in the best case, only the high-level of the blood-hunting tribe is penetrated, but neither is a good thing.

Penn Luce sought Tiffa's opinion. Of course, this time the redemption angel did not intend to interfere in this matter. If the situation is true, it would at most give some information to the sanctuary. After all, after the events of the Kingdom of Zegus did not attract The **** of the storm, Bercys, but after all, he is an angel of Hisatar's Majesty. In any case, he should minimize the activities in front of the five Supreme Gods, especially now that he has the Son of Star next to him. Xia can not tolerate the whereabouts of one's side.

"This ┉┉"

Tiffa hesitated. Although Marcias was an elder of the Blood-Hunter Tribe and had nothing to do with the Mother Earth Tribe, after all, they were orcs living on the same grassland. If the Blood-Hunter Tribe was completely infiltrated and controlled by cultists, who would dare to guarantee evil The believers will not penetrate.

Perhaps the feeling of belonging to the Mother Earth tribe is relatively weak, but Tiffa does not want to see that Ruminas, the adoptive mother, has been harmed. Now the Mother Earth tribe has begun to cooperate with the blood hunting tribe while expanding their influence, and now suddenly emerges This kind of thing disturbed Tiffa.

"Otherwise, I told my mother that she should pay more attention to the following blood hunting tribes." Tiffa didn't seem to bother Poynluc.

"It's too dangerous. It's easy for you to reveal your identity. Let me go."

"Hmm ~ I see, so trouble you."

In the end, Tiffa decided to entrust Poynlus to investigate this matter. Now the Thanksgiving ceremony has not completely ended, and he ca n’t withdraw from the family temporarily. After the ritual ceremony ends, he must also bid farewell to his adoptive mother for a while to study Tiffany's stay. The data below, not only think of a way to get back the stolen data, there really is not much time to pay attention to this matter.

Just before leaving, Tiffa wanted to ensure the safety of her adoptive mother, and she must not allow demons and cultists to infiltrate the Mother Earth tribe.

At this time, the ethereal doll Tiffany from the Half Plane Lab sent an urgent message, and the dark elf girl who was sent to rest in the laboratory was awake, but the girl's condition was very bad, even Tiff Nine couldn't explain the situation accurately, but just told that Tiffany's star son power was needed to help the girl.

The situation that made the learned adolescent doll Tiffany helpless is obviously extremely urgent. Considering the contract on the dark elf girl, even the powerful redemption angel is also helpless at this moment, hesitated for a moment or decides to return to the laboratory immediately. I just left a space coordinate in the room by hand. If my adoptive mother Luminas summoned herself, she could return at any time, and Penn Luce had to temporarily postpone the time to the blood hunting tribe to stay to take charge of Tiffa. .

Among the countless people and believers in the eastern part of the continent, the prestige of the redeeming angel, second only to Ishutar, voluntarily stayed to set the wind for a child. Although the identity of this child is hard to imagine, if it is passed on, it is estimated that Few people broke their glasses.

Tiffa also feels guilty about this. Although she can remotely project her figure to any area in the world, she must be silent in order to control her consciousness. In fact, Tiffa is thinking about learning Tiffany's method. Create an aether puppet, so that at least you won't run out of skills.

With the flash of blue light, Tiffa's figure disappeared quickly, and Penrius, who remained in the room, took out the book and read it quietly.

The first star son Tiffany left many precious documents and records, from magic knowledge to astronomy and geography, from customs and culture to the exploration of the gods. It can be said that the star son Tiffany has spent almost his entire life studying the world. Including researching myself. Many of these recorded documents are long lost to modern humans, even stories that have been sublimated into mythology. Most of those glorious past heroes who have been as brilliant as the stars have been forgotten by the world, but unfortunately if These meticulous documents can appear in today's secular world, and they can probably completely overthrow the long-term superiority of human beings who consider themselves to be the rulers of all things. Everything recorded above will hit all those who think only right now. Tell them that there was a civilization that was even more splendid than 10,000 years ago.

Humans will not accept it, and the goddess Ishtar will not allow this to happen.

It is clear to Penn Luce that under the day-to-day change in the doctrine of the goddess human supremacy, mankind will not accept the fact that once foreign peoples also had a more brilliant civilization than them, nor will they accept those Regarded by them as beasts, the dragons have their own unique civilization. The fact that the cities built by the dragons are more magnificent and prosperous than any mankind today and the capital of a king.

