Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1021: Temporary return

Your own country!

In the roaring cold wind, Luo Jie'an walking on the street involuntarily pulled his hat to cover the Lord's own iconic silver hair. This represents a special meaning of hair color in the Saxony Kingdom, and the accompanying Saxony Kingdom The guards were carefully guarded around the princess. It must be known that His Royal Highness Luo Jie'an now has a more noble ancient angel messenger in addition to the identity of the Saxon Princess. Now the Saxony Kingdom can escape the Ogg barbarians The entanglement does not need to sprinkle the blood donations of countless men on this cold north, thanks to the blessing of the ancient gods. [No Popup Novel Network]

"I didn't expect Belika town to have changed so much in just a few years."

Luo Jie'an watched people coming and going to the bustling street. Compared with the last time he came to Belika, the change here was so fast that he couldn't recognize this is the once remote and deserted town. The town of Belika has been expanded by at least five times compared to when it first came here with the investigation team. The original dirt road has also been expanded into a standard road paved with bluestone slabs for large carriages and trains. Most of the buildings are newly built, and there are many strange faces on the way from person to person. Obviously, they are not from the town of Belikaben, not even residents of the Kingdom of Saxony.

Relying on a variety of cherished mutant medicinal materials and animals produced in the forest of mist, in particular, it can be used as a mage to make the monster's mutant split tooth wolf make Beilika Town the most desirable commodity trading station on the mainland, although it is located in the extreme north The kingdom of Saxony has a long way to go, and it may be risky due to bandits along the way, but as long as it can successfully return with the goods, these precious medicinal materials, leather, and animals can be sold for a high price, and they will always be There is no worry about the marketable price.

And relying on the sales of these special products, the Kingdom of Saxony also has a golden business way to make a lot of money, but those poachers who have been attracted by huge profits have always been a lot of trouble, and they are almost endless. The newly-built prison in the town of Belica was already full of prisoners and could not stop the situation.

In fact, for the poachers and poachers, as long as the various medicinal herbs and prey produced in the Forest of Mist are excavated and hunted, they will not be opened for half a year, and they will be profitable for half a year, but compared to the legal punishment of the Kingdom of Saxony, The harsh natural environment and mutant beasts are the biggest enemies. Sometimes it is not to mention that acting alone is a team that has penetrated into the mist forest and may not be able to come back alive.

Even more frightening is that in the mouth of many poachers and poachers, rumors of demons in the misty forest have also been rumored. There are rumors that the devil is a tall armored knight who can take flight and wield a huge axe to kill all invaders. People, and there are rumors that the devil is a black shadow of a dwarf, and when he saw it, his head was cut off by invisible power.

Luo Jie'an didn't stay long after looking at the situation in Belika town, nodded to the guard behind him, and returned to Belika fortress and stepped into the portal to a certain territory.

The concept of the motherland is a bit light in Luo Jie'an's mind, although this time after arriving at the fortress of Belika, he deliberately took a moment to take a look at the development of Belika towns, and the prosperity scene is indeed It's enough that every resident born in the town of Belika feels comforted. Today, she is still retained as the princess by the royal family. But when she saw the thriving side of Belika, she felt pride in her heart, but this feeling It's more about the great white dragon king than the royal family.

Hey ~ I really have changed a lot!

Even though he discovered his changes, Luo Jie'an did not feel anything wrong. On the contrary, he prefers to stay in the Yannold Mountains. Where he is free, he does not need to learn complicated rules and regulations and etiquette. The burden of the princess is where she can devote herself to the martial arts practice she loves, and she has an extraordinary instructor.

With the convenience of the portal, in less than half a day, Princess Luo Jie'an, who straddled the entire misty forest, came to a place near the capital, and the local lord's royal family was still Luo Jie'an. The princess's uncle had already prepared the mage to transfer directly to the capital of the capital. After a courteous visit, Luo Jie'an stepped into the circle and reached the palace of the capital.

"Welcome home, sister!"

When Luo Jie'an just stepped out of the circle, she first saw her brother, Prince Rost, and she was very happy to see her younger sister, Prince Rost, who had not returned home for almost two years, but this time His Royal Highness did not go as usual. Hug my sister, because the prince stared at Luo Jie'an always felt as if he had been stared at by something terrible.

"I haven't seen my brother for a long time, is my father okay?" Luo Jie'an, who was unaware of his brother's abnormality, still greeted with a trace of comfort when he saw his relatives.

