Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 964: Uninvited guests

"By the way, I also accepted this thing by the way. Go back and tell Yalin what's going on here. If the White Dragon King still wants to capture the son of the star, let him come by himself."

As he left, Penrius showed something in his hand. It was a crystal with diamond horns, which was the magical device that Alexis used to search for the sons of the stars. At the moment, Alexis Only to find a hole in his pocket, presumably was just quietly snatched by Penn Luce, and lost the magic guide and lost Celian, which means that he no longer has the means to search for the son of the star.

"You thought you could defeat His Majesty Yalin!"

"I don't think I can defeat the existence that once defeated the killer, but it doesn't mean that I can't even defeat his clan members." Penn Lucer said lightly.

At this moment, Alexis has a desperate attitude to rush up to the other side desperately.

Fortunately, Alexis did not turn her impulse into action. Although she was extremely angry, the huge power gap between the two sides made Alexis understand that even if she restored the dragon form, she could defeat Pern. The chance of Lucia is less than 20%, and just like Penn Luce said, the abnormal fluctuations in the earth indicate that the **** of the earth has noticed it. If I do n’t leave, I ’m afraid to face the earth God's wrath is up.

Pernius had already disappeared, holding Celian.

At this moment, how helpless, Alexis only had a resentful hand that pushed away the orcs, and then fled to the distance at an astonishing speed. Using the ring once on the road changed her appearance and breath.

The redeeming angel and the son of the star came together, and not only that, Penrius, who was the messenger of Ishtal, was determined to protect the son of the star.

Alexis had never dreamed that this would happen. What's worse, she couldn't contact Her Majesty now, and couldn't even ask for instructions and support. At this moment, Alexis, who was silent in the extreme unwillingness and the shadow of the failure of the mission, did not have the idea of ​​escaping so dimly, avoiding the eyes and ears of the **** of the earth, Alexis chose to lurk again to find opportunities.

As for Cyrian who was taken away by Penn Luce, the Dark Elf Girl is now in a state of false death. Unless the order is released by himself, the master-servant flexible contract will always force Celian to maintain this state.


While several extraordinary people outside the city of the Mother Earth tribe had successively tried, the sacrifice in the city was still in an orderly manner, and on the ceremonial stage, Tifa was gently sacrificing Faw with her orc girl in accordance with previous exercises. Dance, this time seems to be infected by the miracles shown by Tiffa. Orc priestesses are more focused than any previous sacrifice, as if the whole person has been absorbed into the frenzy of enthusiasm surrounding them.

Gao's high enthusiasm seems to instill his whole body of obsession in dance.

The **** of the earth, Uznok, looked at the dancing little figure in the main material plane from the realm. This is a very cute orc girl and a very talented girl who she gave herself. That little divine power has been used in an efficient way beyond imagination. The perception of divine power and the clever use of the power of earth and life are even more proficient than conveying the priest of Matthias, and more importantly, She also has an invaluable and pure soul. In the face of this gifted power, she did not have any proof of her own. Twenty benefited all the orcs who participated in the Thanksgiving ceremony, especially the patriarch of the Mother Earth tribe. , This poor woman who lost her child and her husband because of the wreckage of an orc superhuman once.

The earth element is very close to her like a child nestling next to her mother. Not only that, the wind element gently touches her body like a lover, the fire element is like a fanatic follower cheering and cheering for her, the water element Then, like a believer, she quietly watched and listened to her dance and voice.

It is pure and beautiful, like a child of nature who can integrate with the four elements and the whole nature!

Even if it is the God of the Earth, this child is so good that he can be compatible with the four elements at the same time. Now, the high priest Matthias, who represents the earth, is too old to continue to bear the heavy responsibility. And, as an orc, this child is really the best person to inherit this position. As long as she continues to grow up, she can continue to maintain this pure and pure heart.

This is┉┉

Suddenly Uznok, the **** of the earth, hesitated. The orc **** the stage seemed to convey a kind of obsession through dance. It was a very strong feeling. There was a trace of suffering, a trace of sadness, a trace of loneliness, and the last A little hope.

Howling for peace, for recognition, for redemption, for escape!

These strong thoughts poured into the consciousness of the **** of the earth. Uznok couldn't help but be surprised. What kind of life did this seemingly young child live in the past and what kind of encounters would she reveal? Such a strong thought.