However, it seems that there is actually nothing in Penn Luce ~ no matter how great the great things that the elves and dragons have established in the past, but now the elves and dragons, including the alien peoples in the world, have fallen. Human beings are the rulers of this land. Although they have not yet recovered to the most glorious era, human beings have completed the goals that dragons and elves can only reach for tens of thousands of years in just thousands of years. Half the degree.

The past may be the era of dragons and elves, but the future must be the era of humans!

Penrius silently read the neatly written text on the book. Tiffany is like a sophisticated machine that keeps each word the same size and beautiful writing. The entire book can be used almost as A sample sample of the writing language of the common language on the mainland, but even if it is described very carefully, Penn Luce still reads Tiffany's sorrow in the words.

I hate this hostile world.

He is full of pain for his own destiny.

He desires to break the shackles for real freedom.

I longed to never come to this world from the beginning.

The grandmother and the last son of the star lamented the sympathy of the Yannold Mountains.

Pernius's expression is uncertain. Reading these documents is like reading the journey of the son of the star. It seems that she can also feel the pain and helplessness of Tiffany.

Suddenly, Penn Luce found that the maid outside seemed to be coming to this side. Under the detection of powerful spirits, it was determined that there were two people, and they were both very familiar objects. Corolla and Anna Li were both at The orc maids who serve Tiffa in this hall usually do not enter this room unless Tiffa orders them.

Penn Luce didn't care to continue looking at the book in his hand, the only thing he did was to hide his body, and the maid outside the door seemed to just pass by, and the two soon went to the bathroom beside the main hall. Cleaning up seemed to be preparing for Tiffa's evening bath. However, Penn Luce suddenly got a sharp look. As the two maids passed by the door just now, one of them noticed her gaze.

Anna Li! Penn Luce was definitely this maid, a little orc-like orc maid always served Tiffa wash.

Is he too sensitive? Still need to check carefully!

On weekdays, Pernius does not consider himself to be a kind of hostile person who inadvertently acts on others, but now it is different. The messenger sent by the king of the white dragon has the ability to change his body arbitrarily, if not for himself Witnessing the changes of the other party and even deceiving her own spirit detection, she also made some misjudgments at that time. According to the situation of Bailong's guard, she would most likely not leave but chose to lurk in.

I can't let go of any possible loopholes.

Closing the book, Penn Luce was going to carefully determine the situation of the orc maid. He was more attentive, and said that a white dragon was intimidating and lurking in. If it was the latter, it would be good, this time. I won't let her go easily, grab her and let her release the evil contract of controlling the dark elf girl.

When Penn Lucius just wanted to step out of the door, suddenly, even the mighty redemption angel had to stop abruptly, because the countless powerful breaths above the sky seemed to come together. The torrent is generally from over the Youxuan grassland, and the strength of this power is that you should not belittle it.

Twenty one, ten, twenty, thirty, no! And many more.

Penn Luce could not help but raised his head to look through the clouds to a height that cannot be reached by ordinary human eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and in this pure sky, a large group of dragons were neat and uniform from Youxuan Grassland. Flying over the sky, a large group ~ That's right! It is indeed a large group of at least 50 or 60 dragons, green dragons, blue dragons, red dragons, bronze dragons and even silver dragons, which almost include half of the dragon clan on the entire continent. This mixed powerful The Dragon Legion was flying over the grassland with Ling Ling's breath, and the destination seemed to be going straight to somewhere in the western part of the mainland.

After the Dragon War, the Dragon Alliance almost never experienced large-scale movements!

It is really rare for so many dragons to start at the same time. Is it possible that the dragon alliance and the capital of the dragon have learned the wake of the king of the white dragon. From the current situation, except for the goddess Isutar, On the mainland, there are few extraordinary people who can make the Dragon Army to conduct such a large-scale dispatch. Now that it is known that the White Dragon King has awoken, this should be the most likely.

After the emerald dragon, Ysera and the white dragon king Yalin have endless hatred!

Penn Luce watched the leaving dragon for a while, and the mood became very complicated. If the destination of the dragon alliance is really the Yannold Mountains, what will Tiffa think of it? What would Ni think, and if so many dragons swarm up at the same time, it is still unknown whether the white dragon king Yalin can still cope, but Poynluce believes that his next end is necessarily the end of the body.

After all, there is a limit to the strength of the powerful transcendence! (To be continued.)

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