Si Ke Ke thought that Du Feng had shocked her enough. Ajax was also very good next to her, fighting desperately with the abyss monster, but the master’s eyes were not on him at all.

Finally, he killed the abyss monster with all his strength. He sat next to him panting. Seeing Du Feng, Ajax was shocked.

Compared with the abyss monster, Du Feng was really small.

But Du Feng’s attack was like a violent storm, with various elements intertwined between the flashing cold light.

Ajax was shocked by the colorful elemental reactions and the various gun techniques, while experts can see more ways.

The most important practical significance of the Holy Martial Gun Soul in actual combat is not those fancy skills, but the Xingyun Jue.

For example, the Deadly Thunder Gun, in traditional terms, can be said to be an enhanced version of the Storm Pear Blossom Gun. After adding the thunder element, every gun has a strong piercing force. When using this powerful move with all your strength, if you are attacked, you can only resist it in a hurry. Once you fail to resist, you will be passive.

However, just as Du Feng’s Deadly Thunder Spear was constantly bombarding the body of the Abyss Monster, the Abyss Monster took a big blow and slapped Du Feng. Du Feng used the Xingyun Jue to dodge. There was even an afterimage that continued to poke the Deadly Thunder Spear.

After using the Xingyun Jue to dodge, he immediately used the Fenghuo Liaoyuan to slap the face of the Abyss Monster.

Apart from anything else, this Xingyun Jue can give Du Feng a great advantage when fighting against others.

This kind of fighting skill is called softening in the game.

It is to interrupt the currently released skills and use other skills.

This ability is very common in the game.

For example, in the original game, the big sword character uses sprinting to cancel the backswing, or uses jumping to cancel the backswing of some skills.

But in reality, sprinting and jumping naturally cannot cancel the backswing.

Are you kidding? You slashed with a powerful sword, and you haven’t had time to retract your strength.

Sprint and show me!

To achieve such a skill of releasing and controlling power freely can be called a secret method. The reason why the spearmanship of Shengwu Gunhun can be played like a gust of wind and rain is because of this Xingyun Jue, which is not only handsome but also powerful! Of course, Xingyun Jue is equivalent to a secret method, and the real softening skills are Xingyun Ji, Xingyun Feng, Xingyun Luo, and other Xingyun spearmanship driven by Xingyun Jue.

Si Keke looked at Du Feng in battle, and a trace of thought came to her mind. When this little guy grows up, will she be unable to beat him and then really marry him as a wife… Impossible, impossible, he only grew up for seven or eight years, how strong can he become in seven or eight years?

Du Feng once again used an extremely sharp move, Sanyi Zhanyue.

The abyss monster counterattacked on the verge of death, and Du Feng avoided the monster’s dying counterattack with Xingyun Ji, and then burst out all his strength.

The flowing cloud was shattered.

The white tassel spear in his hand slashed out several spear shadows to suppress the abyss monster, then jumped into the air, infused all his strength into the white tassel spear, and the spear flew out of his hand like an arrow from a string and blasted into the body of the monster. Then the elemental force infused into the spear exploded, blasting a big hole in the body of the abyss monster.

The abyss monster fell down, and Du Feng also took away his strength and lay on the ground breathing heavily.

Damn, this abyss monster is too hard, scraping for so long…

It’s no wonder that the spearmanship of the Holy Martial Spear Soul is not strong enough, but Du Feng is really only ten years old, whether it is his own strength or the elemental force he controls, he is still a little too weak.

In addition, the abyss monster that Si Ke Ke chose for Du Feng is not a little stronger than the one Ajax fought.

The last move of Liuyun Huanmie almost drained him directly.

As for some physical damage caused by forcing a nap, the Qi and Blood Stone will help repair it in a short time.

Seeing Si Ke Ke coming over, Du Feng looked at her expectantly. He was not expecting Si Ke Ke to praise him, but he wanted to hear Si Ke Ke say something to discourage him.

“”Your shooting skills are good, but unfortunately your physique is not good enough!””

Listen, listen, is this human language? You let a ten-year-old child fight against an abyss monster that is at least level 12 even in the abyss of the game. After he won, you still say that his physique is not good enough.

If Grandma Ping heard this, she would probably be angry with you. You should know that in Grandma Ping’s eyes, this apprentice is useless in learning anything. His only advantage is a good physique. He is very good at fighting with this good physique. As a result, you are good at everything except your physique!

Du Feng was very happy. The system stopped working immediately when someone said that the host was not in good health. Du Feng’s system space A pill immediately appeared in his mouth.

It was a powerful body-tempering pill, a consumable item. After taking it, the physical fitness will be enhanced 100 times as you practice.

Du Feng was a little confused at first, but then he understood. A person’s physical fitness can be continuously enhanced through exercise. If you regard physical exercise as a kind of practice, after taking this thing, the speed of practice will be 100 times that of others!

Si Keke asked Ajax to carry Du Feng, and then found a place for the two to rest for a while. He also gave them some food and water. Du Feng drank some water, ate something, and soon recovered.

“Why can you control so many elemental forces? You are not from this world?” Si Ke Ke asked Du Feng.

Du Feng shook his head and said,”I don’t know. I was adopted by my master since I was a child. My master told me that I must not let anyone know that I can use elemental forces, but you are my future wife, so it doesn’t matter, right!”

Si Ke Ke looked at the innocent look of the child, and then glanced at Ajax.

“He is the apprentice of my future daughter-in-law, so……”

“We are good buddies who have fought side by side. I swear, I will never tell anyone about this!” Ajax said quickly.

Du Feng immediately said unhappily,”You are the apprentice of my future wife, you should at least call me uncle!”

“Next, I will teach you how to control the power of the abyss, and you must learn it quickly, otherwise your body will be eroded by the power of the abyss!”Sikek said. Dadalia learned very seriously. Du Feng was too tired from the fight just now. He took out a pillow from a fairy treasure bag given by Grandma Ping, found a place to lie on the pillow and fell asleep.

Si Kek frowned, but also saw that Du Feng was a little exhausted from the fight just now and needed to rest. So he sat beside Du Feng to help him resist the erosion of the abyss.

However, Si Kek frowned after a while. What is this? Is it his child bride? And help him resist the erosion of the abyss.

Damn it, get up and practice!

I just dreamed of eating steamed dumplings and was woken up by Si Kek

“If you don’t learn to control the power of the abyss, when you wake up you will become the abyss monster you just fought with!” Si Keke said to Du Feng with a stern face.

“Oh!” Du Feng responded and lay down again. I hope I can continue the dream of those two dumplings.

(The third update, please pass by and click on the collection to support it, please!)

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