Original War

Chapter 191

Chapter 191

Encountering the Wanshi tribe, the people of the Lu tribe who were originally interested in talking, are much quieter.

As the Lu tribe’s motorcade went a little further, Shao Xuancai said goodbye to them. Here, Yanjiu and his motorcade had to go away from the forest of the beasts, while Shao Xuan had to go there.

“It’s not far from the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe, you can follow us a little further.” Iwatou suggested.

“No, you don’t have to worry.” Shao Xuan pointed to the sky above his finger.

After seeing the eagle hovering in the sky, Yanjiu remembered that Shao Xuan could indeed use that eagle. After all, they had never heard of the Ten Thousand Stones tribe that tamed eagles, so the air should be safer.

“No matter what, you must be careful of the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe.” Yan Hao said.

“Okay, thank you, oh, yes!” Shao Xuan took out a stone tablet, which was the one given to him by Wu, with the totem of the Yanjiao tribe painted on it.

After showing the shippai to the people in the Lu tribe’s car, Shao Xuan said, “This is the totem of our tribe. Many people may not know it now, but I believe that everyone will remember it soon. ”

The person in the car looked at the totem on the stone, but did not notice that Shao Xuan said “Everyone can’remember'”. They were convinced that they had never seen or heard of this totem, but in order to show their friendship and because of Shao Xuan’s help, they still looked at it a few more times, thinking that they might not see it in the future.

Noting the expressions of the people in the car, Shao Xuan didn’t say much, he just smiled, then put away the Shipai, said goodbye to the people in the Lu tribe motorcade, gestured in the air, and jumped on the back of the eagle after Chacha landed. .


Chao Yanjiu and the others waved, Shao Xuan patted the chirping bird’s head, “Go!”

Seeing the figure flying away in the air, the person in the car withdrew his sight.

“You said, will you see Shao Xuan in the future?” someone asked.

“I think the people from the Yanjiao tribe should be good, at least much better than the people from the Wanshi tribe. If the Yanjiao tribe is not too far away, you can go to their tribe. What a pity…”

Several people were talking about Shao Xuan and the Yanjiao tribe. After a while, they found that Yanjiu hadn’t made a sound. Someone asked, “Iwajiu, you also talk about your thoughts.”

Iwajiu returned to his senses and looked at the other people in the car: “My thoughts?” He raised his finger to the direction of the chirping flight, and Iwajiu said, “Don’t you think that there is a problem with that direction?”

“That direction? Ah!!!”

Just now I just thought about the “Yanjiao Tribe” and the totems of their tribe that Shao Xuan mentioned several times. Now when I think about it, I realized that the direction of the chirping is the direction of the Wanshi tribe and the Fierce Beast Mountain Forest.

“Why would he go there?”

“Did you admit the wrong direction?”

“… Will I see that kid in the future?” someone worried.The Fierce Beast Mountain Forest is the only vast and dangerous place directly bordering the central region. In other directions, after going out of the central part, and then going outside, it is the marginal area where many small tribes will be distributed. Only this side is recognized as a dangerous place. Even the Wanshi tribe rarely goes inside. Everyone who enters that mountain forest is basically walking with people in groups. Even so, many people will die in the forest. No one wants Life to be there.

It is said that once, the Beast Mountain Forest was a little far away from here, but then it expanded towards the middle.

“Hey!” Yan Hao sighed, shook his head, and stopped talking.

On the other side, Shao Xuan sat on Chacha’s back and looked at the ground below.

He saw the team of the Wanshi tribe he had encountered before, and after crossing the team, he flew for a while and saw the habitat of the Wanshi tribe.

Compared with the previous Mang and Weiba tribes, the Wanshi tribe has a more primitive and barbaric style, but these people love decoration, and bone ornaments or stone ornaments are hung everywhere in the house. There are a lot of people in the tribe, and there are also some livestock, but it doesn’t look like they were farmed. It’s more like grabbing them from elsewhere and raising them in captivity. I don’t expect how big they are, but they are raised temporarily. When do I think about it? Just eat it and kill it directly. Moreover, winter seems to be coming soon.

I just don’t know if it will snow in winter here. Shao Xuan thought.

I don’t know what happened to the Ten Thousand Stones tribe, there are many teams running around, as if looking for something.

