Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 934: Indifferent

Saya's makeover did indeed leave a deep impression on everyone, especially when Ms. Tosaka Hiroshi pointed out that Saya was not human, Saya also changed into a suit at the suggestion of Yalin, and in the process, Saya's body The pale skin suddenly turned red-naked muscle tissue made her body look as if she had pulled off a layer of skin, and then immediately watched by the chilling expression of a few girls, the muscle tissue was re-transformed into a thin white Strap dress. (WWW.mianhuaang.LA good-looking novel

The whole process can be described as a thrilling horror, and it also shocked people such as Xi and Yuehai.

By now everyone knows that the girl in front of her is a strange creature in a layer of cute skin, and the real posture under that layer of skin is definitely a shocking look that will not appear in the weirdest nightmares of humankind.

With Medea's arrival, Yalin and her explained to everyone the identity of Saya. If it wasn't for Saya ’s thriller, it had shocked a few girls. It may have been the last of Saya ’s ancient civilization. The identity of the survivor is still relatively easy to arouse the compassion of everyone. Although a few girls have some rumors because of Saya's true identity, at least the girls have a lot of favor with Yalin, after all, as Yalin said Then Saya is really just a baby just born, and such a righteous daughter obviously cannot be a capable daughter.

"I probably need some more time to adapt to the physical activity of a human." Saya, sitting on the sofa, shook her hands and raised a cup filled with hot water and took a sip.

Seems to be exactly the same as humans, but Saya is obviously not smooth when coordinating the movements of the limbs. Saya's hands have been shaking when holding the water glass, and it is hard to drink the mouth in the mouth. The side flowed down, but those water stains flowing on the Saya clothes and skirts were quickly shaped by the clothes, but actually part of Saya was absorbed.

After drinking a glass of water, Saya Chang breathed a sigh of relief and put the glass back on the table: "Isn't you afraid of my appearance now?"

Several girls are face to face. Although the girl sitting in front of her is a playful and cute girl from that point of view, she can transform her body, hair, and limbs at will when she thinks about it. The weird shape just like the creature's tentacles just now, and the real posture inside this beautiful shell, a few girls face this huge contrast, they just don't know what to say.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, in the eyes of Sayaka, maybe we are more like monsters."

"I will not be afraid because of your appearance. For the time being, I cannot understand what the so-called ugliness and beauty in your cognition mean. In my opinion, you are all mammals walking on two feet. Mianhuatang.la [ Marshmallow Novel Network] "

"Oh ~ it looks like the mental structure of Saya sauce is different from ours."

Crazy three smiling behind the sofa looked at Saya, as if he saw something very interesting. Among a few girls, Crazy three was the best at adapting, and it was also the fastest to change clothes from the previous Saya. Extraterrestrial Space Recovered in Shock-New Chapter in Chinese Resurgence


"That Saya ~ Why did you ask Lin Lin to be a father?" This time asked Fili.

"As my nurturer provided me with energy and food, I think everything Yalin does in your human mind can be called my father."

After spending some time with each other, the attitudes of several girls towards Saya also gradually accepted from their initial fears, which can be seen from their seemingly inexhaustible questions, most of which focused on the On the side of Saya, Saya's attitude is also very good. Unless she knows something, she has to answer questions, but soon Saya's voice is hoarse. Saya, who is not familiar with human forms, quickly realizes mimicry. The vocal cords reached the limit. Although Saya could simulate again, Yalin felt that it was time to stop today.

In the secret signal of Yalin, Medea clapped her hands and said, "Okay guys, let Saya rest for a while today. If you have any questions, please ask later. Anyway, we will spend more time with each other in the future."

Atser Medea, who was summoned from the beginning of Ulduar's construction, can be said to be a veteran of Her Majesty's Majesty. He has a heroic identity and strong strength. At the same time, he serves as a match between Fili and Tosaka The teacher who has been adjusted by people with a psychological shadow, Medea can be described as a nemesis in the hearts of several girls, as long as the rare witch of ancient Greece speaks, they will never dare to say nothing.

After Fili and He chose silence, Yue Hai, who had previously been taken care of by Medea for exercising her elemental control, also immediately calmed down to avoid irritating her body. As for the only mad opinion that she did not have much communication with Medea Fei Li, Ye and others came quietly, and probably knew in their hearts the position and strength of this female mage in this city. Kuang San was not stupid, and naturally she also chose to retreat to avoid touching. Mildew.