Prince Rost, who had stiffened, quickly recovered and laughed: "Father was very good-looking at this time, thanks to the shelter of the ancient **** Yalin, without the war with the Ogg barbarians and many trivial matters, my father also I can rest a little longer. "

After a few words, Prince Rost personally led his sister to meet his father, and Luo Jie'an's personal maid, Eliza, followed closely, holding the princess's winter coat that had just come off. The guards standing in the palace along the way couldn't help but straighten up and tried to make themselves more upright, because when Luo Jie'an walked past them, wearing silver scale armor and war boots combing a long silver hair Coupled with the dignified and beautiful appearance, Luo Jie'an looks like the legendary Valkyrie, exuding a temper of self-anger.

In the Saxony kingdom, which was originally martial arts, such a temperament is more respected. In the minds of Saxons, women cannot only have beauty, but strength is also a factor that a woman must have. If only beauty is not strong, then such a woman is only suitable for childbearing. Machines and playthings, because once they lose the shelter of men, they can not survive in this cruel northern region, and the so-called beauty is scattered like a ash in the face of snowstorms and severe cold.

For this reason, when seeing His Royal Highness, who is regarded as a treasure by the royal family and never easy to see, the guards seemed to be inspired by this momentum and generally wanted to show their best.

After the cooperation between the Kingdom of Saxony and Yalin has been blocking any news of Princess Luo Jie'an, the outside people have no idea that Her Royal Highness Princess, who won the duel, has left the kingdom to the distant Janod Mountains, and this time Luo Jie'an The quiet return was also deliberately kept secret by the royal family. Although there are signs that the Holy Capital and the Holy See have vaguely noticed something, the Saxony royal family still decided to keep the cooperation of the ancient gods secret when the parties publicly tore this veil, which can delay some Time will be delayed for the Kingdom of Saxony to gain some more bargaining chips for future negotiations with the Holy Capital and the Holy See.

In the lounge, Luo Jie'an met his father and court teacher Grete and others. However, in the face of his father, Luo Jie'an's mood was still calm. After greeting him politely, he shifted the topic to the recent visit. Princess Serene Brannis of the Carlsmann Empire near the Saxony Kingdom had some vague impressions of this princess Rozie An. It seemed that she had met her at a banquet when she went to a martial arts competition as a child, but she gave herself The only impression left was beautiful and arrogant. At the banquet, Celine was always surrounded by many aristocratic men and women, and everyone was almost like the golden jewel case of the Carlsheim Empire.

"I can't remember it." Luo Jie'an thought there was only a helpless smile and said he couldn't remember.

Gretel said: "It doesn't matter, Your Royal Highness. It's not too formal a banquet anyway, and you and Princess Celin will give each other a courteous greeting."

"I see." Luo Jie'an nodded.

Polite greetings are best!

Luo Jie'an was relieved. During the period of Ulduar, she almost forgot the usual etiquette. Her Majesty the King of the White Dragon also said that he paid attention to etiquette to represent the basic rest of a person, but paid too much attention It is a pathological manifestation to debase others' identities in every move and use this as glory and merit, and humans sometimes just like to work out such cumbersome and useless things to put their own chains.

The banquet was held the day after tomorrow to give Luo Jie'an some time to adjust. As for the old king, Rodland said that the proposal for the etiquette tutor to take a little etiquette course was rejected by him. I remember that at the banquet after the previous martial arts competition, It seems that people have been degraded into a barbarous girl who does not understand etiquette ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Anyway, it is estimated that there is no effect now. It is better to directly show the etiquette of the original Saxony kingdom to the other party.

Etiquette of Saxony Kingdom

This remark made the old king Rhodeland listen to a black line. The Saxons were originally discriminated as northern barbarians in other countries of the mainland. After the efforts of the rulers of the Saxon kingdoms, they were gradually integrated into the eastern countries of the continent. Discrimination, and now the representative of his daughter's royal family does not want to bother with those rituals to directly show the brave side of the Saxons. If it is usual, she must be reprimanded, but now she can't explain it.

The court mage Grete looked at the princess, who was familiar with her character, but also changed her character, and smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say, but Prince Rost smiled and did not object to her sister.

"Forget to say one thing. Regarding the banquet held for Princess Celin, the two messengers sent by the ancient **** to the capital will also participate."

"Is it the two messengers, Mr. De Jieer and Miss Malia?" Asked his brother Luo Jie'an, looking a little surprised.

Prince Rost nodded with a smile.

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