The **** of the earth can't help but concentrate a little divine power. Although the divine power has peeped at the consciousness of a mortal, it should not be a deity's behavior, but Uznok is really curious about the child's past.

While Uznok wanted to take a closer look at the world deep inside the girl, the voice of description from the earth caught his attention.

There is a powerful power that is tearing the earth. That is not the power of ordinary orcs or the magic of magicians. The most important point is that the source of this power is located in the city of the Mother Tribe where the sacrifice is held. Outside, it can be said that it is almost under his eyelids.

Extraordinary! There are extraordinary people fighting unbridled outside the city, tearing the earth and destroying nature!

This is simply a provocation to the gods!

Suddenly, the anger ignited in Uznok's heart. Although the earth was usually calm, when the earth was angry, it would burst into unimaginable force just like the blocks of the ground collided with each other. Throwing consciousness out of the city quickly, but the extraordinary people fighting outside the city have lost their traces, and only some messy things remain on the earth.

The breath of flames and light, in addition to the power of cold frost, and the extraordinary people fighting here are humans and orcs.

Uznok seemed to discover something in an instant. The **** of the earth, who was in the realm of God, was inexplicably angry. It was the breath left by the angels from the eastern goddess Ischtal, and nothing could be wrong! This contains a strong aggressive flame and excessively dazzling aurora, and only the angels of Hishoul will leave this feeling!

Did you run away? But no matter where they fled, as long as their feet were still stepping on the dirt, the earth would tell itself everything.

The power of Uznok in the sacred land exuded from his kingdom and poured into the earth element. The sky and big trees growing in the Youxuan grassland could not help emitting a faint blue-purple light, and the plants on the ground were more like The allied guards generally closely monitored all the inconsistencies that they could not feel belonged to this land!

Under such pervasive surveillance, nothing can escape the eyes of the earth god, even the messenger of Ishtar.

Soon the God of the Earth felt that the angels who were fleeing in the distance, although they were desperately hiding their bodies along the way, were of no use, unless they could tear the entire ground and burn everything, or else They need to return their feet to the ground to their birth.

Isutar sent his emissary into the Xuan Xuan grassland and stepped into the realm of the western capital from the far east of the continent. It must have been ordered by the goddess to find the son of the star.

Uznok couldn't help thinking about it. The advent of the Son of the Star was already known by the five gods. Not only was the noble emerald green dragon and dragon united army quietly searching for the whereabouts of the Son of the Star, but only from the stars. Child blocked all his own information. Under that magical power, even as a god, he could n’t perceive the exact position of the son of the star, and he really did n’t have much time to find the star like the other four elemental gods. The whereabouts of his son, too much has happened on the earth recently, which left him with little energy.

Whether it's a filthy demon or those who do not want to sleep, their sudden appearance has brought too many disasters to this land, especially those undead who have polluted the land with some kind of terrible plague, and let the original viable land be affected by The scent of death is buried and becomes inanimate.

What needs to be dealt with now is the damage caused by the undead to the earth. As for the son of the star, she can only rely on other gods to find her. Although she was born from the sky, the child was not born above the earth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ All she could do was give her a place of rest, before she could destroy the land she loved.

Since the messengers of Ishtar seem to be looking for the sons of the stars and not trying to destroy the western part of the continent, who are they fighting just now?

There is a breath of orcs and humans at the same time, and being able to contend with the messenger of Ishtar is also a very powerful existence among the transcendents. The orc transcendents once on the You Xuan grassland cannot be compared with it.

In other words, there is a second team quietly searching for the sons of the stars, and then they don't know why they are in conflict with the messenger of Ishtar.

J! Breaking into Youxuan Grassland and fighting recklessly is an act of destroying nature and provoking oneself. Whoever it is, no matter what kind of extraordinary person must be severely punished, the extraordinary person should not be excessively involved in the mortal world, let alone It is the consensus of all the gods in this world to rely on their extraordinary power to unscrupulously destroy and enslave mortals!

Although no other human or orc has been found, warn the messengers of Ishtar first. The holy capital and the entire western part of the continent are not places where they can break into at will. There is no place for them to spread unbridled. The soil of dark thoughts.

And just as Uznock was preparing to impose punishment, the strange feeling from another place on the earth caused the **** of the earth to change his punishment sequence instantly, and it was not so simple as punishment, but meant to be completely destroyed, because from another While quietly entering Youxuan Grassland, it was a group of undead. (To be continued.)

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