"Saya ~ That cricket won't you hurt us, right?" Rivlie asked the newborn calf instead of the tiger.

"I don't need to hurt you unless you hurt me beforehand."

Saya, whose mental structure is different from that of humans, answered a little stiffly.

Lei didn't care about Saya's harsh answer. Instead, she looked at Yalin and said to Saya after receiving an affirmative nod from Yalin, "Can we be friends?"

"Can I help you?"

"Oh ~"

Lavrie froze, wondering why Saya answered so.

Yalin then asked: "Saya, do you understand the meaning of the word friend?"

"Friends are friendships, which are long-lasting relationships that are linked by cognitive models recognized by both humans under certain conditions. They are mainly to share beautiful things with each other and provide mutual help." Saya said very professionally. .

This answer made Yalin grin bitterly, and Medea also sighed with a helpless smile. Saya did not understand what was wrong, but it was not entirely correct to say right. Friendship is a humanity. Very subtle relationship, Saya ’s understanding of friendship is too one-sided, in short, it is too much to understand in the most subtle way that Xuan Ke has already understood. Although Yalin and Medea both want to explain to Saya, but considering that she ’s completely Constructing a different spirit and way of thinking than humans, and don't know how to make her understand, so she picks revenge on the president


Saya looked at the silent people and realized that he had made a mistake: "It seems I understand it wrong, father?"

“It ’s not completely wrong. It ’s just that my friend ’s relationship is a little embarrassing to understand.” Yalin shook his head. Is Raleigh a friend? "

"Of course, mutual assistance is a characteristic that social creatures should have. I am willing to be friends with Lei."

After answering Saya's answer, she extended her hand a little unaccustomedly, and Lavrie hesitated, and then determined to hold Saya's hand.

Like the skin of an ordinary girl, it has a soft and smooth touch, and there is no uncomfortable touch in the grip. It is really hard to imagine that these fair and slightly slender hands are reorganized by strange tentacles. Probably the only thing that still makes people feel a bit flawed is that these hands do not have the warmth of humans, making people seem to hold a cold beautiful jade.

Although some girls' misunderstanding of Saya was resolved, Yalin still needs to let Saya learn a lot of things. Although Saya has amazing wisdom, her nature is too tend to be a child. She has no intentions and speaks everything. Of course, this has something to do with her spiritual structure and cognitive perspectives that are different from human beings, but Yalin thinks that at least Shaye needs to understand some basic human knowledge.

Start with the most basic food!

Saya's food is a lot of meat. Almost no one can resist it. In Saya's view, all walking creatures in Ulduar are edible food. This concept makes Yalin a bit confused. Humans are omnivorous animals. When communicating with intelligent creatures, no matter how delicious the other party is, I believe that humans will never treat them as food.

At this point, Yalin must communicate with Saya first and tell her the rules of eating in Ulduar. What can be eaten and what should not be eaten. Fortunately, although Saya has a weird idea, she learns quickly.

At the time when Yalin bitterly taught the rules and regulations of the righteous woman, the investigation of Nettoni's party in the city of Addis, which was directly below Ulduar, was also underway. When the long slow fall reached the bottom, Bailong The guards and the wizard wizard immediately started the construction of the portal ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and Tony and Goddard who had the ability to fly were the first to fly to the city of Addis.

Before entering the city of Addis, Tony was full of hope and confidence. From the wisdom of Saya, it is clear that Saya's race is definitely a science and technology line rather than an incomprehensible magic. Since it is technology, this name is There must be related industrial equipment in the city of Addis. Cutting machines, punching machines, polar photoelectric welding, digital lathes, Puguangyi, supercomputers, and even small atomic colliders are all Tony's dream equipment. These equipment means that I can help iron and steel uniforms to produce related accessories, and I will not dare to wear them in practice in order to fear loss.

"My scanner found that the brightness in the front has increased. Hey ~ when I saw it, it was Addis."

Tony flying in the air said a half-heartedly and suddenly he stumbled, then his voice became a little trembling like a frightened bird: "Oh, the Lightning Summoner

!! Oh, God! What kind of city is this? "(To be continued.)

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