Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1048: People who hide from the world (middle)

Ge Muzong Ichiro's rigorous work and rest habits like machinery are already famous in Ulduar. They are one of the few four adults here, and they are slightly weaker than the other two natural mothers. With a few Ai Lulu, the strong oppression brought about by the rigorous style of Ge Muzong Yi Lang made everyone intuitively regard him as the leader of the team.

After lunch, the crowd did not leave in a hurry, but sat in the restaurant to listen to the sound.

"The Kingdom of Saxony has recently arrested a criminal in the country. So far, many territories are under martial law, and martial law will soon be carried out here."

"Does that have anything to do with us?"

Edouard said in disapproval of this incident, at least in his own opinion, this seems to be only the internal affairs of the Saxony kingdom. Although this country is a small country, it also has at least half of its original world, the country of Rymestras. Size, and in a remote location as far as the environment is concerned, only one person may not find it here.

Ichiro Gemuzong still poked in a poker face: "Although there is only one person, the other party seems to have the power to control people's hearts. In order to be safe, girls should not go out often during martial law."

In the end, Ge Mu also intentionally added a girl, except the classmate of Nakasaka Tomomi, to make a group of girls feel speechless, but there is no way out. In this team, except for the brothers of Ge Muzong Ichiro and Edward and Al, there are probably only Akami Tomomi. Fighting power, and it is the strongest fighting force among the crowd, while Dang Ma and Weber, although they have a fantasy killer that can be called a bug, but their fighting power is too weak, and although Weber knows magic, it is more for research and research. The auxiliary aspect is not a direct battle. As for Liu Ang Xing, it is better for the chef to cook at home or not to run outside.

After speaking, Ge Mu was the first to stand up and helped the two mothers clean up the table with El Lulu and Li Xia after the couple left in twos and threes, and Sanae asked Ge Mu to ask for some potions during that time. When he left Ulduar, Medea gave him a medicament to thank Ge Mu for organizing the library. It is said to be able to treat many different kinds of diseases. After coming to the Jihar territory of the Saxony kingdom, everyone fell ill because they did not adapt to the environment. These potions were able to recover so quickly, and the uncle's body seemed to be relatively poor. When everyone is OK She was left alone and had not been fully cured.

"I see. I'll give it to you later." Ge Mu nodded and said.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Ge Mu."

Thanks to his wife, Ge Mu's face still calmly replied: "No thanks, it is Yalin who entrusted me to guard you."


This word is a bit too strange for myself. My fist was born to kill people from the day it was born. In fact, I also understand it this way. Martial arts are used to destroy and hit the enemy. Some martial arts so-called martial arts practitioners can't restrain themselves from using force to warn them that they have never been able to understand. Since they do n’t want to hurt others, and since they ca n’t use force as they want, then why use martial arts?

But these days ... seem to understand a little bit.

And on the other side ...

After lunch, I was bored and returned to my room. I was a little bit idle. After I came to a different world, I said goodbye to the most painful study, but at the same time, my most painful thing was that I could n’t learn something new. For example, such things as magic, when looking at Mingxue and Xun can more or less sense the element, but as long as there is a fantasy killer in the presence of magic and elements, they absolutely cannot coexist with themselves.

How do you position yourself in this world?

When Ma looked a little bit distressed at the snowflakes flying outside, this problem has always troubled herself in Ulduar. Except for the fantasy killer that can erase all visions, as a high school student, he did not have too much fighting power and learned Ca n’t have any spells. In this alien world, it ’s almost like an ordinary mortal. Although it ’s okay to say that the academician Yalin said he ’s eating rice in Ulduar, but as a person, he met through the alien world. This is an adventure that can only occur in light novels. Saying that you want to do something to express yourself.

"It's better to ask boxing like Mr. Ge Mu. Mr. Ge Mu is just an ordinary person like me. Since he can learn, I can certainly." He sighed when Ma finally found a way for himself, since he himself If you ca n’t learn magic, turn to physics. You are still very confident about your physical fitness.

Think of it and do it!

I came to the outdoors wearing a cold-proof trench coat. If I remember correctly, Ma believed that Mr. Ge Mu would train in the small garden outside the mansion on time every day. The purpose was to ensure that his skills would not decline due to time, but only when he saw outside Yes, when Ge Muzong Yilang actually fisted in the cold with his upper body and bare body, when he found that he had finally built up his confidence, he was a little lacking.

