Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1124: Left Orphans

Tyler wanted to give himself some private time to explain something to Lidia. Lelouch smiled and waved, and led by Alisa in another lounge.

In this personal time, Tyler explained some things to Lidia, some helpless but no choice. First, Lidia was free. She was not a slave but regained her freedom of life. But when As long as Lydia is happy in the future, Tyler tells another thing that makes the girl somewhat incomprehensible. She is free but she must remain in the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce to continue posing as a slave.

Lydia is very puzzled. Although Lelouch, who bought her own after being brought to the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce, has never done anything to herself, of course, it is more like completely forgetting herself, but seriously Just realizing that she was in the twisted and terrible city of Liberty City, Lydia could not help but feel fear.

"The chairman of the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce put forward this condition. Of course, your identity is still free when you stay here, and no one can force Lidia to do something."

Tyler tried to explain to Lidia as much as possible. For the issue of Miss Delia's stay, Lu Luxiu, the president of the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce, put forward this reason that was originally a little strange, but there are some reasonable reasons after thinking about it. First of all, the bidding of Lydia at the auction seemed to involve something about the great slave businessman Philippe. At the time, Lelouch shouted ten million rien because of some compelling reasons, but the actual Shang Luluxiu did not have any hesitation about Lidia.

Lidia, who is the party concerned, knows this best. After being bought back by the other party, she was left unattended.

"Then why is Lord Lelouch still at that time ... then ... that me ..."

"Miss Lydia, you have been used by Phillips as a prop to test Lord Lelouch. Phillips, a slave merchant, has a lot of revenge for this. He has a weird personality, and he likes to cooperate with him when he chooses a partner. Collaborating with people with similar personalities, if the other party dislikes the slave trade, Phillips will not agree with the other party. It is impossible for Lord Luxiu to offend Phillips if he continues to develop in a free city, and He can only please him as he pleases. "

After Tyler and Lelouch negotiated, they also roughly guessed why the chairman insisted on leaving Lidia.

The strange character of the great slave businessman Phillips is also a well-known thing in the upper part of the free city. In fact, in the free city, any businessman who wants to set foot here is an unavoidable object. The western capital is disliked, and the sale of human beings is also disliked by the Holy See in the eastern part of the continent. Not all serious businessmen walking around the mainland agree with the slave trade. There are also many dislikers, but as long as they must When it comes to Liberty City, a sinful capital built on the bodies of countless slaves and even abandoned by the gods, even in disgust, you only have to hold your nose into the dirty water and obey the rules.

That said, Lidia also bowed her head: "Because His Excellency Lelouch was worried about being retaliated by Phillips?"

"It is very likely that although the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce is developing rapidly, it is precisely because of this rapidness that the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce cannot avoid the attention of the Big Three. His Excellency Lu Luxiu is a genius, but how wise is not enough Before the power was still unable to compete with the Big Three, it is probably helpless for His Excellency to leave you forcibly. "

Tyler was helpless in this situation where he had to help others, but even more helpless was the situation in the Kingdom of Creces. "In fact, I think this may be a good thing."

"Ah ~ why !?"

Tyler sighed deeply and said with a bitter face: "The situation in the Kingdom of Creces is very unclear. Calvin was promoted after a merchant from Phylibes bribed the jailer to seize you. The group of running dogs still think that you have been executed in secret and you have started colluding with the Carlsheim Empire. The Harriman family is declared a treason. Now if you return suddenly, you may also be assassinated, so before the situation becomes clear It ’s also to save the Tinder of the Harriman family. I think it ’s safer to hide in a free city. ”

Lydia suddenly turned pale, anger and sadness made her body tremble. The Harriman family was a veteran of the Kingdom of Creses. She even founded this country with the first king and has been guarding it until now. Ya listened to these glorious stories from the mouth of her father and elders at home, but now the Harriman family will be crowned as a treason, which is simply absurd.

"So Uncle Tyler, how are my father and mother now, after I was caught ... I haven't heard from my father and mother for a long time."

