Original War

Chapter 518

Chapter 518

After the war ended at an unexpected speed, the Yanjiao tribe was busy every day.

The Fierce Beast Mountain Forest originally relied on the direction of the Wanshi Tribe, and at the edge, people could be seen coming and going every day, and all kinds of felling or vigorous beating sounds were often heard.

Because the site of Ten Thousand Stones was incorporated into its own hands, the Yanjiao Tribe planned to connect the tribe in the woods with the place of Ten Thousand Stones to open up a convenient way for the transportation of materials.

In the past, walking in the woods didn’t feel too difficult, but it was more troublesome to really open up a path.

Drive away dangerous plants and beasts in the forest, cut down the trees along the planned route, and transport the felled trees to one side to build houses for people. The uneven ground on the ground should also be flattened, otherwise the cart will be bumpy in the future. Is not good.

Therefore, when someone walked from this side, one would often see shirtless Flame Horned warriors, slamming the ground with big stone hammers, with a muffled sound, and the ground was shaking.

“This, I’ll pull it out soon, otherwise I won’t be able to beat it!” The soldier wiping the big stone hammer sweated and shouted to his companion not far away. At the place he was pointing, there were trees that had been cut down, and the roots were still there. If you want to pound the ground, you can’t let these woods stay.

“Wait, there is still a big rock in the ground. I will dig it out before you hammer it.”

Seeing that the warrior who beat the ground put the stone hammer aside, sat on the grass to rest, and looked back at the results of the busy days. An earth-colored smooth road stretched from the tribe’s position to here, completely gone. The dangerous atmosphere in the forest not long ago made me a little bit complacent. Thinking of what he thought of, he couldn’t help asking his surrounding companions: “Hey, I heard that the leader is going to trade a group of beasts that pull carts from the Lu tribe. You said, is the horse better or the cow better?”

“Horse! A horse can pull a cart, ride, and run fast!”

“A cow! What’s so good about a horse? A cow can also pull a cart and run very fast, and I heard that it can pull a plow! Besides, the cow has horns and looks even more powerful.”

“Bulls and horses are the same, but the bird eggs of the Lu tribe are good.” A warrior said.

“Hey, apart from being a bit bigger, what else can compare to the kind of bird eggs of the Lu tribe? I tell you, when we were on the other side of the sea, the tribe used to raise ducks. It was Elder Shao Xuan. There were also duck eggs that were brought home, and that duck eggs can detoxify! It’s a pity that the duck didn’t follow when he came over.”

“Speaking of Elder, he came out of the same cave with me.” Ku recalled how Life was in the cave near the foot of the mountain when they hadn’t come to their hometown and awakened the power of the totem a long time ago.

As soon as Ku said that, the others stopped bragging. They walked around and looked around. They didn’t find other people approaching, so they lowered their voice and asked Ku: “Hey, brother, tell me what Elder was like back then? Is it Tweed? Extremely powerful?”

“Back then…”

Ku recalled the thin figure in his memory, no one would believe that that person would have grown to such an extent.

At this moment, the big Elder mentioned by the group was frowning and biting the pen.

“How to write? How do I write it?” Shao Xuan looked at the empty animal skin scroll, and his teeth were bitten on the wooden pole of the animal brush.

Shao Xuan didn’t have this habit in the past, but was forced to bite his pen by the tasks assigned by the witch in the past two days.

Extinguishing the fire of the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe in half a day surprised Wu but at the same time was very happy. As the first large-scale victory in a thousand years, it must be recorded and passed on to future generations. This is a shining point in the history of Yanjiao. Can’t miss it.

And to write down this significant historical event, how to extinguish the fire is a very critical part. This part cannot be written by witches, so Shao Xuan must write it himself.

But the problem came, Shao Xuan couldn’t write it.

How to extinguish the fire at that time was almost an instinctive reaction of the body, just like a dream. When it was extinguished, it was relieved, and the rest was restored. The process of extinguishing the fire was somewhat blurred.

Nowadays, no matter how Shao Xuan recalls, it is rare to remember those key parts.

This is one of them.

Second, what Shao Xuan wrote is to be passed on to the descendants of Yanjiao. It must be more rigorous. You have to think about your words and sentences, and you should not be too casual. Elder, you have to have the momentum and majesty of a big Elder. According to the habits of the ancestors in the past, the remaining animal skin scrolls that recorded important events are written concisely and clearly, with prominent points and special idiomatic sentences. In their opinion, this is the most solemn, Shao Xuan has to follow the learning.

However, Shao Xuan’s vocabulary habits are still significantly different from those of others.

With a long sigh, Shao Xuan turned his head to look at Guize on the other side of the table. As the heir of the witch, Guize was also assigned a task and needed to write a lot. Look at the three finished animal skin scrolls next to them. They don’t even have drafts when they are written.

Perceiving Shao Xuan’s sight, Gui Ze raised his head and looked at Shao Xuan suspiciously.

“Cough, Guize, lend me your animal skin roll to copy… for reference.” Shao Xuandao.