Shao Xuan has no plans to communicate more with them for the time being. What he most wants to do now is to see the old place of the Yanjiao tribe that Lao Jia said.

The totem flame in my mind has already begun to churn, and the closer to that side, the more violently it churns, so active, as if there is something attracting there.

Although the Wanshi tribe did not domesticate flying beasts, if flying over the tribe at low altitude, it would definitely be subject to intensive attacks. Chai flew over the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe from high in the sky, and pulled some excrement while flying, and called, the voice sounded very pleasant.

Below, the Ten Thousand Stones tribe team, which was running to find someone, heard the eagle cry from above, looked up, holding a bow and spear and waiting for defense. Sometimes there are some birds running out of the mountains and forests, and then grabbing their food and sometimes people. Therefore, when you hear the eagles, you will watch the eagles high in the sky with caution. Just wait for the eagle to fly low before attacking.

But after waiting for a while, instead of waiting for the eagle to lower its flight, it waited for some bird droppings. Bird droppings fell on the head, the house, and the animal pen with food. Those who couldn’t escape, wiped the bird droppings on their heads and yelled and cursed, but they couldn’t hurt the instigator.

The animals in the animal pen rioted because of these bird feces, running around, for fear that the eagle in the sky would catch them. In their vague memory, it seems that similar birds have been caught by this kind of bird that descended from the sky. Driven by the sense of crisis, these animals that were circled and not well taken care of became anxious, and the action of hitting the fence became more intense. Those who couldn’t hit the fence would hit other animals beside them. Many of them were not of the same kind anyway.

A sheep with its horns chopped off was driven by a cow and ran in circles while running and barking; an old cow who was eating grass was kicked by a horse behind him, fell directly into the haystack, and got up angrily. Go to war with that horse.

The riots in the animal circle forced the people of the Wanshi tribe outside to mobilize their hands to suppress it.

Chacha didn’t know that the bird droppings he pulled along the road caused a riot in the Wanshi tribe. After pulling quickly, he flew Shao Xuan in the direction Shao Xuan pointed.

Compared to the place where humans are active, the mountain forest in front makes it feel more comfortable.

Flying into the mountains and forests, the complicated movement of those human tribes has disappeared at all.

The birds in the sky gradually increased.

If Shao Xuan is on the back of Chacha, his flexibility will be limited, and Shao Xuan’s strength will not be used. Therefore, he asked Cha Cha to put him down and sneak in the mountains and forests. By the way, take a good look at this strange and yet unfamiliar area. A zone of familiarity.

The human civilization that we have seen before has gradually disappeared. Here, everything has returned to its most primitive state.

There is no house, no caravan, none of those exquisitely woven clothes, and the cruel rules of nature are staged again.

Shao Xuan stood on a tall tree, looked at the mountain forest in front of him, and took a deep breath. With just a breath, he could smell the uneasy and dangerous factors from the air, but there was no sense of timidity. On the contrary, a long-lost sense of excitement grew stronger.

Jumping down from the trees and walking through the woods does not require a transitional period. Almost when he stepped into this mountain forest, Shao Xuan had already adjusted his best state.

If the Quce of the Mang tribe and the Xu of the Weiba tribe saw Shao Xuan now, it would be hard to believe. After all, what left a deep impression on them was the undisguised brutality and violence of Shao Xuan. The style, now, is completely different.

Dexterity, swift and concealed, like those fierce beasts that are good at raiding, cunning and dangerous. There was not a trace of extra aura exposed, as if it had already blended into this mountain forest.

There are many wild beasts and fierce beasts in the mountain forest. On several occasions, Shao Xuan has passed by those fierce beasts. Here, he is only one person. When there is no hunting, he is not willing to provoke those fierce beasts. Predator, he must save his strength to find the target.

Every force is used in the right place. To survive in the mountains and forests, you have to use the least effort to get the best results, and the rest is left to save your life.

A vine approached Shao Xuan quietly from behind, and even the awkward rubbing sound was inaudible. A bud-like thing on the top of the vine suddenly opened when it approached Shao Xuan, like a large fangs. Biting his mouth towards Shao Xuan’s leg.

The shadow of the knife flashed, the “big mouth” at the top of the vine was cut off, and some dark green juice came out from the cut of the vine, and then quickly retreated.

Shao Xuan didn’t pay much attention to the vine, and he had seen many such plants in hunting grounds before.

It’s almost here.

