Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1165: The transcendent clear night (on)

Undercurrents are surging, and the sickle of death in the shadow is recklessly harvesting fresh human life.

Because all the killings are carried out at night, because the targets of the killings are far beyond the imagination of ordinary people and even high-level personnel in this city. On the contrary, the daily operation of the entire city has not been affected at all, but the **** atmosphere in the air is gradually getting stronger. People can smell the blood, but they can't see the cold body, as if all fighting and murder are happening in another world.

"Damn, I finally escaped. This **** free city is awful! Damn! Remember me I will never stop there." A man on the sidewalk outside the city of Liberty City is already amazingly fast. Running away.

The speed of surpassing the steed has erupted on both feet, and the ground cannot bear the strength of its feet cracking every time. It can be seen how terrible the man in flight is, but now he is the broken armor of the satyr howl There are bandages around the bandages, as they have stepped into the extraordinary field and have a very strong recovery ability. When the bandages have to be tied after the end of the battle, it means that the injuries are not trivial. It is possible to be harmed only after a hard fight.

Some bitter fighting

This is not a bitter battle. The man's speed accelerated again and even cracked a little bit. Now what he is craving is to leave the city earlier and find an uninhabited place to treat the injury. Liberty City has a material transfer station not far from the north. It is best to rush there to find some materials.

The gradually cracking wound began to ache again, and the man was about to slow down a bit, and suddenly stopped in shock.

A wonderful figure of a dark road crossing in the distance is sitting on the grass against the moon and looking at the moonlight leisurely. After seeing the man coming, he has a long hair like a flame, tall and hot. The whole body was full of heat last time. The hot beauty slowly stood up and stared at the man with a bad smile, as if a savage girlfriend was getting ready to repair a weak boyfriend who dared to be late on a date.

"Slow death, do you know how long I waited here?"

The amazing abundance on the chest is accompanied by walking and shaking, forming a landscape enough to make men want to never take their eyes away, long and **** legs and a long, slender waist that has been exercised, and the whole body is full of flames. It gives people a burning temptation, but the clothes on the body are also red-based hot beauty, now like a burning flame, people feel a sense of suffocation being smoked.

Smoked suffocation, yes! This is not just the pressure on the breath. The escaping men can obviously feel that the breath around them is constantly rising. This is a manifestation of the high concentration of fire elements, and the source is the outstanding beauty in front of him.

"Asshole!" The man cursed with fear, then turned and fled quickly.

If it was before, maybe the man would be very interested in collaborating with this hot and full-colored beauty, and even tried to make her surrender to his own cunt, but now the man does not have the slightest thought of it, there is Just full of fear and desire for life. Because even an idiot can see that the hot beauty is an extraordinary person, but also an amazing extraordinary person, even more terrible than the two extraordinary people who hurt themselves in the free city!

"Ha ~ let me wait here for so long and still want to run? How could it be so easy!" While the red-haired woman's voice sounded, the whole person fell from the sky like a meteorite.

The man hurriedly punched his fist back to defense, but when the fist came into contact with his feet, a horrible crackling sounded, accompanied by the sorrowful wailing, the man's arm was like sugar cane pressed by the hydraulic machine. Generally, all are broken apart, and the white pieces of bone and the flesh are mixed together to form a tragic image that people can't bear to look at.

Click ~

The falling woman struck the man's chest with her hands on her hips. This time, with the sound of a broken rib, the man could not stand up after spitting blood after flying out.

Seeing this woman shook her head in disdain: "The weak is boring enough. I originally heard that you have dragon blood in you and thought you could let me play longer, which is really disappointing. "

Dragon's Essence

The man who was twitching on the ground in the midst of his concubine opened his eyes as if he had been stimulated, and some dusty memories began to emerge along with this sentence.

I am an ordinary person but a lucky person. At a time, I was just a town militia. After a hike and my companion separated, I found an ancient dragon cave in a canyon. In addition to harvesting a large number of After the treasure of the ancient dragon, I still have the good fortune to find the essence hidden by the dragon. It takes only decades to rely on the essence of the dragon to quickly pass through the realm of mortals and reach the top of the power. Warcraft, ogres, repulsion of robbers, powerful power and huge wealth made him the richest man in the whole town, and even made the lord very pleased and tried to let himself join his family. It was his life. The pinnacle is for someone who was previously unknown.

But he does n’t have the ability to manage money. The dragon ’s treasures can be squandered, especially his first wife, who has a beautiful face but only a stupid woman who only knows how to spend money. After the dragon's treasure was almost squandered, relying on the lord's daughter, she dared to seduce herself. This stupid vase woman probably forgot that she was only used by his father to please himself. He said it was her own. Wife, that's not good. She's just her wife and slave!

