Original War

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Stone Insect King Insect

In the beginning, it was just a very small whirring sound, and it was also very vague, and it was even easy to confuse it with the sound heard in other channels before. But soon, the voice gradually became clear.

Shao Xuan remembered that Lang Ga had told him that there was a stone insect king in this mountain. He didn’t believe it much before. After all, so many hunting team members in the tribe passed by and never saw the legendary stone insect king. Worm, even the claims passed down from the ancestors are just speculation.

There are indeed some whirring sounds in the passage that are the sound of the wind blowing in and the gas flowing, but now, Shao Xuan can be sure that it is not the sound of the wind, and the whirring sounds are approaching here.

Shao Xuan’s body was tight, and he moved his legs gently, climbing up the steep slope. The cave wall here is a bit slippery than the path taken by the hunting team, and climbing is also more difficult. Shao Xuan dare not use stone knives now, he is afraid that the sound will alarm the stone insect king below. Mai and the others said that they should be as gentle as possible when walking around in the cave, and they always have their reason.

The whirring sound was already very close, much faster than Shao Xuan expected, and it was already close to a large distance in the blink of an eye.

The inside of the cave was a little humid, and the air carried a smell similar to lime, and the smell became stronger and stronger. Shao Xuan could clearly feel the humidity in the cave ascending, and the cave wall he was climbing was already attached to it. The extremely small water droplets made the cave wall more slippery and made climbing more difficult. Shao Xuan slipped on his feet for several times to stabilize.

I can’t climb anymore!

The hands touching the cave wall can clearly feel the extremely slippery liquid between the palm of the hand and the cave wall, and the same is true under the feet. It is not easy to stay fixed in one place. If you relax a little, you may follow this path. Slide down again.

can not explain!

Hard to understand! !

The wall of Mingming cave was fine just now. Although it was a little slippery and steeper than the road I had walked before, with Shao Xuan’s ability, it was not difficult to climb up this road. But how long has it been? The cave wall has changed so much!

But at this moment, Shao Xuan couldn’t tolerate more thoughts, and the rhythmic cries almost sounded below.

The place where you rolled down was relatively flat, but after a few steps, you can see the tunnel that continues to extend downward. Shao Xuan could only see a small section down the passage where he was. As for whether there were any other roads and how many passages below the passage, he didn’t know what to do if it was really a stone insect king worm. ? If the Stone Insect King Insect came towards the passage where he was, what would he do?

With five fingers, the fingertips almost dig into the wall of the cave, but it is only that, and it is impossible to buckle too much. The stone here is very hard. Using the power of the totem, you may be able to dig in more, but Shao Xuan does not dare to use it indiscriminately. , Some high-level fierce beasts have a keen perception of totem power. When Mai and the others walked in the cave before, no one used totem power.

Shao Xuan maintained the posture of grabbing the cave wall. He was too nervous, and his whole body was a little stiff. He didn’t know whether it was sweat or water droplets gathered because of the dampness in the cave.

The inside of the cave is not sultry and hot. On the contrary, I don’t know if it is the shady cave or own illusion. Shao Xuan always feels that the cold inside the cave is getting worse. The lime-like smell between the nose is getting stronger and stronger.

Looking up, the scene in the field of vision is also changing.

In Shao Xuan’s field of vision, the color of the water droplets was white, which was different from the gray of the surrounding cave walls. However, soon those whites covered the gray cave walls, and the coverage spread rapidly upwards along the cave walls. This shows that all the walls above the cave have undergone the same changes as the walls Shao Xuan is currently holding.


The voice got closer and closer, and it sounded from below.

Accompanied by those whirring sounds, there was a sliding sound, like a creature squirming.

Shao Xuan quietly clawed on the cave wall, carefully controlled his breathing and heartbeat, and reduced his own sense of existence, as if he was fused with everything in the cave. Even if Lang Ga and the others stood here, they might not be able to detect the cladding on the cave wall. Shao Xuan on the top.

Listening to the sound below the cave, Shao Xuan thought, if the things below were really coming here, he would have to fight it out. If he couldn’t hold his fingers on the wall of the cave, he would use a knife! If a knife doesn’t work, add another spearhead! Can you always climb up like that?

Although he was dragged over by the unknown kind of bug, his equipment was still there. Even if the sound alarmed the thing at that time, there was no way. Escape was the most important thing.

In addition to the whirring sound, there is also a sound like a heartbeat.


It was obviously not loud, but it sounded like a heavy hammer in my heart, hammer after hammer, shocking my chest with blood and blood.

Like a muffled drum on a quiet battlefield, the silent cave seems to vibrate with this rhythm.

Pressure also followed.

Or, this can be called aura.

Shao Xuan felt that his breathing had become extremely painful, and his body strength was still not as strong when he did not rely on the power of the totem.

Just as Shao Xuan listened to the sound of approaching and was about to use the power of totem to dig his knife and climb up, the whirring sound and thunderous thundering sound gradually faded away.

It seems that under this road, there are other forks, but fortunately, the stone insect king worm did not come to this road.

When the sound faded away, Shao Xuan’s muscles relaxed. In order to survive the short period of time, all Shao Xuan’s strength was almost exhausted.

No hands, no fights, nothing to do, just picking on the wall of the cave, but even more tired than when facing the thorny black wind. Because of this, Shao Xuan didn’t control his hand, and when he loosened his hand, he slid down the angle against the cave wall and returned to the place where he had rolled down before.

Shao Xuan could hear his own heart beating, beating like a snare drum, and it took a while to slow down.

As if perceiving something, Shao Xuan turned his head and looked up at the cave wall he had just scratched. In a special field of vision, the wall of the cave was originally covered with a layer of white, but now the white gradually recedes, gradually changing from the far side of the cave to this side, and it looks like the white spreading to the top of the cave and shrinking back here. .

The humidity of the air in the cave gradually returned to its original state, it was no longer so humid, and even the strong lime smell just now gradually disappeared.

Feeling a little itchy on his face, Shao Xuan raised his head and touched it, rubbing a layer of powder like rock fragments, and a layer of rigidity formed on both palms. When he moved his palms, he could feel a layer of rocks falling. .

Thinking of something, Shao Xuan crawled towards the top of the cave. Without that layer of slimy liquid, climbing became much easier.

After carefully inspecting the cave wall, Shao Xuan found that when he climbed up just now, the fingerprints cut out on the cave wall were gone, as if he had never climbed there.

It’s no wonder that people from the hunting team used to make marks in the cave, and when they left next time, those traces disappeared, which seemed to be similar to the situation just encountered.

The inside of the cave was restored to its original state, as if no creature had been here.

Shao Xuan did not go down, but went up along the hole. He wanted to follow this path to see if he could return to the path the hunting team took.

Finally climbed up the hole and looked around, Shao Xuan was dumbfounded.

He should have chopped the tentacles of the insects that dragged him over at this place, but now, no tentacles have been cut off, no other insects, no eye-less spiders, no other sounds, and no dragging around. Traces of drag.

Everything in the cave seems to have been restored!

In front of Shao Xuan, there were three openings, which looked exactly the same, without any traces of other creatures’ activities, so they could not be distinguished.

Which hole was it dragged from before?

Thinking back carefully, Shao Xuan found that he couldn’t recall it at all, and he didn’t know which hole he should go in through.

Taking a deep breath, Shao Xuan clenched his fists and cursed inwardly: “Fuck!”

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Sorry there is only one update tonight, good night everyone.

Thank you all for your April Fool’s Day rewards, and thank the first leader of this book for looking to money and making money!

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