Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1052: Accidental clue

This filthy, poor, and cold border country is a bit of hatred. The fastest update visit: щщщ.79XS.сОΜ.

In a small alleyway in the territory of Jihar, Felicien, wearing a dirty trench coat, was walking carefully and observing the surroundings. Although the cold had not been completely cured, the sore throat and a little faint The scary brain made Felesian feel painful even with the mantra, but Felesian knew that he couldn't carry on anymore. The longer he stayed here, the tighter the search network of the Kingdom of Saxony against himself became. Even if the other half of the ornament is found, it is difficult to escape.

Even though her condition was still bad, after two days of rest, Felicien had to choose to look for the other half of the jewelry under the severe cold.

Observing for a while, Felicien found an extremely bad situation. This remote little territory seemed to have begun martial law. Fortunately, the cold temperature of the Saxony kingdom made everyone airtight. Sean is now dressed in any other country and would be considered suspicious. It is the usual dress here. When walking on the road, it did not cause soldiers to search it. But at the gate of the city, Felesian It was found that the soldiers had carried out strict inspections of the people who entered the city, and everyone was ordered to take off their windbreaker hoods to confirm their appearance.

hateful! Is it finally here?

"Ahem ..."

After coughing violently for a while, Felicien turned and walked in a direction that resonated with the ornaments. However, he found that there was no way out after less than half of the journey. There were also soldiers at the entrance to the gate of the inner city. On duty, verifying the identity of each person, while still posting his own portrait on the side, looking far from the Saxony kingdom, he actually offered a reward of 500,000 rien to arrest himself.

Looking at those who were talking before the portrait, the only thing Felicien could do was turn around and leave.

However, at this moment, a horse-drawn carriage was passing by Felicien slowly, and the guards at the gate to the gate of the city were released without any obstacles. Felicien was immediately released. Eun quietly stood and looked at the carriage with surprise, not because the carriage with a special identity knew that it had passed the checkpoint without being checked, but the moment when the carriage passed by itself. I saw beautiful faces from the gap of the carriage curtain, and at least three young women were sitting in the carriage. Even if I could see these young women every moment, All of them have extremely outstanding looks.

It's enviable!

In the end, is the family of that aristocracy, or the guest invited by that aristocracy, inviting so many beautiful 'girls' to their mansion in one breath, this wonderful life of left and right hugs has been enjoyed by myself, but now However, he could only stay in that humble house, and even in the cold night, he could not find a 'woman' who could warm his body to vent.

He snored, even if he was resentful, but now the only option for Felicien is to return to his place of residence, and see if there is any way to 'mix' into the inner city tomorrow.

Of course, Felicien didn't plan to return to the broken lumberjack's hut this time. The lowly father and son had already left the city under their own order and chose a no-human place to commit suicide. Now the two places vacated are exactly Let yourself choose a better place to live, it is best to have clean and tidy food and rooms, especially to have a 'female' person who let yourself vent.

Along the way, Felicien searched for prey. After possessing the ornaments, as long as he took advantage of it, it felt like the world had become a huge toy box of his own. As long as he liked himself, he could quickly become the behind-the-scenes of any person or even a family. The governor, this kind of power that can 'manipulate' others to control others as he pleases is really people's desire.

Of course ... except for the mistake of casting the magic on Princess Celin this time to expose herself to 'exposed'.

In the end, Felicien's appearance on the street was 'sexy' and he was a tall 'female'. He looked like he was in his early thirties and showed the charm of 'mature' woman. I like younger "female" people, but it ’s good to change the taste occasionally. The most important thing is that the dress of the "female" in front of me looks like a middle class. Her home should be better than the two poor and cheap people. Many, anyway, I will not live too long, as long as I found the other half of the ornaments, I will leave immediately.

If she has a husband, let her husband die quickly, or become an obedient person to find a way to go to the inner city for herself, if she has children, if it is a 'girl', do not mind to enjoy the mother ' The women 'served' together, and had not tasted this kind of taste since leaving the noble family.

However, when Felicien controlled this 'woman' and quietly followed her and found out that the other party was actually the owner of the hotel. For this kind of people's eyes, it should obviously not be the first choice in the current situation, but then change the fee Reeseen feels that because this is not the first choice for people like himself, maybe it is a blind spot.

Following the opponent, he entered the wine cellar from the back door of the hotel, and soon, under the direction of Felhesian, the owner of the controlled hotel 'female' sent him hot. Food and their plump 'meat'-body.

