Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1078: Hands-on order

Early in the morning, the waitresses in the palace of the Saxony kings waiting outside the dormitory where Celin lived had just completed the shift. The waitresses on duty waited for more than an hour before inexplicably feeling that Her Royal Highness seems to be lying in bed today. The kingdom belongs to the extreme north. The cold weather has caused Princess Celin, who was used to living in the Carlsheim Empire, to postpone some wake-up times, but it seems that it is too late to get up. Her Royal Highness has not summoned herself up to now. Serve her to change clothes.

Hmm ~ nothing will happen.

The maid stood at the door with anxious thoughts, but she was not summoned and it was not easy for her to bother.

After waiting for a while, the maid standing at the door was finally relieved when I saw the headmaid bringing someone to bring the breakfast. Only after the permission of the headmaid finally knocked on the door, but there was no echo in the room. Quiet, the waitresses who had been straining their nerves for a while were a little panicked, and the chief waitress personally came forward and opened the door gently.

"His Royal Highness ~ It's morning. Do you need us to dress you?"

When she saw Her Royal Highness still sleeping on the bed, the waitress quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and after walking in, she found that Princess Celine was still in deep sleep and had to whisper to try to wake Celine.

"Is it morning ~"

Finally, Celine woke up slowly, rubbing her eyes and rubbing her eyes with an extremely tired face. She didn't look like she had rested all night, but she seemed to be busy all the time. The night just fell asleep.

After seeing Her Royal Highness woke up, the maid and several maids finally felt relieved: "It has already been His Highness Celin in the morning. Breakfast has already been delivered. Do you need to eat now?"

"No need." Celine gave Hatch a look of awake and lay back again: "I'm going to sleep for a while and tell Rionas and His Excellency Bolzea, 唔Hey ~ Please push back today for the treatment today, when you will wake me up. "

"Hey," the waitress hesitated.

Celine didn't care if the other person just closed her eyes blindly: "Did you understand?"

"I see, Her Royal Highness."

"Well, let's go out, I'm going to sleep for a while."

The maid nodded and then let the breakfast be withdrawn, and closed the door lightly at the same time before going out.

And not long after the door was closed, Celin, who had seemed to have fallen asleep again, opened her eyes sharply. Although her bloodshot eyes showed that Celen was still very sleepy, it seemed that there was a more powerful persistence. Thinking about the support, Sandman was quickly squeezed aside and took out the soul eater mask hidden in the quilt. Celine lightly picked up her space ring and tried to put the mask in, but found this powerful piece. His artifact could not be contained, and glanced back and forth through the room. Celin finally aimed at her personal suitcase. After opening the suitcase, she hid the mask at the bottom of the underclothes that even the maid was not allowed to touch.

I hope this mask can really conceal any detection of consciousness, otherwise the princess of the Carlsheim Empire secretly hid the artifacts of unknown gods, if it spreads, especially to the ears of the Holy See. .

After doing all this, Celine finally let go of her heart and returned to the bed. She was really too sleepy. The information that could not come to my mind all night last night was too huge. Experience, memory, knowledge, Regarding the structure of this world, the secrets between God and the use of power, there are many miscellaneous items such as herbs, minerals, biological species, etc. These huge information torrents constitute countless steps for their own domain like the transcendent Climbing at the same time reveals one thing for himself: the domain of the transcendent is more cruel and ruthless than the mortal!

In addition to the exercise of strength, the true transcendent will also temper the will. Not every transcendent can endure the loneliness and pain caused by the loss of all loved ones and lovers in a long life. It is also necessary to increase the reserve of knowledge. Beasts without wisdom are not eligible to enter the realm of the transcendent. Even if they enter the transcendent realm, the result will only quickly become the nourishment of others.

Even the self-cultivation Celine had not been able to digest the information, and her head was still groggy at the moment, and she really needed to rest.

However, although mentally drowsy, Celine was very excited, because a door to the field of the transcendent opened for herself, and the only thing that lucky one has to consider now is whether to step into it, the richness of the unknown Curiosity is flooding in my heart like never before. If it wasn't for the night when I was tossed by a soul eater mask, I was afraid I couldn't fall asleep now.

With this idea, Celine re-entered the dreamland.

The time passed quickly, and in the afternoon, the maids awakened Celin on time. After a little washing, Rionas and Bolzea arrived on time as scheduled, but Bolzea's face seemed a little different from the past. Although she still smiles as always, if you look closely, you will find that Bolzea's smile is stiff and confused, and it seems to worry about why.

"His Serenity!"

The two greeted Celine and also sat down.

