Original War

Chapter 361

Chapter 361

After climbing the mountain and seeing it, the old man’s hands and feet were trembling when he came down, not afraid, but excited.

Feeling that it was too slow to climb down, the old man directly let Shao Xuan follow, and before Shao Xuan could say anything, he had already let go and jumped down.

“I…” Shao Xuan wanted to curse, but he didn’t have time to swear, so he quickly caught the person who jumped down.

“This time definitely!” After the old man got down, he hurriedly walked in one direction, which was where the wild rats rushed to.

“Even if it’s not a’thousand grain of gold’, it must be something peculiar to make these wild mice behave like this!” The old man walked like flying, and after a good night’s sleep he felt much better, and this time he kept up.

Shao Xuan was also curious about what caused these wild mice to be so crazy. As he ran forward, there were some wild rats that jumped out from other places. Seeing Shao Xuan, the wild mice only paused for a while, and then continued to run. It seemed that compared with Shao Xuan, the strange creature, the things on the other side attracted them more, so I didn’t care much about Shao Xuan’s existence. Only one mind on the road.

“There haven’t been so many wild rats running before, why suddenly there are more?” Shao Xuan said.

“It must be that thing soon!” The old man didn’t say much, but his feet picked up again. After waiting so long and looking for so many years, I once again met hope. Although he had encountered similar situations before, and he found other precious medicines instead of a thousand grains of gold, but this time, he had a strong hunch. It was also mentioned in the notes of the ancestors that he was finding a thousand grains of gold. When I was picking up gold, I saw rodent activities around, but there were too few things recorded in the notes, and the old man couldn’t get more information from it, so he could only search for it again and again.

This time, it must be! affim! The old man was roaring in his heart.

It has been a few days since Shao Xuan met the old man, but it was the first time I saw the old man running so fast, and his eyes still had enthusiasm. If anyone were to block the way at this time, the old man would probably fight desperately with others.

The more we ran there, the more wild mice we encountered. It seems that the wild mice in Life nearby, whether they are hiding in a cave or underground, near and far, all ran out and went to the same market. Local rush, even with a kind of drive forward.

The surrounding movement also attracted some other animals, and the targets of those animals were these wild mice.

An animal that looked like a ferret stopped several wild mice, and then dangling away with its prey. There is also a weasel that looks a little stupid. It seems to be standing in place to intercept it, but the wild mice, with an urgent momentum, did not slow down or change direction, rushed over and jumped. Stepped on the ferret and jumped over. The same applies to the next few. If you let them go, these wild mice will certainly not have the guts, and will definitely avoid them when they see threats.

Even if they see the same kind being taken away, they won’t give one more glance, and won’t stay for another second.

However, as the rats get closer and closer to the target, the rat group grows stronger, and the number of looted animals is much less. Perhaps seeing this situation, I dare not hunt alone, and one is bitten.

Shao Xuan and the old man followed these wild mice until they came to a place near the top of a mountain before they were forced to stop.

Why are you forced to stop?

Because they can only go here, and then they are all occupied by wild rats. At the same time, squirrels came from a distance to join such a huge team.

Although this scale is not as large as the worm tide led by sapphire in the desert, it is only a barren hill with few people, and there are not many animals that you usually see. Seeing thousands of wild rats at once is enough to shock people. .

The wild rats that stopped also wanted to squeeze forward, but there were all rats in front, and there was no space at all. The heads at the front were especially big. When they were squeezed and turned around, they killed a few and were shocked. Stopping and no longer squeezing forward, they turned their heads satisfied and continued to stare at the top of the mountain, staring at the plants that were swinging in the wind.

Since they couldn’t squeeze forward, the wild mice behind stood up, craned their necks and looked up diagonally, clearly lying on the ground, and they looked like rods after they stood up and stretched.

Shao Xuan also saw the plants growing on the top of the mountain. The upright stalks are very thick, about one person tall, and the leaves are lanceolate and narrow. On each plant, several bunches of dark golden grains hang down, giving a person a kind of Feeling heavy. The gusts of wind blow, and the ears of corn sway swayingly.

The stopped old man panted heavily, his nostrils expanded and contracted, and his eyes fixed on the highest place on the top of the mountain without moving away. It seemed that there was nothing left in the whole world.

The enthusiasm and excitement in the old man’s eyes were rising, and his fists hanging down beside him clenched tightly.

“That is’Thousand Grains of Gold’?” Shao Xuan asked in a low voice.

“Yes! It must be!” There was suppressed excitement in the old man’s throat, and the whole person seemed to ignore everything around him, immersed in his own world, and became crazy. “Ha! Hahahaha! I found it! I finally found it!!”

Shao Xuan’s eyelids jumped a few times, and a bad feeling suddenly rose.

Sure enough, The next moment the old man laughed out loud. The gray-white squirrels in front all turned around and looked at them. There was a fierce light in their small eyes, especially the ones closest to the top of the mountain were obviously at least two or three times larger than the other squirrels. There was even a red light in his eyes, showing a fierce meaning.

Several wild mice on the top of the mountain looked at the dark golden corn ears that were swinging, and then turned to look at the old man staring at those ears with the same scorching eyes. They immediately became angry and stood up and opened their mouths to make a series of sharp “squeaks”.

Shao Xuan secretly said “bad”, lifted the clothes of the old man next to him, the power of the totem in his body instantly soared, and the totem pattern that appeared like magma was accompanied by the vibration of the airflow around his body. Ran down the mountain.

Probably still taking into account the ears of grain on the top of the mountain, the wild mice dared not chase down, for fear that they would not be able to rush back in time to grab the meal if they ran away.

On the other side, Shao Xuan, who ran to the mountainside carrying the old man, stopped and put the old man down when he saw that the wild rats were not chasing him.

The old man didn’t look at the totem patterns on Shao Xuan’s body. At this moment, there was nothing in his eyes except the plants on the top of the mountain. Everything in his heart was occupied by the dark golden ears of corn.

As soon as he was put down, the old man wanted to continue running up the mountain, but was forcibly held by Shao Xuan.

“Let go, I want to go over, those are a thousand grains of gold, do you know that a thousand grains of gold?!” The old man struggled and shouted.

“Whether I am a thousand grains of gold or a thousand shit, I only know that the place has been occupied by wild rats. Do you want to feed the wild rats?!” Shao Xuan shouted.

When the struggling old man heard this, his consciousness gradually recovered, repeating the sentence in Shao Xuan’s words: “Occupied by wild rats?”

Thinking of the wild mice on the top of the mountain, the old man suddenly became unhappy: “No, no, no, those must not be ruined by those wild mice!”

Fortunately, there was still reason, and the old man went around in circles, thinking about the best way.

“Those ears and valleys are not yet fully mature. The wild mice may be waiting for the final moment of maturity. We only need to rush to solve those wild mice before ears and valleys mature,” the old man said.

“How to solve it?” Shao Xuan asked. It’s not that he can’t do anything. If he forces to fight the group of wild mice, it’s okay, but there is a price to pay. After all, there are too many wild mice, and the big ones closest to the top of the mountain are more difficult to deal with than the others, and they are also more difficult to fight. There is no guarantee that the few plants on the top of the mountain will be intact.

The old man also considered various situations, thought for a moment, his frowned brow loosened, and called to Shao Xuan: “Come with me.”

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