Guize never expected that Shao Xuan would even talk about this issue. Generally speaking, whether it is a witch or the heir of a witch, the animal skin scrolls written by them cannot be shown to others at will, because most of their writings contain some secret tribes. Most of the people in the tribe don’t know.

However, as the big Elder of the tribe, Shao Xuan was qualified to view the animal skin scrolls, and there seemed to be nothing he didn’t know about what he wrote down. Guize hesitated for a while, and then handed the three animal skin scrolls to Shao Xuan. She didn’t understand. She just wrote an animal skin scroll. Is it necessary to hold it like this?

Shao Xuan made a draft based on Guize’s words and sentences. He really couldn’t remember the specific situation when the seed was extinguished. He could only leave a sentence of “follow instinct” and “instruction of fire”. This is simply the animal skin scroll. Anyway, it can’t be wrong. Specifically, he can only add it when he thinks of it.

Coming out of the witch’s house, Shao Xuan looked at the sun in the sky. It should have been sunny recently, which is very convenient for the tribe to implement various plans. In two days, the road from the tribe to the forest should be ready.

When returning home, Caesar was lying outside, biting a beast bone and grinding his teeth. In the war with Ten Thousand Stones, Caesar lost an eye, but it has strong resilience. As engraved fierce beasts, they also have the totem power of the flame horn, but they can’t blend into the fire. With the power of totem, he can naturally recover faster.

During the Battle of Ten Thousand Stones, the Ten Thousand Stone Beasts it killed were also the most among the tribe. Caesar’s injuries were more serious than the others. However, in terms of the ability to recover from injuries, it was also stronger than the others.

When Caesar was able to go into the forest and hunt on his own, the two of the Sunshine family were still resting. The fearful crane was still lying with his feet upside down because of foot injuries. When he came back from the Ten Thousand Stone Site, it was A Guang. Carry it back.

According to the tribe’s engraving secret technique, the descendants of several fierce beasts in the tribe will become more ordinary beasts again. The impact of the engraving can only exist in their generation. In the future, the tribe will select the best from their descendants. To engrave.

Because of Caesar’s eye injury, Shao Xuan used animal skins to make a blindfold for him to prevent the wound in the eye from rubbing against dust and stones, or being scratched and infected by branches in the forest.

At first, Caesar was not used to it. He always wanted to scratch with his claws. Now it’s better. Sometimes he goes out hunting and wipes off his blindfold. Old Ke will replace the spare ones and keep a few more.

The wound is almost healed, but Caesar’s right eye is gone and cannot recover. Caesar can only use one eye to see things, which may affect hunting. Recently, it has spent a lot of time out hunting, and it is adapting.

“Old man, it doesn’t matter if you can’t catch the prey, I will raise you.”

After checking the recovery of Caesar’s injuries, it was confirmed that there was no reinfection in the eyes, and Shao Xuancai entered the house.

“A Xuan, people from the Lu tribe have looked for you.” Old Ke, who was polishing the stone tool, said.

“Lu tribe? Yanjiu?”

“Yes, it’s him.”

When they heard the news of the destruction of Wanshi, the people of the Lu tribe all raised their arms and shouted that the scourge was finally gone!

Now the people of the Lu tribe are eagerly running towards Yanjiao. The Wanshi tribe was flattened, and houses, animal enclosures, and fields were rebuilt on the ground. People from the Lu tribe also gave free guidance to the people who built the animal enclosures. How to build them will be more convenient and raise them. It would be better to keep animals.

Shao Xuan guessed that Yanjiu should be discussing with him about raising beast cubs.

Now that the tribal territory is expanding, new animal pens are being built one by one, and there is more natural demand. When the Lu tribe came to the people the other day, they mentioned that Yanjiu was very happy to make a deal with Yanjiao.

Destroying a Ten Thousand Stone Tribe in half a day is indeed a shocking thing. The name of Yanjiao has really been spread out. The big tribes in the central region will definitely be more prepared, but for a while, they dare not dare. It’s really just tearing their faces with Yanjiao, otherwise they won’t endure the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe without fighting for hundreds of years.

I just don’t know, how many tribes will send people over this time.

Shao Xuan looked for it, but didn’t see Yanjiu’s person. He heard that he went to guide the construction of the animal pen outside the forest again, and he came here some time later. Shao Xuan was not in a hurry, so he turned around and went to the tourist area.

The travellers have been living on the edge of the forest for two years, but after all, they are not Yanjiao people, and they don’t have much power. They are still afraid of such mountains and forests. Even with the patrol of the Flame Horned Warriors, they are more inclined to the latter than the places outside the forest. So this time, Yanjiao expanded its territory outside, and they all rushed to move over.

When they came to the tourist area, the people here were also busy. Some tourists followed out to build their houses. They still had to build their houses by themselves. They just had to follow the area divided by Yanjiao and could not build them randomly.

Those who are still here are mostly injured people or young children. There are children running outside, and only in the tourist area of ​​Yanjiao can they have this opportunity. If it is in the tourist area near other tribes, the young children would not even dare to leave the house.

Knowing that the tourist area is busy these days, to prevent troubles here, the leader also sent someone to stare at it.

When Shao Xuan arrived, a team of Yanjiao soldiers was gathering together and laughing.

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