Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1149: Revenge quickly came!

His appearance is good, at least in the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce, the men who have a good opinion of themselves and intend to pursue themselves are more than double digits! But one thing I know very well is that I am definitely not the peerless beauty who can upset the soul of a man. The most famous characters in history, such as the princess and the concubine, are only 2,000 years old. The former Yunokia was just one person. . Fastest update

Emma wouldn't be arrogant to think that the Lord would warn himself that night because of his beauty.

Why on earth? In terms of his identity and his position, it is impossible for him to be on his side.

And when Emma was thinking wildly, at the same time in a heavily guarded manor in the upper level of freedom, the noble man who helped Emma walk out of the gate of the manor with some tiredness last night, and the attendants waiting outside immediately respected Opened the car door and watched the man leave by car. He didn't look back until the carriage disappeared into sight.

"No problem, sir?"

"Ah ~ haha! I was severely reprimanded and for that time I was banned."

The man smiled and sighed and felt helpless, but in terms of tone, he didn't seem to take it at all.

The coachman said with a slight regret, "In fact, you didn't have to come forward last night. It is your identity that will put you into a great passivity."

"But I can't. After all, looking at such a talented lady is likely to be worthless because of this boring game of interests. For me, this is a violent thing. Her talent should have a bigger stage. And space to develop. "

"But she's standing opposite you now, serving those evil and filthy things."

"That ’s why I have to help her even more. Revealing some of the mists for her has made it easier for her to see more things. She has a human identity and a thorough look at the world and her own value."

"Already a human identity"

The coachman's breathing was a bit heavy, as if he remembered some unforgettable past.

"Yes! As a human being with unlimited potential, I just want to save and retain as many of these promising people as possible, maybe not swordplay, or magic, but their talents will be in the future. Only in that great age can you exert far more powerful power than any warrior and mage, all for the time that my Lord Goddess Ishtar has chosen! "

The aristocratic man talked calmly and solemnly, just like the flames that burned and devoted everything to his obsession in order to be obsessed. The fair-skinned and delicate hands that have never been damaged are now firmly grasped. An emblem is more valuable than its own family emblem. It was an emblem that was originally taboo in the city by businessmen in the upper quarters. It is an emblem held by believers of the Holy See, the largest religious organization in eastern China.

Just like an invisible war drum, the coachman's expression agitated: "Yes, sir, everything is for the goddess Ishtar!"


Forbearance will always be more intensified bullying. Blind defense is to motivate the enemy to wave more fists. Admiration will never make people more impressed. In this powerful world, as The prince of the Black Dragon clan, Closide has never believed in the so-called love and justice, nor will he ever commit the act of being beaten to the left and putting his right face up, and he is now human. Attitude has been formulated by humans to participate in this game. If the opponent has money as a weapon to compete for the market in the mall, then he will also have money to fight for the weapon.

However, if someone does not use money as a weapon, but has used force to deal with it, he will never have reservations to show them how terrible the overwhelming force is.

Destroy a cargo airship belonging to Lawrence directly outside the free city. Don't love to be found quickly. This will give Lawrence a stern warning. In the free city, there is a person responsible for the Philip Bascan Tel's Chamber of Commerce launched an attack, and the attack was arranged to shirk all responsibility to Claire, who had previously made some big news in the free city.

Anyway, this boy is also worried about debts, and it is easy to have Yunokia secretly cooperate to forge evidence.

Rogge left after taking the lead. Although his temperament gave him a sense of stability, but this week, the guy with low eyes and high masters always caused trouble. The brutal and brutal personality of the guy didn't change much. This guy is not here to run into the muddy waters and feel the fish.

And in fact, just as Croside thought, Roger did change, not only the change of temperament but also the change of strength. The pure elemental force surging in the body after receiving the command was like a catalyst. Let the power flow into your heart, and the desire for battle makes you want to find a rival to kill you.