This stupid woman was tortured to death quickly, and his father did n’t even have a bit of complaint after learning that it was going on. He even intended to let the stupid woman's sister marry himself. After all, a wise man knows how to look at the situation. In the face of himself, who killed and killed hundreds of robbers, who would be stupid enough to offend himself for a stupid woman who didn't understand the situation and thought he was right.

It ’s a pity that I ’m tired of it. Although I ’m into an aristocratic family, I ’m just saying that besides marrying a woman who is a tool for libido, I ’m just a free fighter for this family, and I ’ll share my wealth in turn. Moreover, a little lord may be able to keep his heart. If it is a princess of a country, he may be able to motivate himself, but it is also because he is still afraid of the whole country. The dragon ’s The essence of blood makes his power far superior to ordinary people. It is faster to practice any martial arts than others, but to kill hundreds of robbers who only know the blade and lick blood, but there is nothing wrong with the black people, but in the face of a whole kingdom army It is still impossible for him to kill it, because he is not strong enough.

What I want more is real rights. The right to dominate others is not to be the servant of others. I originally drank the blood of the dragon and became strong. I should have all of this. I am a strong person. And how can those who are weak be qualified to give themselves instructions, that they are the masters of the king, and those mortals can only serve themselves as slaves!

It was right to choose to leave, and it was also right to initially come to Liberty City, a city hailed in the north that even the gods had given up. It was here that I realized that compared to a small territory in a remote area, in the real world There are so many beautiful plants in it, whether it is clothing, food, or women, they all have the best here, even if it was her former wife who thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world when she first met her In this city, it's just mediocre. This city has amazing wealth and as a city with an envelope of weak meat and strong food theory, as a self above the mortals, you must have power over it.

Regardless of the humble mortals' solicitation, what they want is to build their own power in the city, and one day make the rumored glamorous female law businessman Yunokia become their servant and then remove Dropping the other two big titans will eventually make this city its own possession. On this land, you will establish your own kingdom on the earth and peep into the mystery of the gods in controlling faith.

But why does this city emerge so many extraordinary people overnight, and they are all powerful extraordinary people you have never seen before!

Usually, there are extraordinary people in this city who are active. Everyone comes to this city with different desires. For the thirst for wealth, for the rights, for the hegemony, there are also people who just want to pursue. Ronghua is rich and luxurious, and the extraordinary are also fighting for control of the city's resources. Some people sneak into the dark to hide their physical command, and some people choose to interfere directly in the bright place. They are also involved in this vortex. Desperately fighting for resources for Hu is to defeat the opponent and become the ultimate winner of this weak meat and strong food game. He has confidence because the essence of the dragon has not been fully digested by himself. In a small city, he is already invincible. Now, as long as you are practicing hegemony, you can definitely outperform others, because you are luckier than these old guys, and the blood of the dragon brings you unlimited potential!

It doesn't make sense to cooperate with others. I am the darling chosen by fate, and sooner or later I will have a look at what belongs to me.

"Oh, please, please, please, please forgive me"

"Aha ~ what are you talking about? Can you speak a little louder? I can't hear you."

The red-haired woman easily smashed the opponent's insignificant resistance and stepped on the man's chest. The tremendous strength suddenly hurt the other person and hurt the place where the pedal was pressed. The sound of squeak and huge pain makes the man who has less air intake and more gas become even more angry. The fire of life can be extinguished at any time like a candle under a wild wind. Seeing the man's last plea, the red-haired woman showed a look of laughter and pretended not to hear.

After teasing each other, the red-haired woman skillfully searched for everything valuable from the other person and put it in her space ring, but this man obviously did not have a lot of oil and water, which made the red-haired woman slightly dissatisfied.

Eventually the man summoned all his strength and begged again.

"Will obey? Uh! Pity ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's too late to say this now. Where did your spirits go?"

The red-haired woman laughed: "And what can you do with this kind of waste? I don't think His Royal Highness Prince would be interested in you at all. At that time, it was only to look like you, even if you promised you The ridiculous power is at most a cannon fodder. "

waste! cannon fodder! So I'm so weak? How many creepy monsters are lurking in this city!

"It is a waste of the dragon's blood to be swallowed by a mortal, but mosquitoes are nothing but flesh." The red-haired woman suddenly licked her lips and looked at the person who was dying at her feet with a look like predator : "Come on, let your humble power also be part of my Lussanola power. As a mortal you can be incorporated into my flesh and blood. You should be proud."

In the man's vision that has gradually blurred, the red-haired beauty in front of her has changed dramatically into a huge creature entwined with fiery elements, which seems to be the legendary dragon! That's right ~ that's the red dragon!

The next second the dragon had opened his mouth to eat the man with the land beneath him.

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