When Felicien was relieved for a while, the people outside the town who originally planned to die in Felicien did not get what they wanted to die.

In an uninhabited area far from the town near the lower reaches of the river, two grandparents dressed as lumberjacks were rescued by accident. At this moment, they were kneeling on the ground in horror, watching the three in front of them. , A petite and cute young girl with dark hair, a handsome 'tall' man, and the last beautiful 'girl' with silver 'color' long hair like the silver princess of the legendary Saxony kingdom child.

"Sure enough, common sense has been distorted, they have been controlled."

The beautiful silver-haired young woman with a diamond-shaped imprint on her forehead looked at the two men sitting on the ground kneeling, and said with almost no tone.

"I have to admit that your judgment is indeed correct this time," said Fili, muttering to Frost's ‘fine’ spirit, who was posing as a human by her side.

After using the prestige ability to detect this territory, Fei Li, like hundreds of pairs of eyes, fed countless information back to her mind. In just one afternoon, Fei Li detected nearly half of Ji. There were no suspicious objects appearing outside the Hall territory who found some people logging, mining and farming outside. However, when Fili regained the power of recitation after resting for a while, a pair of grandparents who seemed to be grandchildren They attracted their attention. They did not seem to be preparing to log or farm in a horse-drawn carriage. Instead, they kept advancing towards the uninhabited areas in the distance.

Philly, who was suspicious in her heart, continued to monitor the pair of grandchildren until she found that they actually got out of the carriage and started walking towards the river and went deeper and deeper. Finding something wrong, Philie immediately let Izann ~ No! It was the dragon emissary sent by Yalin to stop the two's further actions and captured them. After inspection by Izan, it finally came to the conclusion that the two men's 'fine' gods were distorted and it seemed that they were ordered to commit suicide. The command.

"It is certain that Felicien is here, and has now entered the town, that also shows that the other part of the soul eater is inside the town, otherwise he should not deliberately choose to enter such a dangerous place in the town." For Feili The "commendation" of Izann did not respond too much, but just as calmly as the workaholic analysis of the situation of Felesian, especially in the population of the grandson and grandson learned about the recent situation of the unidentified people they carried. Rear.

"It is certain that Felicien is just an ordinary mage. His only reliance is on the soul eater, without which he is a clown who can do nothing."

Holding a quasi-artifact can also play as a dismal refugee. Upon learning that Felicien entered the town, Philly immediately gathered all the scales into the town to search for Felicien's trace. However, Obviously, a city with a complicated structure is more troublesome to search than forests and plains. Until now, Feili could only confirm that Felesian was no longer in the home of grandpa and grandson, but he should not have left the city but hid somewhere. .

Now the party should immediately go into the city and search for the trace of Felicien. There is Philly's prestige ability in the belief that it is not difficult to find Felicien. However, when everyone is leaving, Philie finds that there is still one. A troublesome matter needs to be dealt with.

"What should they do?" Feili dragged Izan's robes and pointed at the grandparents who were still kneeling on the ground.

Although Izanen had already used magic to bake and dry clothes for both of them, but now they are clearly in a very abnormal state of God, and they seem to return to the river to continue suicide immediately after leaving the control. .

Izanne gazed at each other: "This has nothing to do with Miss Feili, wait for them to die on their own."

"There is only self-destruction and no self-sustainment. You should be very clear."

Fei Li purses her mouth and seems to be dissatisfied with Izan's statement, and I Zan En is helpless to explain to Fei that the situation between the two may not have been saved ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The humanoid controlled by the soul eater mask is the same as the dead One thing that has been acknowledged since the second generation is that the suggestion of the two is suicide. Unless they die, they will never stop until the order given by the mask holder, that is, Ferrecion, is executed. I was just lucky to hear the information from Felicien in their mouths. It should be that Felicien didn't have time to issue too many hints of confidentiality after he controlled the two. Less information comes.

But now they are not saved. They will not stop until the order is executed. It is impossible for their own side to imprison their actions forever. There seems to be no other option than waiting for them to commit suicide.

Philie's expression did not change, but her eyes were exposed with anger and hesitation, anger towards the prisoner Felicien, and hesitation about her choice, although she knew that she could not blame herself, but she was on her own. The only result of leaving Grandpa and Grandpa must be that he jumped into the river and committed suicide, which made Philie feel as if she had killed them.

See if you die?

When Fili was hesitant, the boy's mouth, which was originally dull, moved slightly.

"Please ... please ... save us ... please ... you."

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