Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

045: The Greatest Enemy Of Mankind Is Mankind Itself!

[Kiana: That bad guy! He took away the divine light stick!!]

[Funina: No! Give it back to him quickly!]

[Xinadiya: It’s so, so abominable!!]

[Liu Ying: How could this happen! 】

[Navia: Dagu obviously tried his best for the sake of mankind, but in the end, he didn’t expect to be stabbed in the back by the humans he wanted to protect! 】

[Clorind: This is really ironic...]

[Hook: The abominable villain! Worse than those monsters! 】

[Navilet: Human hearts are really complicated. 】


When everyone in the chat group saw this scene, they all felt extremely angry!

On the screen, Dagu was trying to stand up and catch up, but suddenly he heard shouts from the team members.

It turns out that while Dagu was in coma, everyone in the victory team had been looking for his traces!

But when Dagu heard the calls of the team members, he did not answer. Instead, he continued to stand up and caught up with Masaki Keigo where he disappeared.

And Horii, Xincheng and others never found Dagu.

[The Dagu team members disappeared from this night]

The screen changed and the scene returned to the Victory Team headquarters. Captain Megumi and Director Sawai were telling Norui about the information about the mechanical monster Gaozark. 2-

"According to Horii team members' investigation, the shark is a robotic monster created on Earth."

"Made on Earth?"

When Ye Rui heard the news, he was shocked at first, and then showed admiration: "How awesome!"

[Vilvi: Is it really a monster created on earth? 】

[Mebius: And there is a high probability that it was created by that man. 】

[Black Tower: As a human being, this guy's intelligence is really amazing. Even I am impressed by him. 】

[Esta: Can you impress even the Black Tower lady? This is really amazing...]

[Nasida: It seems that what Dagu and TPC faced this time in "Zero Nine Seven" was not some vicious space monster, but...human beings of the same kind. ]

[Otto: Humanity’s greatest enemy has never been monsters or alien creatures—it’s humankind itself. 】

[Otto: If there is really anyone in this world who can completely exterminate human beings——I am afraid it is only human beings themselves. 】

On the screen, Ye Rui seemed to notice something——

"The other party has scientific capabilities that surpass TPC, so to speak..."

Just when Ye Rui seemed to have thought of something, Hui Jian asked again: "Is there anything unusual about the secret box?"

The so-called secret box is the remains of giant stone statues collected in the pyramid for research.

However, when Ye Rui checked the situation of the secret box, he suddenly discovered that the secret box had been stolen by an insider!

At the same time, a conveyor also took off without authorization and left the TPC headquarters!

It turns out that Dr. Tango from TPC stole the secret box!

Seeing this scene, Hui Jian suddenly realized that someone must be planning some conspiracy behind this!

[Hanabi: Haha~ It looks like things are getting more and more interesting~]

[Otto: The secret box used to hold the remains of the giant stone statue was stolen...Tian Tongue's divine light rod was also taken away...In addition, the one that was created mechanical monster......

[Theresa: Grandpa, did you think of anything? 】

[Otto: Little Theresa, you are too impatient. Grandpa just has some guesses now, and I can’t be sure yet~]

[Qianori: You want to say that the man who stole the Great Ancient Divine Light Rod was the guy who created this shark monster. 】

[Kamizato Ayato: Hmm...if it is him, it is indeed very possible. 】

[Kuki Shinobu: Rather, apart from him, is there really such a powerful guy in this world? What's more, he himself said that he has innate wisdom. ]

[Fu Xuan: In other words, whether it is the appearance of the shark monster or the robbery of Dagu's divine light rod, is all this a conspiracy of that man? 】

[Jing Yuan: Fu Qing’s opinion is the same as mine. Maybe that man’s ultimate goal is to become the second Ultraman Tiga. 】

[Kiana: The second Tiga...?!]

[Youlandel: But is this kind of thing really possible?! 】

While everyone in the chat group was talking a lot, Lina on the other side had been in a state of depression because she could never find any news about Dagu.

At this moment, a hand holding coffee suddenly stretched out in front of her. Lina suddenly raised her head, but what she saw was not the Dagu she had longed for.

It’s Xincheng who is also a teammate—


Lina thanked her softly.

Xincheng just smiled, squatted next to Lina, and comforted her: "Don't worry about Dagu, he was like this before.

"————When we all concluded that he must die, he suddenly came back with a loud roar and waved his hand.

"...That's right.

Lina chuckled, but she still couldn't let go.

