Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1018: Daughter to enchant

The reason why Yalin wanted to restrict the launch of Avisbronn's treasure 'Crown · Light of Wisdom' is also because this treasure itself is too buggy, once it is activated, it may bring huge benefits to Ulduar. damage. [No Popup Novel Network]

In the original work, the black caster Avisbloon and the red ruler are also behind the holy grail war. The black hand Amakusa Shiro Shige may have a similar idea. Amakusa Shiro Shige is eager to relieve the entire human race, and Avisbronn also Desiring to create a perfect human together with a perfect world, in the original book, the attitude of Amakusa Shiro Shigeki was clearly supported when Avisbronn chose to betray and propose hope to complete his own treasure, but 'Crown of Wisdom 'This jewel is not only a golem representing the first human beings, but also a tool to achieve Avisbronn's creation of a perfect new world.

In short, this treasure has the ability to reshape the ecological environment and gradually change the area into the paradise dreamed by Avisbronn. As long as the 'crowned light of wisdom' stands on the ground, it can continue to flow. The magical power of Grow grew to a super-giant golem that was thousands of meters high at the end, and by then, maybe the entire world had been completely reshaped by it.

I have to say that this is an extremely dangerous treasure, and once it is completed, even the 'Crown of Wisdom' that killed Caster Avesbronn can continue to exist, and to destroy it, you must also let its dual Legs off the ground cut off the magic supply, and at the same time attacked its head and hearth to kill it.

In the original book, the golem that has grown to only 15 meters has already shown its fighting power beyond the spirit. It even requires three spirits to work together to knock it down. During this period, there are more pieces of Rider Astorford's treasures. The smasher was able to cause the golem to fall to the ground and lost his ability to regenerate.

Yalin had to consider the damage caused by the launch of the treasure. Although the "Crown of Wisdom" may need only a little bit of force to completely destroy it at the beginning, if it is Avisbronn What to do if it starts quietly, you must know that the concentration of magic power in another world can be different from the earth in the moon type world, just like the age of myth and the age of the last law, the ratio of magic power is as exaggerated as 100: 1, Awei Sloan ’s treasure, 'Crown · Wisdom Light', will grow much faster once it is started. It was originally estimated that it would only take ten minutes to grow once in another world. And once it became thousands of super-giant golems, according to the original setting, it seemed that a whole army of heroes was required to knock it down. I don't want to test the strength of this treasure.

Of course, if you change your mind, the ability of Avisbronn's treasure "Crown · Wisdom Light" to reshape the ecological environment can destroy all city buildings and dissolve everything as the most basic element. It is also being reshaped, which is also called This is a weapon of extraordinary strength. If used in the right place, it will inevitably give the enemy the heaviest blow, but if it is not used properly, this indiscriminate weapon will also bring huge losses to its own side.

Therefore, if Avisbloun insists on making this golem, he must be strictly supervised, and he has ensured that this treasure can only be opened when necessary.


Regarding Yalin's request, Avisbronn showed some intriguing attitudes, that is, the attitude of making treasures and starting was softened. According to the meaning of Avisbronn, this new world gave I have more inspiration, and the emergence of some new materials also makes me long for the power of treasures to go to the next level and need to be redesigned.

For this reason Yalin expressed understanding of Avisbronn's idea.

It wasn't until Avisbronn left to go to the library that Yalin laughed bitterly. Until now, Avisbronn's favorability has reached a level of indifference and friendliness, which is the lowest among all callers. , But I don't care so much, I don't know how to deal with this Caster who has a misogyny and likes to be alone, so just make up.

At this time, Iron Man Tony Stark and others who had stayed in the ground for nearly a week finally returned to the ground. Just after returning to the ground, Tony took off his helmet deeply on the portal roof of Ulduar City. Breathing a breath, although he felt that his lungs were blown by cold wind, but compared to the rancid air in the underground city that can be breathed by humans, this fresh air made Tony feel much clearer.

"Aha ~ Tony Stark is finally alive, **** it! I feel like I'm suffocating in that kind of ghost place."

