Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1003: I am not a sage

Neither the gold-based world nor the power-based world has ever existed in an absolutely fair world, but considering the development of the civilization of a race, although there is no absolute fairness, it must be relatively fair. Otherwise, huge injustices are wealth. The mastery of power or the mastery of power will cause the fulcrum supporting the development of civilization to be out of balance. Those who have huge wealth will already have a monopoly on most production resources, and the implementation of a small amount of distribution and control of the lower level has guaranteed that no one can threaten themselves. And those who have great power are the source of monopoly power, so that the world can no longer have a second existence like itself. [No Popup Novel Network]

The problem is that those who monopolize wealth are always flesh and blood. For the unbearable lower class, there is the possibility of raising arms to resist. However, those who monopolize the power are like the "Dou Like the gods and gods in the game of God of War, these originally mortal people immediately monopolized the source of power and cut off the path of others to become gods after gaining the power of becoming a god. Then came the wanton **** of the earth common people.

Even if the former has no power in high wealth, it will eventually not be able to defeat a bullet shot in the dark, and the latter faces these mortal beings that have the power to destroy the sky and how to resist without any power, and What's worse is that they are immortal and not bound by time, and mortals seem to have no other choice than to be an animal that has been ransacked by them.

Semiramis also became silent for a while, and the expression on the empress's face seemed a little subtle. It was an expression of approval but disapproval.

"I don't like gods so much? Master Master!" Semiramis's eyes flashed a tentative inquiry.

"... In fact, it can't be annoying, but it doesn't have any good feelings. After all, if the existence of the great power is corrupted, it will be more terrible for mortals than any disaster."

Regarding this existence of God, Aaron is not interested in it in the original world or in another world, or he is indeed more inclined to dislike it. For example, in the Bible, God flooded the earth to destroy sin. After the death of the world, only the Noahs and some animals that were warned by God were rescued. This was not Yalin's standard behavior to despise life with high eyes.

Destroy sin! ? Was only the Noahs good in the whole world at that time? This is obviously impossible, and the reason why only the Noahs were warned is that they are more favored by God than others who are not evil, and those who are not favored naturally have to wait for death. In addition to Christianity, in the myths and legends of various peoples in the world, the gods have some wanton decisions about human life and death. In these stories, human beings obviously play a role in giving their lives to others and watching others' faces and actions. Roles.

Divine spirits are naturally blessed with constant grace, but if the divine spirits are not happy, they are truly as powerful as prisoners!

Yalin's ears seemed to reverberate in the ruined ancient city below Ulduar. The last description of the creature from the previous generation was so terrible and desperate. This is the face of inability to face The sorrow of mortals in the reign of supreme existence.

Perhaps some believers will be favored by God as long as they are reverent, but in Alin ’s view, if there is no limitable means to the power of God, then this day of breaking the life between the thoughts of others is not a life. Too scared?

Semiramis asked with a trace of long hair and asked a bit sadly: "But Master, you are also the owner of this powerful force. According to what Ru said, you should not give up this power first. ?"

"Ha ha ~ I'm giving up this power unless it's death ... I can only let someone with a bad taste help me to give up." Yalin said a momentarily stunned: "I understand what you mean, Semiramis, I I never felt like a saint or a natural candidate. On the contrary, my spiritual world is even more fragile than you. Suddenly I have a huge power. Maybe my spirit is that day. "

"Somebody doesn't understand," said Semiramis, shaking his head with confusion and puzzlement. "Master, as the owner of the power of power, why care about these things? This world has never been It's fair that every world is weak and strong, and the fittest survive. No one has the right to blame what the power of others is, let alone the weak in turn to blame the strong. "

"So you agree that my **** of you is a matter of justice." Yalin deliberately fell on the towering breast of Semiramis with an aggressive look.

Although the pair of white jade **** are not as large as the Moon Sea, they are better than any female Yalin has seen in their chest shape. In addition, the shape and appearance of Semiramis as a hero have been fixed. The upright plumpness is full of elasticity without any signs of sagging. It is really easy to give a normal male some kind of impulse when paired with Semiramis' glamorous appearance.

Semiramis noticed Aalin's gleaming eyes, and a slight sense of misunderstanding rose in his heart.

Suddenly, the empress found herself shivering, which was an instinctive response to the crisis. If you think about it, the reason why you are more inclined to control the strong over the weak is also based on the conclusion that Under the premise of the strong, once the queen of the ancient Assyrian empire dominated the lives and deaths of many people. Now even though the heroes who came as the Holy Grail are bound by the curse, they are even powerful magicians in the face of ordinary magicians. Make him also confident to use his beauty and words as a weapon to let him relax, and give him a glass of poisonous wine at the moment when he relaxes.

