Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 79: Illusory dream

On the day of the bimonthly, two white and blue moons rose at the same time in the night sky, and the bright moonlight fell on the ground to reflect the capital of Hui.

Today's bimonthly day is different from usual. The seventeenth bimonthly day after the start of each new year is a grand festival to celebrate the three goddesses. After the prayer event, the night's tranquility was lost and replaced by brightly lit shops and crowded streets.

Elaborate handicrafts, flavorful cuisine from different regions of the world! Various fun games such as archery, combat, magic show, etc. The dwarfs laughed and drank all kinds of fine wines, played wonderful music, and the elves danced in the moonlight. Even the lonely dragon was attracted by this lively atmosphere. Infected, one after another turned into human figures to join this feast, the laughter of all people intertwined into a joyous praise!

The female elf stood on the terrace and watched the lively street below. Everyone's joy was passed to her heart, which made the female elf feel very gratified. The sister she loved during the day sang a song of prayer perfectly at the goddess ritual. The beautiful singing completely conquered everyone present, not just the beautiful singing, and used the singing to guide the dream and spiritual power. It shows that the younger sister has a higher talent than herself.

I presume that my sister will become a better clan leader than herself in the future.

The sound of footsteps in the stairway interrupted the thoughts of the female elf. After the carved door on the terrace was pushed open, the elf girl in the sacrificial dress ran over happily.


The elf girl held her hands with a cute smile and coquettishly said, "Sister, why are you here again?"

"I must pay attention to the safety of the ritual at any time. You and Kurian will play with them." The female elf gently sorted out her sister's slightly messy hair. It seemed that the sister was having a good time, and she was still carrying her back. A cute tauren mask.

The elf girl bowed her head so that her sister could comb her hair for herself, and said in a pleading tone: "It's okay, Sister Emory is in charge of the vigilance work, so my sister will come down and play together. Is n’t it too pitiful for my sister to be here alone on the lively festival day? "

不 Unable to withstand the entanglement of her younger sister, the female elf was held together and walked into the lively crowd of people ┉┉

His sister was holding hands and walking through the crowd. The emergence of the female elf caused a burst of exclamation and praise from the crowd around. One of the poets even recited the praise poems for himself in front of the street aisle, making himself suddenly a little bit Overwhelmed.

With balloons, fireworks, seafood barbecues, fruit smoothies, my sister is like a full-time guide pulling herself, eating different foods, watching and participating in interesting shows and competitions.

At this time, the female elves couldn't help but feel that the mortals also always had their own happiness and joy. At least they saw a few old friends in the crowd. The wise man Sigma of the Blue Dragon clan actually was in a dwarf's barbecue shop. Chewing on a roast leg of lamb, judging from the plates piled up next to Sigma, the blue dragon wise man seemed to be ready to eat all the food in this barbecue shop.

When Sigma noticed that he was watching him, the big wise men of the Blue Dragon clan suddenly froze, and his face wrapped with mutton became like a red dragon in flames, which made the female elf lightly Laughed out loud.

"There is Xing Shabei, so beautiful."

When I came to a shop selling trinkets and pets, the elf girl stared intently at the colorful shells raised in the pool. The female elf stood next to her sister and looked at these shells. This is a kind of non-law from the sea. Edible decorative shells, these shells emit a faint light in the dark, very popular with some girls. Many people will buy some to keep in the fish tank, and you can enjoy the beautiful light emitted by these shells when you sleep at night.

The owner of this shop is an elderly human female, watching the favorite look of the elf girl and said with a smile: "These are the Xing Shabe that have only recently been transported from a distance. Buy some to keep and look good. . "

Carefully picked up a scarlet shell from the water, and the elf girl looked at her sister next to her in a requesting voice and said, "Can I buy some back? Sister."

当然 "Of course." The female elf smiled gently and said, "But you have to take good care of these little lives."

"I will take good care of these little shells." The elf girl said with a smile.

Red scallops, green scallops, blue coral scallops, the elven girl put a carefully selected shell in a small fishnet aside, and the female elf looked at her sister and lowered her body gently. When the elves' white fingers brushed the shells, it seemed to inject vitality into them, and all the shells were emitting a faint light.

Watching her sister's actions intently, the elf girl heartily smiled.

I really hope this kind of peaceful life will last forever! Looking at her sister's smile, the female spirit thought and sighed with inspiration.


Suddenly, an extreme chill emerged from the heart, the female elf's body shook slightly, and all the shells in her hands fell to the ground. She slightly covered her chest and revealed her doubtful expression!

怎么 What happened to this strange feeling?

"What's wrong with my sister?" The elf girl held the shell and looked at the sister next to her strangely.

Illusion? ┉┉

的 The chill that erupted from her heart disappeared in no time. After feeling that there was nothing to hinder, the female elf smiled and said, "Nothing is fine."

"Let me help you choose these shells." The female elf put her fingers into the water with a mild smile.

When Xun was about to pick up a star sand shell from the water, the female elf suddenly noticed her own shadow reflected in the water! It was a beautiful elf woman with green hair, but why there was a terrible scar on her fair neck ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It was like a wound caused by a bite of some beast, from the neck All the way down to the chest.

The female elf gently touched the wound involuntarily, and the blocked memory seemed to be knocked out as a gap revealed. The female elf's eyes became confused, and she slightly touched the wound with her eyes closed. It seemed to be tingling inwardly.

"Oh! What is this wound?" The female elf's expression became painful, holding the collar of her chest tightly in her head like fog, which made people unable to think.

The elf girl saw her sister suddenly show such a painful expression, and stood up in a hurry, anxiously asking, "What happened to my sister?"

"There seems to be something in my head ┉┉ I can't remember it." The female elf shook her head and frowned sadly.

The pedestrians along the street also seemed to notice the discomfort of the female elf. The enthusiastic person and the elf girl supported the elf to sit on the side of the seat to rest, and the elf girl also sat side by side and looked worriedly at her sister.

"Irina! Do you know what happened to the scar on my neck?" The female elf asked with a restful tone after taking a break.

"Scar?" The elf girl called Irina tilted her head and looked at her sister inexplicably, asking, "Is there a scar?"

The female elf slightly pointed at her neck and said, "Did you see a scar here?"

Irina shook her head slightly and took out a small mirror that she had brought with her to the female elf. She looked at herself in the mirror and was surprised to find that the terrible scar had disappeared at this moment!

This is how the same thing?

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