Chapter 378: The Secret of Eternal Life

Dorn really couldn’t understand why a thief would steal the pot.

But when you think about it, the female thief who washes her hands with a golden basin in her house stole a large bag of kitchen utensils when she first met.

But what Ling had stolen was silver tableware…

“Old lady, can you tell us what is going on?” Vivian asked carefully.

The old woman who had originally looked angrily turned her head and looked at the face of the fairy Miss, her expression softened again.

“That’s it.” She said, “Some time ago, probably after the autumn harvest, before the snow fell, a man from outside our village came to our village. He looks like a thief, and at first sight he is not a good person.”


Old lady, judging by appearance is not advisable…

Dorn was so complaining in his heart, but he didn’t say anything, let the other party continue to talk.

“After the man came to the village, he lived here for several days and kept inquiring about the Qima Snow Mountain.” The old woman recalled a little.

When Dorn and Vivian heard this, they looked at each other calmly.

Qima Snow Mountain is the destination of Dorn and Vivian’s trip.

After 10 days, the [Concert Forest] will open somewhere in this snow-capped mountain.

“A man from a foreign country, inquire about Qima Snow Mountain…Is it also for the ruins of the gods?”

Dorn kept an eye on it silently.

However, according to the information given by the system, the [Concert Forest] was opened in the winter, and the man had already arrived in Laika Village as early as the autumn harvest.

It’s really early enough.

The old woman continued: “When the snow fell in winter, the winter hunter in the village came back and said that he saw the man sneak up on the Qima Snow Mountain.”

“Then until last night, I was sleeping at home and was suddenly awakened by a noise. I sat up from the bed, and by the moonlight outside, I saw the man from outside the snow-capped mountain standing in my room!”

“He opened the tin of my brown bread and spoiled me at least two breads. Also, when he saw me waking up, he picked up my pot and fled out the door in a panic.”

“Uh… it sounds weird.” After listening to the old woman’s account, Don still felt confused. “Then, old woman, why are you sure that the foreigner is hiding in this room?”

Old woman: “This house belongs to the old bachelor Hudson. The old bachelor died of illness in the summer, and the house has been empty since then. When the man from the country came to our village, he would occasionally enter and leave this house. House.”

“This morning, the house was suddenly locked from inside again. The thief must be hiding in it! Even if he stole my bread, he also stole the pot that had been with me for more than ten years. Old lady, I must take it today. Ask this Damn it thief for an explanation!”

The old woman’s statement was well-founded, and it was conclusive.

After speaking, she was ready to continue to shoot the locked wooden door.

At this time, the fairy Miss holding the ebony staff leaned forward again, speaking in her harmless tone:

“So, old lady. There is no owner in this house. Even if the door is broken, it doesn’t matter, does it?”

“That’s right.” The old woman nodded, then looked at Dorne, and stood a little to the side. “Young man, would you help the old woman to knock this door open?”


Donn didn’t care if he wanted to help break the door.

But in fact, when the old woman turned to ask him, it was already too late.

Because Dorn clearly saw that Vivian, who was standing in front of the door, had a gesture of waving a staff.


The heavy staff drew out an afterimage in the air, and violently collided on the door panel!

The two fragile wooden doors flew toward the inside of the house, slamming heavily on the wall, shaking off the flying dust and snow slag.

“Hey.” Vivian took the staff. “Okay, the door opened.”

The old woman would be shocked, dumbfounded.

How could this good-looking and weak little girl have so much strength?

After the door of the wooden house opened, Dorne shrugged, and then stepped forward with Vivienne at the same time.

The old woman stood angrily at the door and did not move: “You can help me see if the thief is still inside, and if my pot is inside…”

Obviously, the look of the fairy Miss who broke the door in a cool manner gave her a great sense of shock.

To this, Dorn just responded casually.

To be honest, he was still quite interested in the thief who came back to steal the pot after climbing the Qima Snow Mountain.

Maybe the other party knows some information about [Concerto Forest]?

Hudson, the old bachelor, had a small house, and there was not much furniture in it.

It can be said to be unobstructed.

In this room, Dorn and Vivienne were quickly found, suspected to be the existence of “outside men” among the elderly women.

The reason is suspicious.

It’s because at this time, the opponent has only a human silhouette left.

In the corner of the room, you can see a stone statue in the shape of a human, or rather, a person wrapped in a yellowish rock.

“Before he was wrapped in rocks, he should be alive…There are many traces of struggle on the wall and on the ground.” Vivian preached like this, holding the ebony staff in both hands.

“Yeah.” Dorn nodded.

The two rummaged randomly in the cabin.

Dorn found a piece of poorly-quality white paper with some scribbles on it.

The ink color for writing is strange.

Vivienne found a cooking pot, but the pot was generally clean, clean enough to reflect a fuzzy human face.

The old woman said that the pot she lost was a scapegoat that had been with her for more than ten years.

“The man who took this pot last night was to use the soot from the bottom of the pot to write something similar to ink?”

Comparing the two things found, Dorn and Vivian quickly understood what was going on.

Out of curiosity, they began to discern the handwriting on the rough white paper seriously.

The above statement is intermittent and incoherent, and the writing is roughly –

[I seem to be alive soon, the rock covers my left hand, damn…Earl Wenfeng’s tomb…The secret of immortality…The Rock Guard…Don’t go! ]

“Earl’s mausoleum, the secret of immortality?” Dorn frowned and repeated the key words on the paper.

Seeing these words, Dorne felt a little aftertaste.

The tragic man in front of him, although he also entered Laika Village, explored the Qima Snow Mountain.

But his purpose seems to be different from his own.

Perhaps this man’s original intention was not for the ruins of the gods.

As for why he tried so hard to leave some handwriting last night, perhaps he didn’t want to let the secrets he had mastered die with him.

Maybe near Laika Village, there is this man’s companion, the one on the paper [Don’t go! ], is a warning to companions.

“Is he doing this because he went to the tomb of Earl Wenfeng?” Dorn whispered to himself, “So, this man may be a tomb thief or an adventurer.”

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