I probably can't reach the level of Mr. Ge Mu in my life.

Thickly scalp expressed a request to Ge Mu during the training. For this seemingly noisy request, Ge Mu took the bones of Dang Ma very seriously and tested his physical fitness. The answer that was subsequently obtained was that Dang Ma's physique was It ’s no problem, it ’s just that I ’m a little older and I ’ve missed the golden time to learn martial arts. Even if it ’s at least a year from now to train, I ’ll be able to teach Dangma Quan but the problem is Dangma. Without this perseverance.

"I can teach you boxing, but the problem is that you must have the perseverance to keep training every day. If you want, I will teach you boxing without reservation. But I will not allow you to have any laziness. I will monitor you and urge you to Guarantee that you must learn and train every day, whether it ’s windy, rainy or broken bones will not stop, and then I will not accept any form of remorse, and you have only one way to go, that is to learn this completely Are you willing to do boxing and get my approval? "

Deng Ma, who was so overwhelmed by the momentum of Ge Mu, could not afford to lift his head and said, "Is that ... let me think about it?"

"Respond to me within three days. If you do not reply after three days, I consider you to give up and not accept this request." Ge Mu said and ignored Dangma and continued his training.

At this time, a dark-colored horse ran over and stopped outside the wall of the mansion. He saw a young knight on the horse's back who looked only slightly older than the horse when he and Kumu were greeted. "Is it Mr. Ge Mu and Dang Ma? Sorry to bother you."

"Jetlow ~ Lord!"

Ge Mu nodded his head silently as a response, but Dang Ma was not calm, because the identity of the young man was the lord of the territory.

The young lord glanced helplessly and corrected when he was annoyed: "It's Jie ~ Luo ~ ta! Jellota Jihar is my name."

"Ah ~ sorry, Lord Lord." Ma said with an apology ashamed.

Lord! In Japan, it is the same as the mayor and the ancient lord. For Dangma, who is of ordinary family, the identity of the other person is born with a sense of oppression, even though he saw it in Ulduar before. A person who is bigger, but may be a little too acquainted with each other as classmates, but now he faces the young teenage lord who finds his inner subconscious fear.

Gerota Gihal! His surname is the same as this territory of Jihar, but in fact it is not only the same name. Once the ancestors of Jihar were one of the founding heroes of the Kingdom of Saxony and the title of marquis was sealed. After the establishment of the Kingdom of Saxony, the The territory was also named in honor of its merits, and Gerota's father had died unfortunately when he led the territorial army to the fortress of Belika to fight the Org barbarians. At that time, Gerota was still young. The territory was temporarily inherited by his mother for this territory, and the territorial right naturally returned to the young man's hands after he became an adult. To date, Gerlota is now the youngest lord of the entire Saxony kingdom. This year Just 19 years old.

Although there are some young people who are irritable and unable to sit because of the young Gerotta's heart, and need the help of their mother in governance, the young lord is also growing very fast, especially recently, Jiha During the introduction of the mineral resources from the Black Rock Circle Chamber of Commerce in the Free City, Gerlota has demonstrated the qualifications to become an outstanding lord in the bargaining for the interests of the territory, and it can be expected In the future, the territory that will develop rapidly due to mineral development is attracting civilians from other lords to enter and settle here, so that this originally remote territory began to flourish.

"What is it ~? Lord Lord."

When I saw the lord, I came on my own horse. Although I know that the other person is a person who likes to travel alone, Dangma also understands that the lord is not just for greetings, let alone a person living here. Someone who cares about young lords ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Gerlota smiled as if he had met with ordinary friends and said nothing: "This is actually the case, two days later my sister Garcia At the 16th birthday, Jiaelsiaia would like to invite Miss Lithia to a birthday party with her friends, so please tell me a little bit. "

"Ah ~ That's right, I know." Dang Ma scratched her head and said in a little embarrassed, "But people like us, come and join ... okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a small birthday party anyway. Usually, my mother and I celebrated Garcia's birthday. This year, Garcia was just 16 years old and an adult. So I want to do some fun, so you should also Get up and play. "

After that, Gerlota turned around and told the horse head, "Please tell Miss Lisia, you can invite as many friends as you like ~"

"I see, I will tell you."

"So trouble you, please Miss Lithia must come to the birthday party ~"

Before leaving, Jelota said step by step, and looked back, seemingly afraid that when Dangma forgot about it.

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