Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1033: Golden Dragon in the Holy See

What Celine sees is the one in the mirror who is divided into two people, one who is surprised and one who is sad, as if two souls coexist in one body, sad. He seemed to be suppressed in the depths of his consciousness, and could only use the tears to silently ask the outside world for help. [Read the latest chapter]

"His Serenity, please calm down first." Leonas hurriedly removed the water mirror and calmed Celine.

As the princess of the Carlsheim empire, Sellin calmly talked to Mikael as a 'dragon', so she nodded quickly, and Her Royal Highness touched her Feeling a violently beating heart on the chest, breathing deeply to make your emotions as stable as possible.

Magic detection!

With the cooperation of the princess, Leonas once again cast magic to check for Celine, but the results still showed that Celine had no trace of spell control. Now the mage can be sure that Felicien, who danced with His Royal Highness before, must have moved his hands on His Royal Highness. What kind of magic or magical skill did the opponent use? Rionas couldn't explore it. Now he must do it first. It is certain whether this state will hurt Princess Celin.

"Her Royal Highness, do you have any discomfort now?"

Celine shook her head. "I ... don't feel anything."

Except for the drowsiness caused by some hypoglycemia, Celine didn't feel any discomfort, even Celine didn't feel that she had the feeling of being controlled except for some nervousness. In short, she was in good health. It's too good to be good.

But the tearful eyes and the expression that seemed to be torn into two souls, Rionas gritted his teeth and finally decided to inform the royal family of Saxony to let the chaplain of the church come to inspect Celine, since magic does nothing. Only rely on divine art. As for what the goddess Ishtar and the Holy See have thought about the escape of the Princess Carlsheim to the Kingdom of Saxony, Rionas has no interest to understand, everything that happened in the Kingdom of Carut has exposed himself. It came out, and the goddess and the Holy See didn't seem to care about their actions. Instead of investigating, they also sent a document saying that the Holy See could help their own side at any time.

After receiving the order, the attendants immediately went to notify the Saxony royal family, and then Princess Luo Jie'an and Prince Rost and the court mage Grete hurried over. The three of them were very surprised to see Princess Celin, especially It was Princess Luo Jie'an. Although she had doubted Felesian before, she did not expect that the other party could have hidden the dragon's consciousness from the past. The court mage Grete also hurriedly inspected Celine, but still There is no gain.

Luo Jie'an's side was hurried to call Catras, disguised as a maid, whispered by telepathy. To be honest, Katras was also very perplexed. When he saw the man named Felicien last night, , His breath of strength shows that he is just a very ordinary human advanced mage, not only so, but also shows the arrogance and self-righteousness of a mortal villain.

Although Serene said she had no physical discomfort, anyone who watched what Celine looked like now could see that Her Royal Highness was absolutely fine.

Katras's analysis brightened Luo Jie'an's eyes, and the experience of countless dragons was still quite reliable. However, he still maintains a skeptical attitude towards Felicien Roger. If the other party is neither transcendent nor casting spells, mere hints of language and physical movements can distort a person's consciousness in just ten minutes. It's too exaggerated. If it is so simple, it can distort the control of a person's subconsciousness. How can it be for those magicians who have devoted themselves to spiritual magic for half their lives?

Luo Jie'an glanced helplessly at Catras. These topics were too far away, to the extent that he could not understand them at all, but what magic or magic technique did the guy named Felicien use? The main problem now is It is these distortions and hints that are harmful to Celine, and whether Celine can recover.

Speaking of which, Katras gave Luo Jie'an a look, indicating whether he needed to handle the matter himself.

Cutlas nodded and walked quickly out of the door. The ring quickly transformed himself into an ordinary palace guard, and a cart drove quickly as Katlas approached the gate. After stopping in the palace, Catras had to retreat temporarily. At this time, he suddenly realized that the priests who came down from the carriage were actually several Holy Sees, and one of them was the Golden Dragon that had been discovered by himself before. .

Catras hidden in the guard perfectly concealed his breath under the influence of the "sincere deception" ring. Jinlong walked by himself with almost no doubt. He hesitated a little and chose to walk out of the palace. Anyway, this is still the palace of the Saxony kingdom, and the members of the Holy See are often invited by the members of the Carlsheim Empire to check for Celine. Presumably they will not do anything extraordinary, even if they detect Luo The change of Princess Jie'an will not be so.

But having said that the face of His Royal Highness is really big enough, the clerics of the Holy See would come to serve in person, and even Jinlong came.

Except for the palace's determination to distance itself from the Golden Dragon, Cateras immediately changed to an inconspicuous form, and then flew from the roof to the Chamber of Commerce of Clemente who went last night.

And at the moment in the palace, because of the accident of Serene, everyone was busy, and the Duke of Morris was taking over the command of a large number of men with the Guard and the Urban Defense Corps to the Carlement Chamber of Commerce to prepare to arrest everyone. , Especially the guy who was able to pay Felicien before, when thinking of the trouble that Serene caused to the Kingdom of Saxony, the Duke of Morris could not wait to fragment the other body.

A high-ranking mage who didn't know where to run actually hit the attention of His Royal Highness Princess Carlsheim's empire, and the madness was almost nobody.

However, after Princess Luo Jie'an implicitly hinted that the other party might be a transcendent, the Duke of Morris did not dare to look down and took nearly ten magicians together, and even sent someone to the holy capital to seek the help of the ice priest, His Excellency, Ms. Linna.

Princess Luo Jie'an, who was staying in the palace, had to apologize to Celin on behalf of the royal family. Celin's current situation has been determined not to be caused by ordinary magic or spells, spells, or drugs. The court mages of the two countries At this moment, there is nothing to do but the doctors can only find a way to apply Celine's eyes to avoid tears and make this eye blind. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and all this up to the Holy See staff To come.

It was a bit embarrassing to learn that the Holy See had arrived at the palace, whether it was Prince Rost or the court mage Grete. After all, the Saxony kingdom was somewhat contradictory due to the previous assassination of Silvado, although this conflict was not disclosed However, the Kingdom of Saxony has also transferred to the holy capital the other nations such as elves and dwarves. They have expressed their intentions to plot the assassination of the Holy See in the Kingdom of Saxony, and tried to profit from the saxon and Belama's kingdom when they were nervous about the assassination dissatisfied. The Holy See, which had failed the plan because of Princess Luo Jie'an, seemed to know the reason. However, during this period of time, it was very peaceful and did not have to do anything other than spread the doctrine.

Now the priests of the Holy See suddenly come to visit each other, although they are somewhat embarrassed, there is no other way.

When a 50-year-old middle-aged priest walked in with a polite greeting to Prince Rost, Princess Luo Jie'an standing by the side suddenly noticed that in the procession of the Holy See, a handsome man with blond eyes and a fine temperament went all the way. Looking at yourself.

what happened! ?

For a while, Luo Jie'an felt that the other side was like trying to see through her soul thoroughly.

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