They are powerful. They are powerful in the face of ordinary human beings. They praise their names, praise their power, sit alone on the throne of power and look down on beings, they have the right to rule them, they have control. Their rights, those who rebel against their own will eventually become painful and annihilated in time under the venom!

But now I really don't have this confidence ...

After experiencing the vast power of the Emerald Dragon first-hand, Semiramis can also judge how much Yalin is in front of him. I am afraid that the horror exists in front of the Dragon Queen. All his advantages in front of him are gone. Divided from the identity of the strong to the level of the weak, from the dominator to the dominated, and the most miserable is that, as Yalin said, he has no chance to resist, and the huge power gap is even if Yalin will poison Put weapons and weapons in front of yourself and use them yourself, and you won't hurt each other.

If Yalin uses strong words, he seems to have no second choice but to endure all these strong smiles to please.

"Please don't misunderstand the Master. It doesn't mean that to be a body." After a momentary misunderstanding, Semiramis's face quickly changed into a fixed and touching smile: "... I just think that being weak is not an excuse to escape. On the contrary, the reason why the strong is powerful is often not innate. Many powerful heroes in history have put in unimaginable hard work behind their dazzling glory, and it is precisely because of these efforts, those who have power More qualified to stand on the weak and occupy more resources, otherwise the lazy will share the fruits of the hardworking, does this not encourage more people to be lazy? Well, what happened to Master?

Suddenly, Semiramis noticed that Yalin was lying on the table with an ugly face, and his expression seemed to be embarrassed and embarrassed as if he had been intercepted by the pain and scar.

Yalin smiled embarrassingly: "Fairness to the weak is unfair to the strong, you mean that, right?"

Semiramis nodded: "It is exactly what it means to be a master. Master Ru, as a power owner, has a natural talent advantage, but it also requires a lot of time to learn and train to accumulate experience. You are qualified to dominate everything, because your devotion is qualified to harvest fruits, even if you want to dominate the slavery and make your body your favorite, for the body you have nothing but to blame for your lack of strength. The reason to complain and hate you, because it only supports the stupidity and innocence of the body, and it is said that the nature of following the strong and the weak is also a person who can be a pillow of someone who has such strength. Great ... Rong ... Yao ... "

Said that the voice of Semiramis was getting smaller and smaller, because the empress found that Yalin not far away was more ugly than before, and the depression looked like he was mumbling silently. "I'm sorry ..." I'm really sorry ... "trivial words like people who have made great mistakes are constantly repenting.

The unsuspecting Semiramis didn't realize that his words actually just caught the pain of his Master, because Yalin's own power was completely given away by others, and he was reborn into the ancient dragon by the power of the Creator. On the king, because of a fantastic adventure, he has transformed himself from a mortal person into a transcendental transcendent person. Compared to this alien enchanted transcendant person, even the most inferior person is just like Semilla. Mies said that he grew up little by little with his own strength, and he was just a 'cheat' person, not to mention a cheat system in his hand.

This is a secret that Ya Lin Ningken's own mouth was torn and he dare not speak out.

Reluctantly raised his head, Yalin sighed deeply and revealed a helpless smile: "Semiramis ~ I am not the kind who thinks that the strong and the weak are the righteous Virgins. It is a matter of course that better species, stronger and stronger occupy more resources, but the strength of a single unit must also be limited, otherwise the uncontrollable absolute power concentrated on a person will bring a race and civilization. Only destruction, whether it is the gold-based world or the power-based world, those who have mastered wealth and power after reaching the peak of their rights, the next step they must do is to consolidate the rights in their hands, and to consolidate their status and rights, they will inevitably block the lower levels Everyone ’s rising channel ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ru means ... "

"I mean it very simply. If I reach the pinnacle of power and there is no one in this world, then what I have to do is to block all channels of power and even block and monopolize all knowledge and wisdom. After all, rule a group of fools It is simpler than ruling a group of smart people. After monopolizing all this, all the mortals in this world, whether they are humans, elves, dwarves or even dragons, will become my captive animals. I only need to promote those I believe in or It ’s a pleasurable person who helps me manage as a slave. No one in this world can question me. No one can resist me. I can do whatever I want in this world. Even as long as I feel happy, I can make the whole civilization regress. In the primitive slave society, let mortals who have not been educated in knowledge and civilization become slaves forever, and this world will be forever fixed and will not move forward. Do you understand that? "


I felt that Semiramis, who even oozed cold sweat from the back, fully understood, what Yalin wanted to express, and fully understood how terrible evil thoughts were suppressed deep inside his seemingly easy-going Master! Depriving all hope of stopping the world from progressing completely is like freezing in the stagnant water of time. This is a situation that is more desperate than any calamity and doomsday. (To be continued.)

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