Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1024: Silver snow with golden gems

After Jiluo defected, she went to Carl's Gate empire and became friends with the empire's princess Celine Brannis. -

Honestly, Luo Jie'an didn't believe that the cold 'woman' would become friends with Celin. Although she had been in Ulduar for a short time, Jie Luo's attitude as if the whole world owed her money was also known to her. The chance of tomorrow being the end of the world may be greater than the chance that Jie Luo can become friends with Celin.

After thinking for a while, Luo Jie'an still decided to quietly tell the news of Jieluo to the Bailong Municipal Party Committee, who was lurking in the palace, and asked him to relay the news to Yalin, and then Luo Jie'an also saw the disguise before the banquet began. After being identified as a distinguished guest, De Jieer and Miria were invited. Before, because the blood of the demon in Miria was always mistaken by the holy capital and the Holy See priests as cults with demon affiliations, they rarely went out Today, this banquet is a small welcoming banquet without the participation of the staff of the Holy City and the Holy See, so there is no need to worry about it.

The banquet was held very punctually in the evening. Although it was only a small-scale banquet, the royal family attended the banquet with a small number of people, but they were all heavyweights. In addition to the old foreign Prince Roland and Rosanne and Princess Roger An, including the Grand Duke of Moses Rice and some other important ministers have participated. Among the guests who attended the banquet, in addition to Princess Celine, there were also many persons in charge from various chambers of commerce and so on. In addition to trying to almost match the princess of the strongest empire in the eastern part of the mainland, many people wanted to see it. What kind of beauty is this beautiful “girl” who is known as the “gold” colored “jewel” in the “German” empire and the “white wing princess” Lindis of the Kingdom of Creses.

At the banquet, the crowd was indeed not disappointed. When the dressed-up Celine entered the venue accompanied by Mage Lionus, Her Royal Highness Princess of Carser 'Gate' was indeed as deep as a dazzling gem. Deeply attracted everyone's attention, even Prince Rost, who had seen Celine before, could not help seeing God for a while.

Today's Celin is wearing a black 'color' and purple 'color'-based gown. This exquisitely crafted' fine 'gorgeous dress is extremely fitted and wrapped with Celin's exquisite body. The bold hollow translucent design allows the race A pair of plump plumpness in front of Lin's "chest" seems to call out "sex" to squeeze out a seductive gully. The diamond necklace worn around the neck like a dove is the perfect embellishment in this seductive person. The most important thing is that Celine's noble and elegant temperament suppresses that trace of 'color', which obviously contains endless 'temptation' and confusion, but gives people an inviolable grace Momentum.

However, it is this kind of grace and luxury that makes men more eager to tear her nobleness and elegance, so that the peerless seductive ‘Lu’, who is holy and charming and soft together, behaves ‘loose’.

Celine headed to the crowd with an elegant smile and witnessed the attention paid to herself. These eyes are too familiar to herself. No matter at that banquet, she will always be the focus of the party. Men Fascinated by themselves, and 'female' people can only stand aside with envy and jealousy.

"Oh ~ deserves to be called a princess known as a gold 'color' gem."

"Oh my God, this is really the most beautiful 'woman' I have ever seen in my life."

"There are such beautiful 'girls' around, even brothers and sisters, do you think Augusta can stand it?"

"Be quiet, Her Royal Highness is the princess of Carl's 'Gate' Empire, and she hears you finished."

After entering the banquet hall, Celine's first greeting was of course the host of the Saxony royal family, and the eyes of all the men's **** in the scene moved with Celine, and it was a miracle at a banquet. It's just that for Miramar, such a miracle has been created many times. Men's eyes are full of 'fascination', but the 'woman' does look at her with jealous eyes as Celine thinks, jealous of Celine's temperament, jealous of Celine's figure, and jealous of the piece on Celine. The aristocratic 'female' and 'sexual' attending the banquet must have 'fine' gorgeous dresses.

But jealousy and jealous no one dared to compete with Celine, because there is no one that you can beat, even the idea of ​​owning a dress exactly the same as Celine's body, because that gorgeous dress can only be worn On a 'female' person like Xiang Celine who has a perfect figure like the golden section, otherwise even the slightest amount of 'meat' and inconsistencies will be exposed by this dress.

It is indeed a beautifu of beauty. It is no wonder that it has the metaphor of a gold 'color' gem.

The prince Morris beside the king watched Celine can't help but praise him. In addition to being beautiful, Celine is more intelligent and confident than the other aristocratic girls who are present. She talks about her grace and elegance. It can be seen that the 'female' child is impeccable in etiquette, and it also shows that her heart's 'sex' is much more resolute than ordinary nobles, 'female', don't think that the nobleman's etiquette is simple One thing, maybe every young man and young woman who entered the society's 'junction' world dreamed that their etiquette is impeccable and elegant, but not everyone can insist on completing the etiquette course. These include In many aspects, etiquette and behavior are boring enough to drive people crazy in the early stage of learning, and they must be forced to maintain all the time after learning. Otherwise, laziness will cause people to become lazy and rusty. There are many, but very few can really implement them to the end

Celine's persistence to such an extent is enough to show that her heart's 'sex' is much stronger than her seemingly delicate appearance. At this point, Princess Luo Jie'an cannot do it. The previous etiquette course But Luo Jie'an, who was a 'forced' kid, even cried!