Tyler heard that he closed his eyes slightly, and his face was not very good: "I'm sorry ~ Lidia ..."

Suddenly Lidia realized a terrible bad news, even if Tyler didn't keep talking, he knew what happened.


Lulu Xiu was drinking tea and waiting leisurely, until more than ten minutes later when Tyler and Lidia returned to the room.

"Have you been waiting for His Excellency Lelouch."

"Is that all right?"

"Yes!" Tyler nodded. "Although it is a secret agreement, I hope you will stay true to His Excellency Lelouch."

Luluxiu smiled elegantly in this regard: "For a businessman, credit is the most important thing, especially a businessman who is determined to a higher goal."

Lidia on the one side had a somewhat fateful attitude, so she stood silently and witnessed the signing of the contract, and accepted the fate that she still needed to stay in the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce for a while.

However, Talal did not tell Lydia that the more important reason is that the remaining members of the Harriman family are still being purged by the new king, and the Tastorov family is contacting the domestic lords to plan a military coup to force Calvin After stepping down, a civil war has been brewing inside the Kingdom of Creces. At this time Lidia is really not suitable for returning directly to the country, otherwise waiting for the girl will be a long and frustrating day, with nothing but blood and death. .

If possible, Talal did not want a war, because the stupid act of the new kingdom Calvin, while losing the border war with the Carlsheim Empire, the kingdom of Creces lost one of the most important figures. That is, the final whereabouts of White Wing Princess Lindis under the impact of the chaos is unknown. Although rumors spread, Princess Lindis's whereabouts eventually became a mystery.

Calvin was forced to become the queen only half a year before the announcement of Princess Lindis' death was announced in the name of the royal family. However, this proves that the true whereabouts of Princess Lindis has yet to be traced. Otherwise, Calvin's character will surely die in the princess. The news of the death was announced the first time. It may take a long time for half a year before the announcement was made. It only shows that Calvin was also afraid that the princess would suddenly return to deal with herself after the announcement of the death of Princess Lindis.

Tyler did not want to become a monarch or a usurper, but now that the situation of the Kingdom of Creces is getting worse, it is no longer possible to slowly find Princess Lindis before taking action. Calvin stepped down and said.

"Okay, so here ..."

After signing the agreement, Lelouch smiled and said to Lidia, who had changed her status, "Welcome to you, Miss Lidia, you do n’t need to be bound during the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce, but for the sake of confidentiality, please do not leave the third floor of the Chamber of Commerce for the time being. Residence, everything else you do is free. "

Not long ago, as a slave, she suddenly became a free man. This rapid change made Lidia a bit uncomfortable.

After a moment of hesitation, Lidia, the daughter of the big aristocratic family, still suppressed the discomfort in her heart with good education and said faintly: "This time I have taken care of you, His Excellency Luluxiu ..."

With a good beginning, everything is logical next.

Tyler originally wanted to leave his attendants to take care of Lydia, but was recognized by Lelouch at a glance. The man named Nair was a rival he had previously competed with at the auction. Considering that He has kept a file in the chamber of commerce under Her Majesty's Chamber of Commerce ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In order to prevent Luluxiu from asking for substitution in case he is recognized, Taylor thinks for a while and agrees, but it takes some time After sending a confidant maid from the family to take care of Lidia from the city, I am afraid that I will temporarily aggravate Lidia during this time, and before leaving, the old general made a lot of change and quietly handed in. Lidia hopes she can keep it safe.

"Please believe me, Miss Lydia, I will send someone to pick you up once the situation stabilizes."

"Well, I will stick to it, please take care."

After saying goodbye to Talal, Lydia had to set foot on the stairs again and returned to her small room. Although the old general Talal said he would take himself away soon, but when can he really leave here? It's a mystery.

But at least he temporarily restored his freedom, except that he could not leave this chamber of commerce without any restrictions.

Lydia sighed and said that even if she wanted to go out, how could she go there in the face of the evil city of Liberty City? Just like a person trapped in the sea, they can only barely live on this isolated island called the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce for a while, but anyway, they don't have to spend time in fear.

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