Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 111: The poison spider that hit the dragon's mouth

The evil gods that remain in the second generation to this day have feared and conspired to rule the spider goddess Rose, the drow (dark) elves in the dark area below the surface, and Mediluta Hill is a family master At the same time, the mother's sister is a priest of the spider **** like her sister, but not dedicated to sacrifice. She is more of a spy to search for information or know the dissident. . Fastest update

Closside, the crazy and cruel evil devil, has been heard for a long time. In the free city, the dark elves are probably the only non-human race that can walk with free people. At least many mercenaries, gangs and Criminal organizations like these ruthless, dark-skinned killers, especially the glamorous dark elf women. Compared to the hard-to-tame white-skinned high elf, the charming and slutty of the dark elf women make them perfect companions in bed. On the battlefield, there are extraordinary assassins and warriors.

It is because of this that many organizations and forces in the free city quietly have some secret connections with the dark elves in the dark areas. From there, they continuously hire and recruit these evil cold-blooded elven killers. For the dark elves, It seems that I don't mind maintaining a communication channel with the surface trading city to continuously obtain various materials that cannot be obtained underground. In a free city, the essence of weak meat and strong food is brought to the extreme, and it is indeed a city full of conspiracy and betrayal. Let them have a feeling of returning to their 'hometown'.

What a mashup with poison!

Closside also learned that Mediluo was sent to the ground as a priest of the gods to collect intelligence and collect some general and suspicious information. As for the intelligence in that regard, even Medi Lu himself was not clear. Some of the vulnerabilities in the gods behind the gods seemed to be afraid of being learned about what they wanted to find, and because of this thing, the entire dark elven intelligence network was mobilized, and it was located on the surface. The dark elf city also sent more dark elf into the ground, after the spider **** can be described as an attitude that is bound to succeed.

"What exactly is the Queen of Spiders looking for?" Closide was curious.

"I don't know! Really ~ I swear that only the highest high priests in the city know about the deities, and priests of this level to me are not qualified to listen directly to the deities behind God!"

Mediluo shouted in horror, afraid that Closed would torture herself again with that extreme pain, seeing she was lying.

For this, Closide doesn't think Medilure is lying, indeed! If it is said that the Queen of Spiders is really looking for something important, priests such as Mediluo are not qualified to listen to the deities directly. Even if they are dispatched, it is impossible for them to directly explain that they have avoided exposure. Wind.

Later, at the signal of Closed, Medilure continued, and the next thing was why he joined the attacker team and attempted to sneak attack on the Blackrock Circle Chamber of Commerce.

In simple terms, Mediluo, a dark elf, is playing with his own ambitions. Originally, Mediluo activated the family spies lurking in the free city after quietly entering the free city, and from the mouth of the spy, he inquired about the free city. The top three giants are preparing to deal with the news of the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce, and after reviewing the relevant information of the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce and Closed in detail, Mediluo has a wish, that is, mixed into the attack team to see There is no chance to control the vice chairman of the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce.

To the dark elves priestesses who believe in the spider gods, there are too many magic tricks and means to control the heart!

In Mediluo's view, the value of Free City as the largest commercial hub in the surface human kingdom is inestimable. There are hundreds of billions of riins of goods circulating in the eastern part of the mainland every day. For anyone, even residues I can fill myself up, and for some forces and countries, this city, which is almost piled up with money, has even more extraordinary strategic significance. Occupying here is equivalent to holding the money bag of half a continent. The dark elf families that hate and despise humanity also have to admit it. It can even be said that Free City is the only transit station that allows the dark areas to obtain the necessary supplies. The dark elves have been carefully maintaining this important external window for a long time, otherwise Losing this window will completely put the city in the dark area into a dilemma of being blocked.

While the dark elves have maintained this window, large and small families are eager to occupy this important hub city on the surface, but let alone possession, even if it is the number one family in the city of Mosobrai Cannot occupy a place in the free city, and this city may also be full of conspiracy and betrayal, but after all, it is still a human-dominated city. As a dark elf of a non-human alien race and that infamous reputation is doomed to make itself People can only lurk in the shadows instead of standing in the light.

For a long time, the dark elves have only been able to penetrate the low-level chambers of commerce in the free city through the agent model. However, for the large-scale chambers of commerce in the free city and those powerful people, the dark elves have no way to penetrate the power, even if It is impossible to do a little bit. The reason is not only that human beings are always jealous of the dark elves, but more importantly, the city itself has various means to prevent the transcendent, and the mysteries in the important areas of the upper layer show that the city is not simple.

