Located in the East China Sea, Frost Moon Village is recognized as the weakest sea in the world, full of miscellaneous fish pirates.

But in this weakest sea, there are many earth-shattering big people.

However, this place is usually quite garbage, and some unscrupulous pirates flaunt their might here and bully ordinary people.

The Missouri is a large ship sailing in the East China Sea, and because it looks like a warship, some clever pirates avoid it from afar.

On the deck of the Missouri, Kaguya and Warfarin are still depressed for their size.

When she joined the group, Gu Yina was still a tablet.

As soon as I wore the swimsuit today, I had thrown them too far away, and it was almost the same as Jiu Xinnai.

Although Yatox has repeatedly stated that the petite type is cute, they sit on the deck intending to turn into stone statues.

But no one took care of the two of them at this time, and Artokes said that he would take Kelly and Diona to fry the fish, just enough to take the Missouri to fry a big fish.

Kori, Diona, and the hilarious Natsuna and Chiaki lie behind the railing waiting for Artokes’ action.

As an attraction ship, the Missouri actually had only a few volleys of shells on it.

However, Zi Ma also went around the old ammunition depot and got a large number of shells, as well as some deep-water 03 shells.

Use sonar to detect the location of underwater sea kings, and then drop depth charges.

A small sea king in the shape of an eel, more than 100 meters long, is chasing the fish to feed.

The boat above it did not take care of, although it was a fish, it was not brainless.

It’s just that a round ball suddenly fell from it, and it flashed red, which made it very curious to get closer.

It had never seen anything like this before, and it didn’t look like it was eating, but it was going to take a bite anyway.

Yatox then grilled the eels on the deck.

The sea king class of more than 100 meters belongs to the kind of small shrimp, but it still gave the children a great shock.

The deck of the Missouri could not fit more than a hundred meters of headless eels, cut the amount to eat, and let the purple mother put the rest in the gap first.

This sea king looks like an eel, on the fish.

A man, and a group of women, wearing a swimsuit and eating grilled fish on the deck of a battleship, may be more normal to appear in the pirate world.

Kelly and Diona are the kind of people who can’t sit still at all, with meat in their mouths, and they start exploring the ship again.

And some of the most comfortable positions Chiaki sat directly in Yatoks’ arms.

The parents of the three sisters of the Nan family are out of town all year round, and the older sister Chunxiang can only make the sisters feel maternal love, but they still lack father’s love.

Chiaki likes to sit in the arms of Artox, and this performance is actually in the original plot.

“I really can’t help you.”

Yatox rubbed Qianqiu’s little head very spoiledly, just finding that he had become more and more liked by the little girl since returning to his human form.

Probably, he is the so-called natural old father.

“Na, Chiaki, it’s rude for you to sit in someone else’s arms like this.”

The second sister Xia Nai saw this and spoke.

Chiaki just squinted comfortably and didn’t reply.

Xia Nai said again: “Na, Chiaki, Kori and Diona have gone to play, aren’t you with the two of them?”

Chiaki still just squinted comfortably and didn’t reply.

Natsuna then said, “Na, Chiaki, is it really that comfortable? Or let me try it. ”

Well, without saying two words, the purpose was exposed, and it was worthy of being the second sister Xia Nai who charged the phone bill.

Everyone laughed, and Haruka was smiling and shy.

Having such two living sisters can be regarded as a great pleasure in her life.

Everyone was happy, and there were guys in the distance who couldn’t open their eyes and wanted to find trouble.

The telescope spotted a fleet of pirates sailing straight towards this side, seemingly heading for the Missouri.

That said, no one has thought of renaming the ship yet.

The women put on their swimsuits and looked at the fleet in the distance with binoculars.

“Oh, I said who is so brave, it turns out to be the overlord of the East China Sea, Creek.”

As soon as Kaguya said the name, the women remembered who it was.

Creek, the leader of the largest pirate group in the East China Sea, has strange powers that ordinary people do not have, and is equipped with many weapons.

He thinks he is invincible in the world, arrogant, ruthless, and mean.

All in all, a miscellaneous fish with a bounty of 17 million can only show its might in the East China Sea.

Crick was also looking at the Missouri with a telescope and saw that there seemed to be only one man and a group of women on the large ship, not even a flag.

The arrogant and brainless Crick concluded that this was a fat sheep sent to the door and wanted to take the ship for himself.

“Little ones, see that ship?”

“Hahahaha, then it will be Lao Tzu’s flagship from now on!”

Crick was laughing maniacally, and the turret of the Missouri in the distance was already turning and aiming at this side.

There are many romances of men, and the giant ship cannon is one of them.

Without waiting for Captain Guina’s order, three 406mm cannons opened fire.

“I haven’t ordered it yet!”

Captain Guina waited for the order to fire the captain’s addiction, but Yatox didn’t wait for him at all.

The shell crossed the line, flew more than a dozen nautical miles away, and accurately hit the flagship led by Crick.

Crick didn’t have time to react at all, and the wooden galleon instantly turned into flying wood chips in the flames of the explosion.

Seeing the boss’s flagship destroyed in an instant, Crick’s men immediately wanted to flee in horror.

Where is the fat sheep, it is simply a new type of warship that the Navy does not have a flag. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, how could these wooden sailboats of theirs escape the dimensionality reduction blows of the 406 mm caliber giant gun.

A few volleys passed, and the remaining pirate ships were all turned into wooden trash floating on the sea.

Creek was lucky not to die, his physique, and armor held one of his small lives.

Lying on the board with a group of surviving little brothers, there was no way to escape, and they could only watch the two-hundred-meter-long giant ship coming towards them.

Crick was not very flustered, because according to the Navy’s usual practice, it was better to send living pirates to prison than to die.

Unfortunately, it was not a pirate that he met today247.

Seeing that there were still people alive below, Yatox gave the women a look, and then asked the four children to play in the lower game hall.

Crick stood on a plank and looked up at the boat and saw a woman with long pale blue hair.

In the next second, an ice pick pierced his head, and then an ice flower burst out, freezing the surrounding water.

As soon as they saw the boss killed, the pirate brothers were even more frightened.

“Don’t kill us, don’t kill, we’ve already surrendered!”

“We have given up resistance.”

“Send us to prison, no, push into the city.”

“Don’t kill us, your navy won’t kill prisoners.

However, the indifferent voice of Estes came: “It’s a pity, we are not the navy.”

When the words fell, a large ice pick shot down from the ship, accurately piercing the body of each pirate.

Pirates, one of the biggest cancers in the world.

A thief is a thief, and he is damned.

As long as he takes the initiative to hang the pirate’s flag, then he should be sent to where the pirate should go.

That place is called hell.

It is true that the World Shrine, the Draco, is also one of the sources of suffering for the people of this world.

But no matter how bad the order, it is much stronger than chaos.

Pirates burned, killed, looted, and committed far more crimes than Draco.

So, in the plan of everyone in the chat group, Draco is going to die.

As long as he takes the initiative to hang the flag of the sea thief, he must also die.

PS: There is another chapter on the evening, which promises to be added, at least it must be completed today.

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