Shao Xuan already felt the excitement of the totem flame in his mind.

A huge rock attracted Shao Xuan’s attention.

The boulder is standing there, and it doesn’t seem to be in harmony with the surrounding environment. The boulder is still covered with some thick moss and various decayed leaves. If you are not careful, you really can’t see that it is a stone.

After inspecting the surroundings, no dangerous objects were found. Shao Xuan approached carefully and scraped the thick moss with a stone knife. Where it was exposed, there were some deep dents on the surface of the stone.

I scraped off a large piece of moss, and simply cleaned it up, so that the dents on the stone could be seen more clearly.

The surface of the boulder is carved with paintings, flame double-corner patterns in the style of flaming horns, and some characters.

Probably for some reason, some parts of the stone were worn out, and many dents could no longer be connected. You can only see that the two largest characters are “yanjiao”, while the other smaller ones are difficult to distinguish.

“Yanjiao”, after removing these thick moss and decayed substances, finally see the sun again.

Just like the rock paintings of the Weiba tribe, these huge stones also act as a boundary marker, telling everyone who comes here that this is the site of the Yanjiao tribe.

After removing the boulder, Shao Xuan found several such boulders in different sizes and wear conditions. Some seemed to be cut off while others were mostly buried in the ground.

Lao Feng said that the roots of Yanjiao tribe are still here.

Before coming, Shao Xuan didn’t know and couldn’t feel it, but now, when he stepped into this area, Shao Xuan felt that there was a kind of attraction there that attracted him to the past.

Obviously it was the first time to come, but it gave Shao Xuan an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Shao Xuan understood that this was the cause of the fire and totem.Following that attraction, Shao Xuan quickly approached there, and in the process, Shao Xuan also discovered a phenomenon.

It seems that the closer you get to that central zone, the fewer fierce beasts you will see.

Perhaps, as Lao Jia said, the roots of the horns are still there, so just like the deterrence of fire on wild beasts and fierce beasts, there is also a certain effect here, but it is as obvious as there is no fire.

Without more interference from beasts, Shao Xuan moved faster.

The more you go there, the more traces of tribe survival Shao Xuan can find.

Such as houses, such as some towering stone pillars, etc.,

Because the past time is too long, some have lost their original shape, coupled with the changes in the terrain, the damage is more serious.

There are no people, and beasts rarely come close. Here, almost all kinds of plants are covered, but compared to the growth state of those plants in the mountain forest, here is a little better, not too luxuriant, at least not letting plants. Cover this place completely.

The collapsed house had already become a habitat for plants and microorganisms. Shao Xuan had to scrape off a layer to see the real thing below. Wooden things have long been decayed, and only some stone remains are left. In some places, some pottery remains can be dug out.

Shao Xuan walked in this place, no longer scraping and digging, but just watching this area where there has been no life for nearly a thousand years.

Some stone houses collapsed on the ground, and some were half on the ground and half in the water. A small stream ran by the side, scouring the stones that looked like tiles.

Without the shelter of tall trees, the tall and thick stone pillar is very conspicuous.

However, the stone pillar had been entangled and covered by green vines, and it took Shao Xuan some effort to tear off all the vines, and he had to be careful not to damage the stone pillar.

The vines were torn down, and the carved patterns on the stone pillars were also revealed. Compared with the huge boulders like the boundary steles that I saw before, the patterns on this stone pillar should be kept better and clearer.

The flame double-corner pattern, there are some written records, and paintings that Shao Xuan doesn’t understand.

Is this the sundial used? Or is it for sacrifice?

Probably a sundial, right? Shao Xuan thought that the sacrifices were usually near the fire pond, and the place where the fire pond was should be the place Shao Xuan was looking for.

The sun gradually sets, and the afterglow shines on this remnant, adding a sense of historical desolation.

Shao Xuan stood on the tall stone pillar and looked into the distance. Under the reddish sky in the distance, there were undulating mountains and woodland.

No matter how brilliant it was, now it is just a remnant of overgrown weeds.

With a long sigh, Shao Xuan got down from the stone pillar and walked to a place.

There is nothing special there, it is just slightly flat, and there are some low-rise plants growing above it, and small flowers are scattered among them.

After walking a circle there, he came to the center and stopped. Shao Xuan squatted down and put his hands against the ground.

He felt that below this, something seemed to be beating and flowing.

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