Original War

Chapter 405

Chapter 405: The Crocodile in the River

After two days of sleepless piecing together and cracking, Shao Xuan drew the final result on a roll of animal skins.

Although there are still some moiré patterns on the tripod that I haven’t figured out, Shao Xuan already knows a lot about the things that I put together.

The cloud pattern around the tripod body is more like a guide.

The tripods made by Xian people, no, not only tripods, but also other utensils. Most of them will have such moire patterns. As Zheng Luo said, such moire patterns are different from other craftsmen who make bronze wares. The decorative moirés, these with inherent secrets, are almost publicly displayed in front of the world, but few people know.

This kind of moiré is complicated, but it is something every successful Xiaren must master. It is like an anti-counterfeiting mark. The ancestors of the Taihe tribe at the time tried to imitate it but failed to imitate it. Not only that, after Shao Xuan cracked the moiré, he felt that such moiré contained greater secrets, perhaps about the secrets of the Xianren clan, or perhaps there were other more important things.

What is Xianren good at? Casting!

It is said that some precision utensils are also good at Xian people. The round tripod they cast is almost a perfect circle. As for why a failed tripod appeared, Shao Xuan does not know for the time being, but the information obtained from other populations Judging from it, Xiaren is indeed quite capable.

As for the secrets of the Xianren, does it involve casting and forging?

In a piece of information cracked by Moiré, it is about a place. The descendants of the Xianren can only be the real Xianren if they have been there. They deserve the surname of the “Gongjia”. Otherwise, they are the losers of the Xianren clan. .

Shao Xuan didn’t know how many years ago such a moiré was determined by the ancestors of the Xiaren, but it was this moire that had existed for at least a thousand years, and it had existed before the Yanjiao people came!

It involves casting and forging skills…this really made Shao Xuan very excited. If you can master it, not to mention that you have learned the skills of the Xianren, half of it is enough, and the tribe’s bronze ware can also take a big step. In this respect, the Yanjiao people are indeed behind a lot. This one is okay. The one on the other side of the sea probably has not been able to possess own metal weapons. However, there are nuclear seeds over there. If one day returns, everyone will also be skilled. Can be used.

As for the moiré on the three feet of the moiré flat-footed tripod in the room, they represent three words-Gongjia Mountain!

The pattern left by the Xiaren ultimately refers to Gongjiashan.

Listen to the name, is it the base camp of Xianren? Or was the ancestral land of the Xia tribe before it was dispersed?

In any case, Shao Xuan intends to follow the instructions in the pictures and texts and look for it. If he can find a place, it will not be futile to learn something from the Xianren. Shao Xuan has been cracking it for so long.

Shao Xuan went to discuss with the witch and the leader. The leader Zhengluo wanted to send someone to follow. After all, there are only a handful of people who can follow Shao Xuan. It is not a hindrance to follow Shao Xuan. Time will only affect Shao Xuan’s actions, so the qualified people are at least the general and Dukangna level.

In the end, Shao Xuan decided that he should go out alone. This time he went out to find a place, and he didn’t know how long he would leave. There were several transactions with other tribes on the tribe, which required the leadership of Duokang and Guangyi, and Zheng Luo himself. Have to stay in the tribe. Moreover, the place to go is not familiar to the tribesmen, nor can other people give directions.

“Since I can find here alone, I can go to other places, don’t worry.” Shao Xuan said to Wu and the leader.

However, Wu and the leader were still worried and took out some forged weapons and various drugs.

Shao Xuan didn’t refuse the two people’s kindness, and took a sword that Zhengluo handed over, and filled some of the medicine that Wu gave. Shao Xuan had taught Shao Xuan to recognize these medicines, and he knew their usage by heart.

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t find Gongjia Mountain, forging skills or something, it’s not as important as life.” Wu told Shao Xuan to come back directly if he couldn’t bear it, don’t take risks.

Zheng Luo also means the same. Although Shao Xuan’s moiré is most likely to involve the Xianren’s ancestral land and forging skills, he is more concerned about Shao Xuan. After all, Shao Xuan is the only other Enron. The people who come here are the Elder recognized by the ancestors. If something happens, will the ancestors protect them? Zhengluo also thought of bringing the tribe back to the Yanjiao Ancestral Land in his lifetime.

“Well, I know.” Shao Xuan nodded.

You know what a shit! Wu He leader slandered. There is no way, if they are as stable as the broad sense, they don’t have to worry, but Shao Xuan is too young, and the young man’s disposition, they really can’t rest assured.

The morbid problem of Thousand Grains of Gold has been solved, and Qiqi and others can take care of it. There is no need for Shao Xuan to worry. So, on a clear day, Shao Xuan set off to find the secrets of Xianren.

The first place he went was the river where he dug the sunstone. After the winter, when the snow melted, in addition to the melted snow, there was increased rainfall, and the river rose.

