Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 916: Intent of the emblem

The dispute between the royal family and the Senate in the Karut Kingdom was completely detonated because of this attack, although under the guidance of the Holy See, the two parties doubled their efforts to destroy the cultists in order to sell their blame and to lose the black pot. Get up, but the previous confrontation and fragile communication situation has disappeared. Many scholars agree that after the cult attack has subsided, then the political and civil war in the Kingdom of Karut will break out.

On the third day, when the largest and most luxurious airship Sky Charm in the Kingdom of Karut finally arrived in the capital, Celine and Leonas took the envoy to the airship away from the right and wrong. Even in this turbulent situation in the country, Prince Andres took the time to see off Celine, and apologized on behalf of the royal family and the king for the attack. On the other hand, the Holy See sent a document to Celin, saying that the recent activities of cults in the eastern part of the mainland have begun to hesitate. If Celin feels uneasy, she can go to the destination Holy See for help at any time on the road.

Celin could only accept the good intentions of the Holy See, but Rionas looked rather strange.

Obviously Rionas knew that the goddess above the sky might have noticed the visit of His Highness Celin, but the attitude expressed by the Holy See meant that the goddess didn't care about it, just like His Highness Augusta ~ Uh! Now it is supposed to be called His Majesty Augusta. The goddess cares whether Augusta can execute this grand plan as agreed. As for some small actions of Augusta in order to preserve the blood of the royal family, the goddess eyes It's not worth mentioning at all.

In the sky-charm, a world-famous airship, Celine in the royal luxury cabin called Rionas after a fine lunch, and Celine's cryptic words let Rionas Use spells to detect the location of her royal emblem, and in the incomprehensible sight of Leonas, Celine said that she had accidentally left it in the process of fleeing. Now she wants to know where the emblem is.

Leonas still casts a detection spell under dubious circumstances. The original royal emblem is a special magic item. There is a tracking magic trace on it that allows the wizard to accurately lock the specific position of the emblem. It was originally to ensure that Celine gave it to her safely and deliberately, but looked strange after Leonas had performed the detection method.

"How about Rionas? Did you find it?" Celin asked after seeing it.

"It's found. Her Highness Celin!"

Celin clapped her hands: "So can you tell me where the emblem is now? Is it still in the kingdom of Karut?"

"The Kingdom of Carut is no longer, but it is strange that the emblem is now moving at a high speed." Said here Riotonston had noticed something.

The emblem moves very fast, not to mention the speed that a person can walk or even a horse can't match. Even the extremely fast Sky Charm underfoot can't compare with the movement speed of the emblem. In this world, Except for the teleportation spell that arrived instantly, Leonas really couldn't guess the speed at which anything could fly. Of course, Leonas was 'flying' so fast, because the position of the emblem was located near a certain mountain range. The person with the emblem can keep going straight in that geographical environment. Besides flying, Rionas can't find other ways to go forward. Is it possible that the other party is still digging underground?

"Detailed location?"


Seeing Leonas' silence, Celine suddenly aggravated her voice and asked with an irresistible attitude: "Where is the exact location, answer me Leonas?"

"Located in the Kingdom of Creces, following the route may eventually enter the Principality of Berea." In the end, Rionas still had to answer.

The Principality of Berea is a small country in the east of the mainland. Most of its borders border with the Kingdom of Creces. Although the country is weak, it has a unique geographical advantage in agricultural advantages. The product is quite rich, and it even has a reputation of 'bread basket' in the east of the mainland. . And this small country has always lived on the neighboring kingdom of Creces. Once the Carlsheim Empire also wanted to pull in the natural granary in the eastern part of the continent, but because of the distance and another big country in the middle, it was impossible to handle it. It ’s so long, and the kingdom of Creces also understands the importance of the Duchy of Pariah. The control of the country has never weakened. Even more than 40 years ago, it wanted to directly annex the Periah. However, it failed to succeed due to the intervention of the Carlsheim Empire.

Celin stared at the gloomy face of Rionas and took a deep breath. "Let's go visit the Principality of Berea and let the embassy inform us of our arrival first."

"This is not on our route."

Leonas shook his head and persuaded: "In addition, from the route, the landing point of the Sky Charm is only the Kingdom of Creses and will not go to the Principality of Berea. Is your Royal Highness going to take a horse-drawn carriage to cross half of the land? Is the Kingdom of Creces going to the Principality of Berea? "

The Carlsheim Empire only recently ended the border conflict with the Kingdom of Creces. After defeating the Kingdom of Creces, it also took away the most fertile territory of the other side. Now the two countries have forged a feud. When the princess of another country went to the other country, did this not mean to take the hostage of someone else, in addition to this, can they still expect the other party to welcome him with courtesy?