After obtaining the information of Flying Air Court from Crossside, Rogma rushed to it. Although Flying Air Court had set off a day in advance, it was already quickly caught up in front of the speed of the dragon. It appeared in the clouds and fog. A medium-sized cargo airship was not equipped with a lot of force. It looked like a dull fat man jogging panting in front of a runner, making Rog want to descend directly from the sky. Smashing through the deck of the entire airship and breaking it into two pieces, or simply restoring the dragon shape, it has already been breathed and turned into a burning flying woodpile.

However, Rogge did not land unscrupulously on the airship as usual, first tortured the killing of the crew, and then arrogantly detonated the airship or restored the dragon form team airship as expected. I saw Rog quietly flying to the dead corner below the airship when the visibility gradually declined around the setting sun.

The huge airship team is the crystallization of wisdom for human beings and the hegemon who dominates the sky, but to Rogge, the airship is just a huge fragile toy. Humans put together steel, wood and cloth. The airship that uses magic to drive the flight is almost full of weaknesses. The airship does bring great convenience to mortals in transportation, but the airship cannot take into account the protection while maintaining the carrying capacity and speed. All airships on the entire continent, regardless of military or civilian use, generally have the disadvantage of high power and low power. For some airships without the protection of the legal array, they are just like flammable firewood!

The safety of air transportation over land transportation made the crew on the airship more leisurely. After the routine inspection, everyone returned to the boathouse below the deck in twos to dine, and there was no one on the deck except a watchman responsible for guarding the surroundings. The second person, but this job is boring for the spectators. I have been flying on this route for almost thirty years. The position of each tree and mountain range here is even better than that of my own home. Also understand.

"It's really time to go back and accompany the children, and have made enough money these years."

Although boring, but hopeless people have not given up the job for 30 years. Being an airship staff is not an easy task. I stood out among a group of competitors. The salary of this job was very high. High and the most important thing is that it is relatively safe. Unlike the ground transportation, anyone who can run back and forth for thirty years and still be alive can fight from the bandits from a weak coward to a strong iron man.

If you want to say, this airship that has been in service for many years has also experienced some glitches. I simply discovered it earlier to avoid the disaster of Zhongda, and the most dangerous one was that the navigator had a problem and let it fly. The empty boat almost hit the mountain, but fortunately, I found that the ship was avoided in time to destroy people. Afterwards, I got an extra reward, but the **** head felt that he had deducted a copy in private.

When I first thought about it, the hopeman took out a cigarette called Havana from the free city. This kind of thing is really a good thing. It can not only refresh myself, but also spend some time. It is only the first time I buy this thing. Make yourself skeptical so you do n’t buy so much, it will be exhausted by yourself in one day. I ’m afraid it will be a bit difficult for the next trip without this stuff.

The cigarette holder ignited and took a deep breath and felt like his thoughts were floating: "Next time I buy a little more and keep it, the group of junkies, obviously I have such a box in my hand and asked for it. "

Suddenly the airship shook violently at this moment. The violent almost made the watchman fall from the lookout, and the cigarette in his hand fell off in a panic.

"What's the matter!"

The sight-seeing man with fast eyes hugged the handrail on the lookout with his eyes wide open. Although the sight was not good at dusk, the mountains around him could still be seen. It was absolutely impossible to hit anything if it was said. ~ Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But what about the shock just now.

The crew and captain, who had eaten in the cabin, suddenly paniced and ran to the deck.

"What happened and what happened?"

"No ~ we didn't hit the mountains."

The watchman yelled anxiously, only then did the watchman notice that the airship was descending rapidly and the hull began to tilt slowly.

In the horrifying shouts of everyone, the ship's hull was getting more and more inclined, and the captain had shouted in the captain's room at this moment and asked what was happening to the technical staff below. Answer, one of the two main floating disks of the airship completely stopped working, and they were urgently starting a spare floating disk.

However, at this time, the second collision happened again, and everyone on the deck was stunned. They saw the floating disk originally under the ship's side flew with sparks, and it felt like they were kicked into the sky with a severe kick. .

Damage to both main floating disks means that a crash is inevitable.

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