
Aozang Mountain,

Cave of Lord Liuyunjiefeng.

In the past, at this time, the cave was quiet inside and outside.

After all, it was the residence of the immortals, and ordinary people did not dare to disturb it.

But today was a little different from the past.

There were crisp hoof sounds and loud crane calls coming from outside the cave of Lord Liuyunjiefeng.

That was Lord Xueyuezhuyang who appeared in the image of a divine deer,

and Lord Lishuidieshan who appeared in the image of a divine crane.

At this moment, both immortals came to the cave of Lord Liuyunjiefeng at the same time.

Then, the door of the cave opened,

Lord Liuyunjiefeng also flew out after hearing the sound.

It was extremely rare for the three immortals to gather together.

Because on weekdays, the three immortals each performed their duties and had corresponding areas to guard.

The immortals basically did not gather together.

But if the three immortals really gathered together,

then there was only one possibility, that is, a huge change had occurred in Liyue.

True Lord Xue Yue Zhu Yang asked first: "True Lord Liu Yun Jie Feng, why did you ask us to come here immediately? What's the important matter?"

True Lord Li Shui Die Shan also looked at True Lord Liu Yun Jie Feng, looking very confused.

I saw that Master Liuyun Jiefeng slowly said: "I have received some news recently, that is, the Fatui are trying to disrupt the peace of Liyue."

"They first sent a vanguard to attack the Qianyan Army,"

"Then they released the ancient rock dragon lizards sealed underground to wreak havoc."

"Not only that, the Fatui are also planning to release the demon god Osel to disrupt Liyue."

Since the sudden appearance of the ancient rock dragon lizard last time,

Master Liuyun Jiefeng felt that something was wrong, so he secretly investigated.

This investigation, Master Liuyun Jiefeng found that the ancient rock dragon lizard incident was inextricably linked to the Fatui,

This also made Master Liuyun Jiefeng more convinced that the Fatui were brewing some kind of conspiracy,

If the Fatui continued to let go of this, the peace of Liyue would be completely broken.

So, Master Liuyun Jiefeng called the other two immortals to intervene in this matter.

"The purpose of the Fatui is unknown, but it will definitely not benefit Liyue."

"We invited the two immortals this time, hoping that everyone will pay more attention to the surrounding anomalies and stop the Fatui's conspiracy in time."

Speaking of the Fatui, Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun and Xueyue Zhuyang Zhenjun looked at each other.

They all knew that the Fatui were notorious.

In addition, Liyue was indeed a little turbulent during this period, and the Fatui were behind it.

Even if Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun didn't say it today, the two immortals would naturally pay attention to guys like the Fatui.

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "In this way, I did notice something strange today."

"The amber that sealed the herb-picking girl has now been released."

"Will this be another move by the Fatui?"

Speaking of the herb-picking girl, several immortals still remembered it clearly.

After all, after the herb-picking girl turned into a zombie and resurrected, she fell into a state of loss of control and madness.

Even the immortals couldn't calm her down.

In the end, Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun had no choice but to seal the little girl in amber.

If the Fatui really removed the amber seal and wanted to use the herb-collecting girl as a weapon,

it would bring a lot of trouble to Liyue.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Master Liuyunjiefeng immediately asked: "Master Lishuidieshan, can you sense where the little girl is?"

Master Lishuidieshan nodded without even thinking: "Of course."

"When I sealed the little girl, the talisman on her body was made by me myself. It is not difficult to find her based on her aura."

Master Lishuidieshan paused, and then added: "Master Liuyunjiefeng, you mean that we should secretly observe the situation of the little girl who collects herbs."

"If she recovers to her normal state, let her live like an ordinary person."

"But if she loses control again, I will seal her in amber again."

As a colleague for thousands of years, Master Lishuidieshan also immediately knew what Master Liuyunjiefeng meant.

Master Lishuidieshan originally planned to observe the condition of the little girl who collects herbs.

Now that Master Liuyunjiefeng mentioned the Fools, Master Lishuidieshan felt that it was even more necessary to go over and check.

True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng nodded: "Yes, let's go see how the little girl is doing now, and then we'll make a decision."

True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang looked up at the clouds in the sky, and then said in a deep voice: "There is no time to lose, let's set off now."

After a brief negotiation, the three immortals stepped on the clouds and left.

Leading the way was True Lord Lishui Dieshan, and the other two immortals followed behind.

The threeAfter all, the immortals have great power.

In a blink of an eye, they came from Aozang Mountain to Guiliyuan, and there was no movement during the whole process.

It was as quiet as a gust of wind.

The three immortals appeared on the cliff silently.

They lowered their eyes and looked for the figure of the herb-collecting girl in the village that was in need of reconstruction.

Because Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun could sense the talismans he made, he quickly found Qiqi.

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun said to the two immortals next to him: "I found the little girl,"

"She is...cutting trees now?"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Xueyue Zhuyang Zhenjun also found Qiqi quickly.

They saw Qiqi cutting trees, and there were several young people behind her helping.

But they did not find the figure of the Fatui.

And Qiqi's current state is also very stable, and she can integrate into human life normally.

Humans seem to have accepted Qiqi and get along very happily.


this momentary scene does not prove that Qiqi can stay with humans.

It will take a long enough time to observe.

At this time, Master Liuyun Jiefeng said, "Okay, no need to watch anymore, let's go back. There's no problem for the little girl to stay here."

Seeing Master Liuyun Jiefeng was about to leave, Master Xueyue Zhuyang was stunned at first, and then couldn't help but question.

"Master Liuyun Jiefeng, do you want to observe for a while longer?"

"Isn't it too early to draw conclusions now?"

Master Lishui Dieshan also felt that it was necessary to observe for a while longer, after all, they had just arrived,

and many situations were not understood yet.

However, Master Liuyun Jiefeng said disapprovingly, "No need to observe anymore."

While speaking, Master Liuyun Jiefeng's eyes fell on Fang Xun in the distance.

She saw Qiqi running briskly all the way to Fang Xun's feet,

and then Fang Xun squatted down and gently rubbed Qiqi's head.

True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng slowly retracted his gaze, turned around and said to the two of them: "If it was that boy who was with the herb-picking girl, I would be relieved enough."

"You should also have confidence in that boy, he will not let you down."

While speaking, True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng left Guiliyuan without looking back.

Only True Lord Lishui Dieshan and True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang were left behind who were a little surprised.

True Lord Lishui Dieshan could not help but tease: "What's wrong with True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng?"

"This is the first time I've heard her recognize a human being in more than three thousand years."

True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang couldn't help but look at Fang Xun twice more.

He always felt that Fang Xun's aura was a little familiar, but he couldn't tell where it was familiar.

"To be recognized by Master Liuyun Jiefeng, that young man must have something extraordinary."

"Okay, since Master Liuyun Jiefeng has said so, we don't need to stay here too long."

Master Xueyue Zhuyang said, turned around and disappeared between the cliffs.

Master Lishui Dieshan also spread his wings and left the place.

The three immortals came quickly and left quickly.

Originally, they had to observe Qiqi for a while.

At this moment, because of Fang Xun, the observation time was directly shortened.


It's almost eleven o'clock now. The author of Pujie just finished coding a chapter and posted it immediately.

I will read every message from everyone carefully. Whether it is criticism or suggestion, I will accept it humbly.

You are also welcome to leave comments.

It's getting late, family members, go to bed early.

The author of Pujie will work on another chapter so that everyone can see the hot text when they wake up tomorrow morning, hehe. Good night!

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