Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1168: The Transcendent Clear Night (End)

"Dead ~"

"Are you sure?"

"The curse shows that it has been activated. Even if it does not die under the blessing of the dominating power, it will sooner or later become a dead person, but this time our great knight captain is dead and worthless."

Killed instantly, and still under the state of the Bloodfall Curse being activated, a great knight can grow to the level of the Aqua Knight in a short time, but that ’s why members of the Order are still being The opponent kills like a crushed ant. Obviously, the other person is also a terrible existence in the upper layer of the pyramid in this system.

The assassin-dominated believer Acheride observes the magic weapon in his hand. This magic weapon records all believers who have planted the blood-cursing spell. It shows that there is already a life falling, and it is still under the power of activating the curse. Crushing, fortunately, the activated curse will burn the soul at the moment of its death, and the transcendent who defeated this believer should not want to get any useful information from it, even if the undead mage is here, don't think about Jiang The broken soul is fighting back.

She shook her mouth and she dropped the magic weapon on the sofa while she closed her eyes and said, "It's really unfortunate. How long has it been since I came to this city, a fool was taken out and killed, and now The lurking extraordinary in this city also started to hunt around. "

"Specially targeted at the hunting of extraordinary people, choosing night seems that they do not want to affect the daily operation of the city."

Sophia picked up the magic weapon lost by Asherid and members were discovered not long after the decentralized operation. It seems that members of their own party are preparing to escape the city. In this case, it is really unnecessary to accuse the other party of fear of absconding. After all, it is also good to save some more power, but their own people are still killed after leaving the city and they are crushed by brute force so quickly. Obviously the extraordinary people who are hiding in the dark of this city have taken it seriously.

Going to the window, Sophia opened the curtain slightly, and looked at the brightly lit upper floors and the lower floors trapped in boundless darkness. The number of lights at night became the dividing line between the rich and the poor in this city. But even in the upper lights, the entire city was soaked with a strange sense of horror. At least for Sophia, the city was preparing to open its blood bowl and stutter like an unknown horror monster. All those who disobey its will, in those dark corners and streets, at this moment do not know how many powerful transcendents are following the will of their masters, acting as hunting dogs to hunt those who are unwilling to submit.

It should be said that it is worthy of being regarded as a sinful city abandoned by even the gods. Now this city looks like a purgatory in the abyss. The beasts in the dark are really hunting around!

"What shall we do next? Miss Sophia, but now we are nailed here and can't move. The **** smell of a group of devil dancing outside can even float here." Asked on the sofa, Asherid asked. .

Sophia didn't answer him directly: "Are you sure it's safe here?"

"Of course it's safe. This mansion was originally my property. After I was devolved from the family into this city, I've been earning black money here to help those good-looking guys maintain their big aristocratic family. Face, these industries have belonged to me over the years. Even when I was in the church, I have always maintained the property rights of these industries, so rest assured. "

"A contract in writing cannot stop the sword of the transcendent."

"I know ~" Asherid sighed. "Even if you have a city security team, you can't stop some people's private troops. If they really want to break in, then I can't do anything about it. I just hope that Sophie Miss Ya, you can show them all and fight them back. Maybe we can break out from here if we join forces. "

Sophia didn't say anything after looking at Yasherid. Yashered was right. If the other party really wanted such mortal terms and contracts, they would not be able to take the steps of the extraordinary. Now the only thing I can look forward to is this house. Di's message did not enter into the eyes of those who were extraordinary, and could allow one side to stand by until the situation eased. If it was unfortunately discovered by those who were extraordinary, then there would be no other choice.

Ordinary superhumans who are already their own strength are not opponents, even the dragons themselves can compete with one another, but this city does not know how many superhuman characters lurk in the city, and Croside, the prince of the black dragon, is a Huge trouble. Although Crossside still maintains cooperation with the master, it does not mean that Crossside will show mercy to his men. After all, cooperation is one thing, but invading his field is another. At this point, Croside will never choose to concede. Even if Crossside really killed the killer, even if he dominated for a while, he would not be able to reach out to this city that does not welcome gods and demons, so the best choice now is to avoid contact as much as possible.