Thinking of Morris's secretly bitter smile here, suddenly the Grand Duke seemed to notice that his son Kenain had been petrified, and staring at Celine almost indifferently, like seeing his son With such a morbid appearance, Morris hit his son with his elbow while Celine turned around to greet Prince Rost.

"Yeah ~"

"What the **** are you, don't make me look like a soul has been hooked away." Morris warned his son, who had looked back, twisted his back.

Kena grinned because of pain, but at this time he didn't dare to scream, and only whispered, "I know, get rid of me."

Morris gave a cold snoring and let go of his hand, and Kena ‘knead’ and ‘knead’ his back because of his grievance. However, when Celin greeted the Grand Duke, facing the beautiful princess Kenain who was close at hand, she was a little lost again, but fortunately he was not too old, and no one would care about these, just The Duke of Morris looked at his son with a kind look and was obviously ready to give him a good reward when he returned home.

"Isn't Her Royal Highness Princess Luo Jie'an here?"

After meeting the Duke of Morris, Celin suddenly realized that it seemed that an important person had disappeared.

"Sorry ~ Her Excellency, I think she's almost there." Rost had to round the field at this time.

Just as Prince Rost was going to call the "waiter" to see what was going on, the voice of the "waiter" had already sounded on the other side of the "gate": "Rossian, Princess Rosyan, . "

With the voice of the "waiter" in the presence, the attention attracted by Celin finally fell on the other side of the "gate", and the two "waiters" opened the door "respectively" in respect. Accompanied by a girl, accompanied by a silver 'color' laurel princess, Luo Jie'an, who also symbolized ice and snow, slowly walked in. Compared to Celine's eye-catching dress like the stars, Luo Jie'an was dressed up. To be a little plain, because Luo Jie'an is not wearing a traditional banquet dress but a dress more similar to a skirt, with blue 'color' and silver 'color' based skirts and boots. Let Luo Jie'an look like the triumphant goddess of victory that just came.

The complete awakening of the dragon's blood makes Luo Jie'an seem to be born and reborn. Being over-infected by water in Ulduar not only did not let Luo Jie'an's skin be corroded by the elements, but he was able to withstand the power of strong frost and water. Let Luo Jie'an's skin be as delicate as white 'jade' stone without any trace of flaws, especially the slender double 'legs' that are' naked 'and exposed' with large white 'legs' are firmly attracted like magnets. Living in the eyes of everyone, there is no charming but strong self-confidence in the dignified face of 'fine', so Luo Jie'an has a mysterious and noble temperament.

If Celine is a red rose with an intoxicating aroma and a dazzling gold 'color' gem, then Luo Jie'an at this moment is a blue crystal rose, a sapphire representing calmness and bravery. .

"Sorry father, I'm late." Luo Jie'an, who came to his father, calmly bowed slightly.

"It's okay ~ let me introduce to you, this is Princess Celine Brannis of Carl's 'Gate' Empire."

Seeing that her 'girl' had come out in an excellent way beyond imagination, the old King of Rhodeland also introduced her with a 'show' smile and introduced her as a 'girl'. She did not know that the two princesses had met before.

Luo Jie'an did not make a lady's ritual. Instead, he greeted Celine with a cavalier ritual that was more sexual than men. However, all the guests present did not think that Luo Jie'an had any rudeness. Personally, Luo Jie'an, who is as heroic as a 'woman' Valkyrie, appears in a luxurious and beautiful dress ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Greetings have been given to the 'female' sexualized lady ' On the contrary, her temperament was impaired. Her Royal Highness Silver Princess' dress and courtesy greetings were just right.

Kenain, who was previously "fascinated" by Celine, looked at Luo Jie'an with bright eyes, and the boy fell unconsciously on Celine, and eventually stayed after moving back and forth. On Princess Luo Jie'an.

Although a little shocked by Luo Jie'an, after all, Celine calmly calmed down and calmly returned her greetings after seeing the world.

The meeting of the two princesses even exploded the atmosphere of the banquet. For many people, it was just to see how beautiful His Royal Highness Princess in the legend of Karlsser 'Gate' Empire was, but I did not expect the Saxony Kingdom Such a remote and remote country in the far north can cultivate a princess that is not inferior to each other. No wonder it will be hidden by the royal family of Saxony as a treasure and unwilling to reveal it to outsiders.

Fortunately, Luo Jie'an won the idiot prince who colluded with the cult, otherwise marrying such a noble and beautiful princess to that kind of scum would be a mess.

Soon many of the guests present had this idea in mind.

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