Celin certainly knows these things too: "I remember that the Principality of Berea and the Kingdom of Belama opened a direct airship route. We can first arrive at the kingdom of Belama and take the airship."

"No, Your Highness, there is very little contact between the Carlsheim Empire and the Principality of Berea. At this time, it is impolite to visit suddenly without prior notice at this time."

"It's not for no reason at all. On the contrary, the Principality of Berea already has the idea of ​​establishing a good relationship with our country." Celin's beautiful eyes sparkled her eyes.

The fact that the Duchy of Berea and the Carlsheim Empire does not have any diplomacy except for maintaining a small amount of food trade. This does not mean that the Duchy of Berea really does not want to establish a good relationship with the Carlsheim Empire. In the case of a large country, and in recent years, the former King of the Kingdom of Creces changed his tough policy towards the principality of Berea and adopted Huairou, and then the Princess Lindis frequently showed the principality of Berea. Okay, so that the national power is not strong, the ambition is not big, but relying on the food trade, the domestic economy is very good. The Principality of Beriaia would rather that it does not want to be involved in too many external rights and wrongs, but all of this followed the Carlsheim Empire and the The battles in the kingdom of Creces were brought to an end.

After the former king was dead, his Royal Highness Princess Lindis, who had been expecting her, lost her place in the battle. When the new king of the Kingdom of Creces ascended to the throne, successive fainting strokes also made the principality of Berea a smell of danger. Especially recently, due to the payment of war reparations and the turbulent stability of the domestic situation after the defeat, the Kingdom of Crecesus spent almost instantly the savings of the treasury saved by the king over the years. The incumbent king still rightfully asked for a large amount of food from the Principality of Berea for the resettlement of refugees, and the payment afterwards has been flashing words so that the Principality of Berea has had to start preparing early and responded to the unexpected.

Leonas had to sigh with admiration and helplessness when he heard this: "His Royal Highness Princess, where did you get this information?"

Regarding the wishes of the Prince of Berea ’s family, the senior officials of the Carlsheim Empire also received more or less information through the spies, but these are all highly confidential. In addition to His Majesty Augusta and himself, there are only a few in the country. The dignitaries knew and had been secretly negotiating whether they could use the diplomacy of the Principality of Berea to crack down on the kingdom of Cresses once, and it was best to keep it forever.

Seren caressed the beautiful blonde and smiled with some beauty: "In the hearsay at some social banquets, and the analysis of the situation in the mainland, I roughly figured it out, how about it? Lord Rionas! Now we have a reason to go Come on, I don't think the Principality of Berea will keep His Royal Highness Princess Carlsheim from the door. "

At this moment, Rionas couldn't really say what to say. The wisdom of Princess Celin was well known in the royal family of the Carlsheim Empire, compared to those who only knew meaningless comparisons in their minds. It ’s a bale, I ’m afraid, it ’s the noble ladies who have been sold and are still helping the people. They used to be proud of Her Royal Highness, the princess who has been known throughout the country as a golden gem. Too much pressure on people is really great.

"Excuse me, Your Royal Highness."

After a moment of silence, Rionas bluntly stated: "The order given by Her Majesty Augusta is to **** you safely to King Saxony, and the visit to the Kingdom of Karut is only a short visit along the way, except There is no need for us to go to the Principality of Berea, this is not in accordance with the distance nor in accordance with the order given by Her Majesty Augusta. "

"Lionas, listen to me!"

"Sorry ~ Her Excellency!" Leonas interrupted Celine a little rudely this time: "I can't let you be in crisis ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Please also go to Saxony according to your plan Kingdom, if you insist on going to the Principality of Beria when you arrive, you can ask Her Majesty Augusta at that time, as long as your Majesty agrees that you will not be prevented by that, so please be considerate now. "

The words of Leonas were seldom known to Celin, who was in love with the rationale. His Royal Highness, the distinguished princess of the Carlsheim Empire, for the first time, took a complex look and watched this child who had played together as a child. playmate.

"What are you afraid of? Rionas ~" Celine asked, puzzled.

"Why do you insist on going to the Principality of Baria?" Leonas asked back.

For a while, the atmosphere in the room became a bit stiff, and even the maids on the side were afraid to come out. It wasn't until Serene waved to signal the irrelevant people to leave that she watched Leonas word by word. : "What if I was to help Carlsheim's empire find a transcendent existence? You are not stupid Rionas, and you don't need to continue pretending to be ignorant in front of me, so why refuse?" Continued.)



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