Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 896: Resurrection, dangerous attempt!

The history of the world is long, even to the extent that the history books of human beings ca n’t record it at all, and human beings can only follow their own history to the time of four thousand years ago. When we move forward, some things that happened in those times have already been Become myths and legends that cannot be verified.

Claire knew for the first time that humans were not the masters of the continent. The legendary dragons and elves from ancient times thousands of years ago were the true masters of this continent. At that time, humans were still scarce and weak. You need the help of dragons and elves to survive!

Human beings are weak, let alone mention that compared with dragons as incarnations of power, they are not as good as elves in terms of magic perception, not as dwarves in terms of unity, or as orcs in terms of strength, but this race that does not seem to have any special characteristics has leapt Shang has become the master of this continent, not only driving elves, dwarves, orcs stronger than himself as slaves, but also dragons seem to have been expelled from this land for hundreds of years without witnesses.

How did humans do it?

Lying on the bed listening to the description of the demon master, Claire was also puzzled. Although he had seen the elves by accident as slaves, those elves that really qualified to be known as the incarnation of beauty were always lost and chained to the big ones. The merchants and big nobles became their tools for venting and showing off. Occasionally some elves often needed several guards or even the price of blood to subdue them after breaking free. The elves are not only better than magic perception. Human beings are strong, and their long lives bring them a strong physique. They may not be as good as orcs and dwarves but stronger than ordinary humans. How can such a stronger race than humans end up giving up their land? How about it?

A war!

The fallen master told Claire a mythical war, the dragons fighting each other, and the war that swept the entire continent, including humans and elves, almost all races on the continent were involved, even in the heavenly realm. The gods in it were not spared. A powerful dragon king in ancient times not only killed the gods, but also poured out anger to the entire continent. In that war, the immortals established by the elves were destroyed once. Tens of thousands of elves died, the blood of the orcs almost reddened the whole grassland, and the dwarves' bodies even filled the valley.

Human beings, the source of the fuse of this war, have survived in large numbers under asylum, but after centuries, they have replaced the elves with the outstanding environmental adaptability and fertility to become the new masters of this continent.

It is only in this war that the existence known as the Son of the Star has played a subtle role. It can even be said that her existence has led to the key to such a major change in the continental pattern in the future. If it were not for her existence, that scene The war between the dragons should end soon, and the elves and dwarves who have not suffered too much will not easily give up the rule of the mainland to humans!

"Son of the Star, what is she? A god, or a transcendent one?" Claire muttered the title.

The demon dominates quietly, and at the same time draws a beautiful shadow in Claire's mind, a beautiful young girl with dark hair and purple eyes, even if just standing there quietly makes people feel warm. And it is such a beautiful girl who is as memorable as a goddess, but carrying the power that even the gods and demons do not have, and the most terrifying power is that she can bring the dead back to life.

Not to attach the soul to the decayed body like an undead creature, but to truly restore the full flesh and blood body!

"Let the dead come back to life! Really?" Claire opened his eyes sharply, but soon his eyes were full of confusion.

The tone of the fallen master became a little more subtle.

"I haven't tried it."

Claire sat up from the bed and said with great excitement, "But there is a need to try."

After taking Longa's skull out of the ring and carefully placing it on the table, Claire held the gem and began to work hard to guide his will, revive the orcs, and resurrect the dead orcs in front of them! However, the blue gem held in Claire's hands did not respond. It seemed that he did not feel the same as Claire's will. The fallen master Bellismy also watched quietly without stopping Claire's thoughts. Witness the legendary miracle with your own eyes, and the fallen master is confident in the gem in Claire's hand.

It just seems that the situation is not as smooth as imagined. The gems seem to have no effect. Claire, who is almost sweaty in his palms, keeps meditating continuously: "Resurrect Longya ~ Resurrect Longya, quickly let Long Ga is resurrected. "

The power of the gem itself is almost infinite. The amount of power that can be activated is completely determined by the holder's own will. The stronger the will, the more determined it will release the power in the gem.

Accelerated thinking, strengthening, material analysis, making things out of thin air, changing materials, super-level casting, plane stealth, so far Claire has no idea how many abilities have been tested. In the eyes of boys, this gem is almost an omnipotent wishing machine. Similarly, the only limitation is that his weak will and fragile body cannot carry more power, but to bring the dead back to life, this kind of thing that Claire never dared to think can this gem really do it?

"Resurrect Longa !!!" Claire had begun to yell, but the gem in her hand was still dead and did not respond.

The master can see that Claire's heart is very impetuous because of excitement. Compared with the belief that he absolutely believed in the gem when he used the gem, his heart is full of doubts this time. Claire is afraid and suspects that the gem can't bring the dead back to life. And this gem, which obviously has a certain self-consciousness, also rejected his will because of his doubts and fears.

The fallen master Bellis Mi followed the temptation to help Claire calm down. Under the power of the master, Claire calmed down gradually. The boy with a hint of sobbing in his mind began to involuntarily emerge before the most painful and sad past.

"Whatever it is, I'm willing to give whatever it is," Claire muttered to himself.

The weird breath in the room slowly filled, and the flowers in the vases on the windowsill began to wither and inexplicably wither, even if the power of the master inadvertently infiltrated a little, it would be enough to make everything around him material. For Claire, if it wasn't for the boy holding the gems like Yunokia ’s necklace, which exempted him from most of the external forces, Belizemi believes that she only needs one eye to rot this still young The mature mortal soul makes him a loyal servant who obeys himself.

Now the Lord can only use words to corrode Claire's mind, but although this is a bit slower, it is possible to recover than the will that was forcibly distorted by the power of the abyss, in the case of the fallen mind's complete freedom The fall of choice will be irreparable, and no one can extricate themselves!

Corruption is also a matter of will. Bellismy deceives Claire's mind as much as possible to circumvent the contractual restrictions. If the gem can really make the dead Su Sheng not a bad thing for the fallen master, on the contrary. Claire, who has mastered the power of transcending life and death, can see life more thinly, and can fall more into the vortex.

Let Longa live!

Let Longa live!

Must let Longa live!

Claire's consciousness gradually ruled out everything else under the guidance of the fallen master, and even the hatred of Phylibes and Gelkate disappeared. The boy's mind only echoed the idea of ​​resurrecting the orcs and solving them. Drive the orc's bound soul back to his body, and let him stand in front of himself at once!

Gradually the fallen master found that the gem held in Claire's hands began to shine, and the deep power was like a channel to penetrate the sea of ​​soul and reach the origin of the world, so that he could not help but feel in front of the whole world. The so-called How small and miserable the Demon Master is!

"Longa! Is it you?"

Suddenly Claire felt a familiar sound as if it had reached the ear from an unknown area ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The boy's intellect suddenly cleared up, and then suddenly the power of the gem burst out like a runaway.

Just as the current of Pentium swept across his mind, the influx of countless information made Claire's mind screamed as if he had been hit hard, and the scarlet blood that the boys' seven tricks flowed out in an instant was excessive use The performance of the gem's sequelae, but Claire never expected that such a violent outbreak would suddenly occur today.

I obviously only used the gem for a few minutes, but it was as scary as if I had used it for hours or even days!

Even before he could cover his **** nose, Claire felt only that his consciousness suddenly blurred and he fainted in the dark.

The fallen dominator attached to Claire became even more anxious. Once Claire died, the gems would stop the power to cut through the space, and he would be expelled back to the distorted void. For some unpredictable time, the gems may change hands. (To be continued.)

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