Adeline, head maid of Château Sunrise.

Although she is the head maid, she is still a man in essence, but for the owner of the winery, Diluc, it is actually like family.

After arranging the clean-up of the winery every day, Adeline likes to sit in the courtyard for a while.

Not lazy, but thinking about the affairs of his two young masters.

Diluc, and Kaia.

Although Young Master Kaiya was adopted, everyone never treated him as an outsider.

Since the death of the old master, the brothers have been unhappy because of the problems of the Knights of the West Wind, and Young Master Kaia has rarely returned to the home of the Morning Light Winery.

Although she is not very old, she has also watched the two young masters grow up together.

The brothers have never been able to reconcile, and she has ~ been uncomfortable in her heart.

“Hey, Master Kaia, Master Diluc and we have never blamed you.”

“It’s just yourself, put too much pressure on yourself-……”

Adeline was thinking, raising her teacup to take a sip.

Suddenly, a fierce wind swept over the Château Chenxi at great speed, no, a shockwave.

The teacup in Adeline’s hand was blown away, and before she could get there, she heard a loud bang breaking through the air.

“What happened?”

“What’s wrong, what’s wrong?”

“Ah, the garbage I just swept together!”

There was chaos in the winery, but then it rained in the clear sky.

And also…… Fish.

A group of people in the winery just stood in the rain, you look at me, I look at you.

It’s raining on a sunny day is outrageous enough, and as a result, it’s still fish?

This is not the wind god, his old man is joking with them.

If adults want to maintain authority in front of children, they have to surpass them in their areas of expertise.

Although Artoks can’t make wine, how hard can it be to fry fish.

A small shot of deadly sword qi thrown into the lake caused this effect like a small underwater nuclear test.

This power is much greater than the one that Kelly put next to Mondstadt a few days ago.

Kelly looked at the fish flying in the sky and was already stunned with a “wow” expression.

Fried fish should be fried like this, it should be stronger, stronger, more gorgeous.

Of course, it is even more perfect to be able to directly grill and season it and directly become grilled fish on the table.

This is also the goal that Kelly has always strived for.

A bomb, a pile of delicious grilled fish, was her first life goal at a young age.

Cats hate water, and Diona pulls out a small umbrella to hold it up, and then follows Kelly to pick up the fish that fell on the shore.

Cats hate water, but they also love fish.

Atox found a tree to lean on, waiting for the two little legs to pick up fish, while the water rose up.

Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: I obviously arranged things, why am I still so busy (▽)

Hell Blowing Snow: Please, you’re not starting some small company, you’re unifying the whole world, and it’s estimated that it will take a few months to deal with it. (Warfarin eating melon JPG)

Warfarin: We’re only a little older in Rhode Island, and Amia has a few people who help from morning to night, let alone be the queen of the world. (Warfarin Stalled JPG)

Gu Yina: I think Amia can be the queen of the Terra continent in the future, and it is also very good to unify the entire Terra continent.

Tiantong Mugen: Gu Yina, you better think about how you will become a queen in the future. (Funny JPG)

Gu Yina: It’s annoying ()

Esders: When you are a queen, just sit directly on the throne, find professional handling of state affairs, and cut and replace people if you don’t do well, how simple.

Nan Chunxiang: It’s still a good life for ordinary high school students, and I don’t have these troubles. (Comfortable JPG)

Penglai Mountain Kaguya: The life of the house girl is good, there are no these troubles. (Comfortable JPG)

Hell Blowing Snow: Kaguya, no, you have troubles, look at my perfect body. (with photos) (Funny JPG)

Esders: And mine. (with photos)

Tendo Mugen: Mine. (with photos)

Penglai Mountain Kaguya: That’s enough! You two are the devil!

Warfarin: I was still laughing at Kaguya, but I remember that I myself have grown up for many years, and I may be like this in the future.

Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Uh, mourning?

Artox: Today is leisurely, taking the two children to fry fish and play. (with photos)

Uzumaki Shinna: The giant guy is really leisurely, I am busy in the ninja world braincase bombing, you are actually taking two children to fry fish.

Nan Chunxiang: It’s Kerry Diona, in addition to a Nasida, the Yatox giant is really an old father, hee hee (y) ~

Artox: A child’s innocent smile is really healing, and it is one of the most precious things worth guarding in this world, so it feels good to be a daddy.

Tendo Kigen: But only for little girls. (Funny JPG)

Penglai Mountain Kaguya: Poor Timmy, you are persecuted every day, but who makes you a boy. (Poor baby JPG)

Yatox Guina, when do you go to sea, staying in Frost Moon Village every day can’t save the world.

Guina: I’m ready to go to sea, Kaguya said to get me a big ship, right. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kaguya: Oh, I’ve asked Zima to get the boat, and then transform it for Kappa, otherwise many people will have to drive it, so it should have been transformed by this time.

Hell Blowing Snow: Let the purple mother take it… Shouldn’t it be to steal or rob outside the fantasy township? (Alert JPG)

Nan Chunxiang: Shhh, very likely.

Guina: Okay, I’d love to see my ship right now. (Looking forward to JPG)

Nan Chunxiang: This weekend, I can take my two sisters for a walk.

Hell Blowing Snow: When you have time, this must be played.

Esders: Just returned to the imperial capital, ready to play, already let his subordinates keep an eye on Tazmi and his friends.

Warfarin: If you have time today, just talk to Kai Meow and leave.

Uzumaki Shinna: Uh, then I, leave the job to Tsunade-san? (Funny JPG)

Tian Tong Mugen: Come here, I have been in the pirate world for so many days, waiting for a long time to go to sea. (Expect GF)

Yatoks: I’m here with children, and maybe I won’t have time to go today.

Penglai Mountain Kaguya: Take Kelly and Diona together, what is the meaning of frying the small fish in the lake, come to the pirate world to fry the sea king.

Artox: Makes sense, then I’ll take them both over for a walk.

Saying that, Yatox, who received the invitation to cross, called Kelly and Diona, who were collecting fish, over.

“Go, Uncle Yatox takes the two of you to the other world to fry big fish, thousands of meters long.”

Hearing Yatox say that the large fish that is thousands of meters long, Kelly immediately felt that the few pounds of sea bass in her hand were not fragrant.

“Really, is there really that big fish?”

Kelly asked with big shining eyes and great anticipation.

Diona put on the appearance of a little adult and said, “In Tivat, I have only heard of fish for a few hundred meters, but the other world is definitely different from Tivat.”

Yatox patted the heads of the two small short legs: “So it’s to go to the other world to fry fish, and when the time comes, come back with a fish thousands of meters long, and shock the people of all Mond.”

Kelly and Diona fantasize about standing on the superfish, admired by everyone, and can’t wait to leave for another world.

Follow Artox into the portal, the big fish of another world, here we are!.

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