Just as Xincheng was enlightening Lina, Horii, who had arrived late, was also holding two cups of coffee and was stunned on the spot.

Seeing the cup of coffee in Lina's hand, Horii could only roll his eyes, then drank a cup of coffee into his stomach, and poured out the other coffee.

[Alicia: Team Shinjo and Team Horii still care about Team Lina! 】

[Thunder Mei Yi: After all, we are comrades who share the same sorrows. This friendship is still quite firm. 】

[Aponya: Yes, even if there are occasional disagreements and conflicts, every time we fight, we still trust each other very much and are willing to entrust our back to the other party. 】

[Padophilis: Just like our Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire! 】


[Hutao: Ah! Look, that figure - it seems to be Dagu! 】

After hearing this, everyone raised their heads.

Sure enough, on top of a grand waterfall, Dagu's figure suddenly came into view!

Dagu stared at the surroundings, as if searching for something: "When flying over here, the divine light rod suddenly lit up. There must be something nearby."

So Yingu started searching around here.

However, he searched most of the area and still found nothing.

Frustrated, he sat on a stone step and fell into EMO: "I'm just an ordinary person. Without the Divine Light Rod... I can't do anything."

"————I am a useless, insignificant ordinary person."

[Funina: No! Without you, the earth might have been destroyed by those monsters and alien invaders! 】

[Alicia: That’s right! You have to have confidence in yourself! If you hadn’t transformed into Tiga again and again to fight humanity, you might have perished! 】

[Liuying: Don’t belittle yourself, Mr. Dagu!]

[Hook: Tiga... No, Brother Dagu! Don’t give up so easily! If it’s not Dagu’s Tiga, Hook won’t admit it! 】

[Otto: There is really no need for Mr. Dagu to despise himself so much. From my point of view--the reason why humans trust Tiga is not because of his powerful power or his commitment to protecting humans and the earth. …………Tender heart. 】

[Otto: And this power from the soul belongs to Dagu himself. 】

[Kamizato Ayato: What Mr. Otto said is true. Just as Mr. Kirino said before, the reason why people praise Tiga is not because of his strength, but because of the love and courage he possesses. 】

[Kiana: So, cheer up! Dagu! 】

Just when everyone was supporting Da Gu, Da Gu was lying on the lawn on the screen, still in the emo state.

But at this moment, a little dog suddenly came to him and guided Dagu to a certain place.

As if sensing the puppy's intention, Dagu decisively chose to follow after being stunned for a while.

Unexpectedly, he actually found a tunnel that he had never discovered before!

After entering the tunnel, Dagu quickly lost his way due to the complicated routes inside. Just when he was looking for where the little dog had gone - suddenly Qin Sheng's light came from behind him.

Dagu turned his head instantly and suddenly discovered that a road had appeared in front of him that was originally blocked by rocks and soil!

At the end of that road, there is a dazzling light!

Seeing this scene, Dagu immediately ran towards the entrance!

Soon, he walked out of the tunnel and came to a huge underground space!

In this underground space, Dagu saw a stone statue of a huge monster and an intact stone statue of Ultraman!!


Dagu's heart stirred up a storm: "There are other giants!"

[Laila: There is actually a new giant stone statue! 】

[Fa Lushan: It seems that there are not a few super-ancient ruins left on the earth. 】

[Qingque: Maybe people on earth can find more if they work harder. 】

[Bronya: But without the super ancient warrior gene, even if we can find the giant stone statue, there is no way to awaken the giant. 】

[Huang Quan: Is that giant monster next to me also a super ancient creature? 】

Just when Dagu was shocked by the new giant stone statue, he saw the little dog entering the tunnel and walking towards the giant stone statue.

However, halfway through, the puppy was blocked by a strong current and fell down on the spot without moving.

Dagu was about to step forward to check on it, but he heard that familiar voice again——

"You actually found it here."

When Dagu heard this, he immediately became on high alert.

He looked at Masaki Keigo above, his eyes alert.

But Masaki Keigo casually said hello as before -

"Hey, you and I are the same. Didn't I tell you before?"

He said, looking up at the giant stone statue: "You are not the only one who is special, right?"

"not like this!"

Dagu looked directly at the other person and expressed his thoughts: "I am not a special person, but... I have been doing what I can!"

"Work with all the people on this planet to protect this planet!"


Masaki Keigo sneered and laughed: "People worship Ultraman as a god, you'd better give up this unrealistic idea...0"

"Unrealistic idea?" Da Gu was puzzled.