This time, Celine did not let the two enter their own bedroom, but chose the side lounge. According to Celine's own statement, she did not want to make herself look as if she was suffering from incurable disease, lying all day long. The look of life on the bed was too shameful.

Regarding this request from Her Royal Highness, Bolzea had no opinion and Rionas only hesitated a little and did not oppose it. Both of them, as insiders, knew that apart from the spiritual distortions and divisions, Celine herself could Without any discomfort, it would be better than staying in bed or getting out of bed for a day, both physically and mentally.

"Sorry, I suddenly postponed some time today," Celine, sitting in a chair, said to Lionas and Bolzea after she extended her maid, "I have something to explain to the two today. Below. First is His Excellency Borzea. These days I want to thank you for your spiritual guidance and healing. On behalf of the Empire of Carlsheim, I thank the Holy See for its help. "

Bolzea nodded slightly and no intentional postponement: "This is what I should do, as the messenger of the Lord is naturally obliged to protect believers from those evil nuisances."

"My Excellency Borzea, I have a presumptive request these days."

"Say ~ Highness Celin."

Celine breathed a little breath and said as calmly as possible: "I hope to temporarily stop the daily spiritual guidance."

There was a hint of doubt in Borzea's eyes, and Leonas's face was unconcealed with a look of suspicion. Looking at the two, Celine was very clear that they were doubting themselves, and they were sitting now. In front of them, is he the distorted 'representative' personality? If it is the distorted personality then Leonas will probably refuse to hesitate without hesitation. In these days, he is cultivating from the 'representative' personality After all these ridiculous and shameless hints, neither Leonas nor Bolzea decided to consider the "self" personality as a true self.

"Can you give me a proper reason? Your Highness Celin." Bolzea asked with a constant smile.

"I know what you suspect, His Excellency Borzea."

Borzea still said unhurriedly at this time: "So how do you prove that you are now His Highness Celyn?"

Although the discourse is a bit rude, Jinlong Bolzea can't afford to care so much. Although he has led the princess Celin's personality in the past, it does not mean that the distorted personality of the 'table' will slowly erode. 'Personality allows you to re-emerge. There are hints in Ferrecian's suggestion to further strengthen Princess Celin's affection for herself. Princess Celin's personality will inevitably be replaced. Suspicious words and deeds should be paid special attention, and this is a private agreement reached between himself and Mage Rionas.

Celine looked at Leonas, who was silent but cautious: "I don't have to prove anything, you won't believe it anyway, I know this request is strange, but I feel that my mental state has changed recently. "

"Please elaborate!"

As soon as Celine said that her spirit had changed, Bolzea suddenly came to her spirit as if she had been exposed to the G spot, and she took out a book and pen in preparation for recording.

"The feeling of mental discomfort is a little reduced on weekdays. It seems that my spirit is merging into a kind of incoordination, the feeling of being separated is becoming less, and the distorted personality is gradually disappearing."

Although Celin said it was good news, the look of suspicion in the eyes of Bolzea and Rionas did not weaken at all. Apparently, they both suspected that this was just a deceptive expression of 'personality'. .

At this time, Celine turned sharply: "But I found that the feelings of my own brother are becoming weaker. Although I still love my brother, this love has gradually decreased from the lover to the feeling between ordinary siblings. "

Celin said that there was anger and dissatisfaction in her eyes, seeing that Rionas sighed a little, the princess in front of her should be her familiar Princess Herin.

"Excuse me, Your Royal Highness, how about your feelings for Felixian?"

"Want to kill him!"

Celine didn't hesitate to say, although someone had already fulfilled this wish.

And Bolzea was also frowning while recording and thinking about it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seems to be judging Celine's current situation, but from the look of Bolzea's expression, it is obviously that something bad is happening .

"I actually sent the two here today because I was worried that I might become absent from the real self that day, so say ~ Rionas!"

"Please command, Your Royal Highness."

Serene nodded and said seriously: "If one day you find that Serene Brannis has said something she shouldn't normally say, and has done something she would never have done, then I grant You have the right to detain Celine Brannis. By then, no matter what reason Celine Brannis has ordered you to ignore, understand? "

Leonas took a deep breath and nodded solemnly: "My subordinate understands, Her Royal Highness."

Seeing this, Celine finally nodded with satisfaction. Now it is not just as simple as a mortal person intending to use magic to control the princess, but the princess is preparing to inherit the heritage of ancient gods or evil gods. At this time, the opportunity is still to trap the princess I don't know myself, so I need to give myself a yoke, so that even if it is another carefully arranged trap, the loss can be controlled to a minimum.

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