The city layout of the city of Addis with a strong psychological hint and a weird environment. Tony has been nauseated since he arrived, especially as Saya, the guide, entered the city, which was an extremely magnificent city. However, it reveals that like the breath of death and the chilling silence in the city of doomsday, the depressive feeling filled with strong despair and negative emotions really makes people feel an extreme impulse to leave the city of death. .

"No wonder Yalin said nothing came, okay, I admit that I definitely don't want to go to that city."

Among them is Shigekiji Shigehiko, who has the pseudonym of the nerve. The most terrifying aspect of the city of Addis is a little more surprised and admired than a little fear. That look is like a dream. Local tourists are just as interested in visiting the sights.

At this time Tony really wished he had the thick-lined nerves of this quantum scientist!

Sitting on the rooftop, Tony subconsciously touched a special storage space on the armor, only to find that the cigarettes he had brought with him when he came to a different world had been consumed by himself and Goddard, the old smoker: " Oh ~ Shit! Don't be so generous if you knew it. "

Tony, who has no smoke, is already wondering if he can make alternatives in another world

"The equipment has arrived. Mr. Tony asked you to give it a little."

At this moment Saya also stepped out of the portal. It seemed that Saya who was wearing a turquoise suspender dress completely ignored the snow falling around him, but looked down at Tony with his emerald eyes and said huge, behind the huge The instrument was slowly being carried from the ground to the ground by the dwarves on a special vehicle.

"Sorry ~ little girl! I'm a little distracted."

Tony also stood up when he saw this. Although he had seen it many times when he got along, he still thought that the girl named Saya was really amazing. Although she now has a pure and handsome girl, but Her body is still an amorphous creature, just like the many remains found in that unmanned city, it is a creature beyond human cognition.

But soon Tony's attention was attracted by the transported instruments. This time, there were a lot of things to be harvested from the city of Addis. As Yalin said, the ancient inhabitants of this world are indeed a master. The civilization of advanced science and technology is just that their appearance is too horrible. Most of them are monsters that appear in the most terrible nightmares of human beings. At the same time, although various industrial instruments made by these strange races still have a lot of usability, they are indeed technically sufficient or even more advanced than expected, and most of them are weird and completely confusing. It is clear what it is used for, even if Saya is used as a guide and commentary, it takes a lot of effort to understand how to use some instruments.

And more instruments are seriously incompatible with humans due to their specifications. For example, a huge aurora cutter is almost six meters high, and the handle is even as large as Tony's entire person, and it is completely designed according to the alien race volume. The inoperable instrument still had to be left in the city to eat ashes.

However, it is very good for Tony to find modern industrial instruments that can be used in another world. Although the shape is weird and some manipulations are difficult, at least it is better than the old-fashioned manual machine tools in the forge hall. Much more.

"Guys! Hey ~ slow down, don't break this baby, it's an aurora cutter with a human shape that can be easily found!" Tony, who brought the helmet back, also welcomed the dwarves to help The instrument was transported over.

Saya looked at Tony's tilted head and then spread **** wings like batwings from her back. This time, Saya, who was accustomed to flying, finally stopped flying like a drunk pilot at first, but very Elegantly and easily passed over the rooftop and the bottomless cliffs and flew directly to the nearest small portal, and then activated the portal on the Qingche Road to reach the nearest portal in Yalin Study.

When he came to the door of the study, Saya thought for a moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seemed that he was hesitant to go directly into the room or let the maid outside the door inform the following first, and finally Saya chose the latter, when the maid conveyed Ya After Lin allowed her to enter, Saya then thanked him and entered the room.

"This time you worked hard for Saya, have you finished your work underground?"

Room Rialin watched the 'daughter' with a smile and asked. Saya's performance outside the door was also noticed. Obviously, Saya was quickly learning the rules and regulations of human beings and made himself more elegant in words and deeds. Of course, the premise is that the lady will not grow a pair of blood-red wings like muscle tissue from the back.

When he noticed Yalin's gaze, Saya realized that he had forgotten something. After regaining his wings, Saya ran to Yalin and snuggled on Yalin like a little girl who likes to entangle people.

"It's temporarily over! Father ~ I'm hungry. Can you feed me some magic?" Saya looked up at Yalin with her pure but seemingly empty pupils.

It turned out to be magic!

Yalin stiffened, but smiled and pressed his finger on Saya's forehead.

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