"You're right! You rely entirely on the power of light."

Masaki Keigo pointed at Dagu, and then expressed his opinion on Ultraman: "Ultraman's mission is to forcefully guide the evolution of mankind!"

Dagu disagreed with his statement and shook his head.

[Padophilis: Forced guidance...human evolution...?]

[Sinadia: But, isn’t this approach too disrespectful? Completely ignoring the wishes of others and forcing them to guide... What is the difference between this and coercion?! 】


Mebius: Huh, I quite agree with his point of view - after all, the evolution of life is the coercion of nature, isn't it? 】

[Mebius: Natural selection, survival of the fittest—this is the unchanging law of nature. 】

[Mebius: The same is true for humans. 】

[Eden: Mebius, it’s still the same. 】

[Su: But, from a certain perspective, can this kind of forced guided evolution be called destruction? 】

[Su: Let human beings continue to evolve and evolve again... When all the past characteristics of human beings evolve to the point of disappearing, can the people who used the time... really still be called human beings? 】

【Vilvi: The ship of Theseus...?】

[Liuying: Ship of Theseus? What is that? 】

[Shigure Kirara: I know! That is to say--if the wood on a ship is gradually replaced until all the wood is no longer the original wood, then the ship will still be the original wood.

That ship?]

[Mebius: What does that have to do with me? I am only responsible for letting human beings survive by any means necessary. As for such philosophical issues... you must survive first before you can think about it again.

Isn’t it a test?】


[Sakura: Although I don’t agree with Dr. Mebius’s point of view, what she said does make sense. 】

While everyone in the chat group was exchanging their opinions on Masaki Keigo’s understanding of Ultraman, the Victory Team headquarters on the other side was also investigating Masaki Keigo’s identity information.

"Masaki Keigo, the top person in charge of Xiangdike Technology Company and a world-famous physicist."

Through Ye Rui's investigation, it was discovered that Dr. Tango, who betrayed TPC, brought the secret box to Masaki Keigo.

After hearing the news, Horii suddenly understood, and finally understood why a talented researcher like Dr. Tango would choose to betray TPC.

"You know him?"

Xincheng looked at Horii, and everyone also looked at Horii.


Horii nodded: "In high school, he was called...Ah!"

Just as he was talking, Horii suddenly hit his head and grinned in pain.

But even so, he continued to tell the information about Masaki Keigo: "...he was called a genius, and later he distinguished himself as a computer software designer, and now he is Yu

One of the main personnel of Cosmos Development. "

"...What exactly does he want?" Megumi thought about Masaki Keigo's purpose.

Director Sawai on the side asked: "Where is Sedic Technology?"

Norui replied: "It's in Kumamoto City!"

Vice Captain Munakata suggested: "We have to act quickly. Judging from Dr. Tango's behavior and the appearance of underground sharks, the opponent's actions are no longer very covert!"

Captain Hui Jian narrowed his eyes: "It seems like something is going to happen.

Just as the victory team was taking action, Dagu and Masaki Keigo on the other side——

"This is......!"

Dagu looked at the image data on the projection screen and his eyes widened.

"By the way, this is the TPC image file."

Masaki Keigo looked up, and the scene on the screen showed the scene where the Victory Flying Swallow driven by Dagu was shot down: "At this time, you have turned into light, right?"

"Then it was transferred to the giant stone statue, which revived the giant."

He picked up Dagu's divine light stick again: "And this is a special device that allows you to transform into particles of light."

When Dagu saw the divine light stick, his eyes were startled, and then he looked directly at Masaki Keigo——

"I'm telling you, I know what you're planning!"

Hearing this, Masaki Keigo looked at Dagu playfully, as if waiting for his speech.

Dagu stared straight at Masaki Keigo: "No matter how smart your head is, or whether you can analyze the power of light - you will never become Tiga Ot


"Ha ha ha ha--!!!!"

Masaki Keigo laughed out loud: "You really think of yourself as a special person."


Saying that, Masaki Keigo raised his head, and the genetic fragments of him and Dagu appeared on the top of the projection screen: "Our genetic factors have the same root factor, you and I are too

We look alike...we two are like brothers. "

Masaki Keigo placed the divine light rod on the energy conversion device he developed. When Dagu saw this scene, he had a premonition that something was wrong.


Dagu stopped him loudly: "What if you become light with the wrong heart..."


Masaki Keigo suddenly turned his head, raised his finger to his mouth, and then told Dagu with a confident look: "You will know right away whether you are right or wrong."

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