The hunt for the transcendental began at night, and the detailed information provided by the blood race and the exhaustion of a large number of powerful transcendents allowed the transcendental lurking and unwilling to surrender in this city, one by one, even a strong presence outside the city early in the morning. Even the hope of these supernatural gates trying to escape was also strangled. The entire Free City has become a hunting ground made of iron cages. The prey in the hunting ground was hunted one by one in a panic, even if there were prey trying to resist trying to die. I took a bite of my enemies before, but under a highly coordinated organization, no extraordinary person could successfully cause influential damage in the city. As for some killings in the lower levels, for people in the city of Free City, this This kind of killing and destruction need not be mindful at all.

The lives of the poor are worthless in this city. No rich person will put their eyes on them. Some even think that a group of poor ghosts need to be cleaned regularly to keep more fresh blood injected into the city. Rejuvenate the city.

"Today's **** taste has finally faded slightly, and it looks like it is almost over."

In the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce, Lelouch looked upstairs in the study upstairs. The shadows that were originally active in the dark place reduced the stomach, and the **** smell in the air was also reduced. The cleanup operation for the transcendent is about to end.

"In other words, can we go out for a while? Your Excellency, we have been banned for a while during this time." Safiros, lying idle on the sofa in the side of the study, said with dissatisfaction. .

"This is also no way out. After all, this kind of immortal fight, as a mortal, we should avoid it, shouldn't we?"

"Oh ~"

Safiros snorted and closed his eyes, not talking.

For Safiros who wants to hone swordsmanship and improve his strength and pursue the pinnacle of power, those nights of hunting the extraordinary are simply a good trial ground, and powerful fighters representing the extraordinary level of the world are killing and hunting each other. His inadvertently revealed strength breath made him eager to fight, but Lelouch's prohibition made him look like a hungry man but was turned away from the dinner.

Lelouch looked back at Safiros with a smile, his dissatisfaction was completely ignored.

As a reinforcement from the city of Ulduar, Safiros is probably the strongest fighter in the Chamber of Commerce next only to himself and Bujani. Even ordinary people are not necessarily opponents in front of him, but this hunt None of the masters behind the transcendent, G, is a soft persimmon. Needless to say, Croside has the identity of the black dragon prince. It is estimated that Luluxiu who was reborn as a black dragon is not his opponent. The bizarre necklace and the staff of the Star Child, plus the special layout of the city put her in an almost invincible state, and the blood race seemed to be the weakest of them, but a race that existed 10,000 years ago. Exactly how much information there is, it is really difficult for people to judge that they cannot be underestimated.

Whoever is not Safiros or even the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce can provoke it now, and there is absolutely no need to provoke it!

Not to mention that Safiros has already shown his face in front of outsiders, especially on the blood side. At this time, if Safiros goes out to fight those extraordinary people, wouldn't it have directly attracted the eyes of Yunokia and others, Is n’t it time for him to find himself in pain, Luluxiu firmly imposed a foot-ban on Safiros. Even at this special time, except for himself as the chairman, he went out to entertain during the day, almost everyone The soldiers stayed in the chamber of commerce.

Fortunately, although Safiros's personality is solitary, he still understands the situation in major events. At least Safiros IX did not expose everyone under the injunction just to satisfy his selfish desires, although he was banned in The Chamber of Commerce made him very unpleasant, but he finally endured ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lu Luxiu likes this kind of person who can distinguish the importance, usually rebelled a little, it doesn't matter if it doesn't matter as long as it is important, but if it is Someone makes an unreasonable attempt to be a black horse, then they will never be soft-handed!

"There is a message from Black Rose, His Excellency Lelouch."

A shadow rushed into the room, and the looters who came out of the shadow handed an envelope to Lelouch and then returned to the darkness.

"It looks like the messenger of the Big Three is here, as expected."

Lelouch opened the envelope with a smile, and the development of the black rose should have been noticed by many people who are interested, especially the benefits created by the cigarettes flowing out of the hands of the black rose made people jealous. Someone will definitely be inspired to black For Rose, consider that the most informed person in the city now is Yunokia.

Opening the envelope with this expected ease of mind, Lelouch couldn't laugh anymore after a few glances.

Hmm ~ some things are expected, but some things are unexpected! 8)

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