It was difficult for any family to control the city in the past, especially after reading the materials of the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce and Crossside, Mediluo tried to seize the opportunity of the upper chamber of commerce to penetrate the family power.

If you want to say, the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce is also one of the largest chambers of commerce in the free city. Although it is not as good as the Big Three in terms of wealth, it is indeed the wind of development that has almost overwhelmed the Big Three in popularity and the most important thing is the Chamber of Commerce. The vice-president Closed, this talented human man not only established the biggest contributor to this chamber of commerce, but also a profitable candidate for the chairman of the next Free City Chamber of Commerce, even the darkness lurking in the free city Elf spies rarely expressed appreciation for a 'human'.

Medilud fancyed Closside. As long as he could control this young vice chairman to become his own puppet, not only the power of the family could penetrate into the high-levels of the city, but even after he became the chairman of the chamber of commerce, Being able to annex the city little by little makes the family known as the behind-the-scenes manipulator here, and if it can do so, it can not only get a lot of materials from it, but also presumably can also please Weida's spider god, which has strengthened the family in Mosuobu Laicheng's right to speak!

As the priest of the spider god, Mediluo, who has more or less mastery of some magic, can easily be picked into the attacker team. Considering that he needs to kill other obstructive people after controlling Closide In the fall, Medilull also deliberately called together the lurking spies to act together and prepare the evil spider toxin. After controlling Closed, the permanent evil spider toxin killed all the others, and after a little lurking for a while, it can be magnificent. Let the vice-chairman of the controlled chamber of commerce return to his chamber of commerce, and then take the opportunity to penetrate further into the upper levels of the city and replace and control the upper level of the city.

"Good idea!" After listening to the plot against himself, Crossside said with an angry smile: "However, it was a little rushed, and I chose to do it on the basis of a whim without a detailed plan. , Do n’t you think this is a stupid thing? You have n’t considered that the reason why the free city has stood in the eastern part of the mainland for so many years has not even been intervened by the gods, this city will be a dark elf family of you Give control? "

Medilu's face was as ugly as swallowing a big head of flies, and Closside suddenly understood that a little bit, in the free city, I am afraid there are still more extraordinary powers lurking.

I chose to do it without conducting a detailed intelligence investigation. The result was a bad luck kick to the iron plate. This is an oversight, but it does not mean that I have not considered that there is no extraordinary power in a free city, but who would expect it? A powerful dragon actually runs down to be a vice president of a chamber of commerce. If the other party is one of the three giants, then he will not feel that there is anything wrong, think about the powerful dragon. It is ridiculous that the medicine-resistant man sitting at the negotiating table is negotiating slowly with cowardly human beings!

After Mediluh's confession was finished, Closed thoughtfully and said in a meaningful tone: "Okay ~ now that I've finished speaking, what should I do with you next?"


At this moment, Mediluo was panicked and desperate. Imagine that it seems that there is no way to live. After fearing the pain and explaining everything, her value is already zero, and knowing that the vice president of the Blackstone Ring, Closed, is actually After being a dragon, Closside, who was known for his secrets, obviously couldn't stay alive.

beg for mercy?

For this, Medilut doesn't want to ask for fun. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Maybe he is worthless to the dragon at all, and as a priest behind the spider god, he must not betray the god, otherwise he will wait for his own. It will be a more painful ending than death.

"Don't beg me for forgiveness?" Closide said mildly when he saw Medilus's expression of complete despair: "It seems that you also have a sense of self-knowledge. In this case, I will let you go a little bit happily, rest assured Do you feel any pain? "

Speaking of Closed slowly raising his hand, it is conceivable that when this hand falls down, the head of Mediluo will be cut sharply like the blade on the guillotine, and Medilull will be like Cro As much as Losside promised, he could return to the vast sea of ​​souls with absolutely no pain.

Mediluo could not help closing her eyes at this moment and was ready to die. As a priest after the spider god, she could not return to the sea of ​​souls after death. The only destination of her soul was the **** realm after the gods. She hoped that the gods would forgive her. Mistake.

When Closside was about to start, suddenly a divine power emerged faintly from Mediluo. It was an ancient, filthy, evil-filled divine power.

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