There are more crocodiles in the river, and the hunting team will bypass here every time they hunt.

Those crocodiles are very aggressive, and they don’t care who is on the bank. All humans, wild beasts, beasts, etc., are their prey.

In terms of body size, the crocodiles here are generally larger than those seen by Shao Xuan in the Mao tribe, and they are also different in shape. The snouts of these crocodiles are longer than those of the Mao tribe, the upper jaw is a little beyond the lower jaw, and the teeth are more. . The crocodiles of the Huo tribe have sixty or seventy teeth, and more than eighty or ninety teeth, and the crocodile here definitely has no less than one hundred teeth.

The thick nail-like teeth and their distribution in the crocodile’s mouth show that these crocodiles are very good at catching prey. The huge mouth with fangs can easily hold prey on the shore and drag it into the water. Shred.

The strong bite ability and well-developed muscles make these seemingly bulky guys extremely agile.

The crocodile of the Huo tribe, because it is with the human Life, more or less has a touch of humanity, even if the human affection is only for the people of the Huo tribe, but it is true, but the crocodile here wants to kill everything. , This was Shao Xuan’s first feeling when he saw them.

The sun is just right. Many crocodiles lie on the shore to bask in the sun, some are still rolling in the mud, some are biting and fighting with each other, or they are fighting, making some hissing noises from time to time.

When he was in the tribe, Shao Xuan knew that these guys who seemed to only know about biting and killing were actually very smart and cunning, with little brain capacity, but their intelligence far exceeded people’s imagination.

When Shao Xuan lived in the Mae Tribe, he once saw a child from the Mae Tribe taking meat to tease a crocodile in the pool next to his house. Shao Xuan remembered that the child was standing on the ground next to the pool and did not immediately throw the meat over. Instead, he patted the crocodile’s nose first. It was like an agreement between them. After the pat, the crocodile She will open her mouth and wait for the child to throw the meat into her mouth before closing her mouth again.

The second time, the child took out another piece of meat from the basket, but the crocodile in the pool retreated a little into the pool. The child wanted to shoot its nose, but he couldn’t shoot it, so he walked a few steps in the direction of the pool to complete the shoot. Nose feeding game.

For the third time, the crocodile stepped back into the pool again, and the child continued to move forward, both feet already standing in the water.

After the child feeds the meat, The next moment when the crocodile swallows the food, with a swift force, bites towards the child, bites the child’s clothes and drags it into the water. The child who was standing there with the basket on his back just now , Was dragged into the water instantly.

When Shao Xuan, who was standing not far away, saw the scene, he was shocked in a cold sweat, but the person next to him told him that it was the tribe’s treasure fish playing with and amusing the children.

Sure enough, when Shao Xuan looked over again, the rolling crocodile just bit the corner of the child’s clothes and did not really bite anyone. The child laughed and played with the crocodile in the water, and all the meat in the basket was gone. In the water, I was divided by the crocodile in the pond. That’s just a game.

However, the games of the beasts are closely related to hunting.

At that time, Shao Xuan knew that crocodiles knew strategies and knew how to seduce targets. On land, the crocodiles may be inferior, but in the water, even the tribal people with good water quality are not better than the crocodiles. If the child stood on the ground, the reaction might be faster, but he was led into the pool by the crocodile, and his movement was restricted, so he was dragged in before he could even move.

The people of the tribe are used to it. In their eyes, it is just a game, but in the eyes of others, those crocodiles are extremely dangerous Devil. If the child is replaced by someone from another tribe, the one who gets bitten is not The clothes corners, but the arms, legs, or other parts of the body, are less likely to go ashore after being dragged into the water. The crocodile’s swing dance and Death roll are not just for fun.

People outside the tribe regard those crocodiles as killers.

Shao Xuan wouldn’t try to pick those killers, so he would stay far away, not even close to the river bank, he just followed the river to find his position.

According to the cracked and spliced ​​patterns, Shao Xuan walked along the river, found the larger one, and then continued along the larger river. The larger river that is not dry all the year round is just an inconspicuous tributary on the map that is easily overlooked.

From Quanbai and other populations, Shao Xuan knows that these rivers contain crocodiles, and they have a long history of existence. Before the ancestors of Taihe were looking for medicine, the crocodiles lived in the rivers deep in the woods. Especially for the thickest main river on the map, Quan Bai said that in the records left by their ancestors, there was a crocodile, saying that there were extremely huge monsters and monsters that were impossible to fight against and escaped first.

The record said it was huge. Shao Xuan didn’t know how big it was, but it was definitely bigger than the crocodiles in these tributaries.

Most organisms stop growing after a certain stage of development, such as humans; while others do not, they belong to the category of unlimited growth, such as many trees, and for example, the crocodiles that are active in the rivers deep in the forest.

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