There is a Love Island on the sea between Guyun Pavilion and Longji Snow Mountain.

The island is full of flowers. It was clearly said that they were here for a date. But not long after sitting down, Ganyu fell asleep in Du Feng’s arms. I worked overtime too late last night, and it was really so good to sleep in Du Feng’s arms. Listening to the heartbeat of the person I like, the sea breeze, and the sound of the waves, I accidentally overslept.

When I woke up, it was almost dark.

I opened my eyes and felt Du Feng’s dirty hands move away from somewhere on my body. Ganyu looked at Du Feng with a red face and said,”I accidentally overslept.”

“Wake up, let’s go cook!”Du Feng took out the Chen Ge pot that his master didn’t want back.

After entering the cave in the pot, the two of them skillfully prepared several vegetarian dishes.

The cooking methods of these dishes were simple, and Ganyu had already memorized the cooking methods and some tips.

For example, the small pumpkin tasted more glutinous if it was directly smashed than if it was cut into pieces and cooked.

Tofu pudding can also be used to make porridge.

The Jueyun peppers that have not yet turned red can be roasted and used for cold dishes.

The taste is very special.

But after Du Feng left more than 3,000 years ago, she felt that the taste of the dishes she made was missing something. As Liyue Port became more and more prosperous, her work became busier and busier, and she had no time to cook for herself.

But now she tasted it, and this cold-mixed Qingxin was made by her, but she didn’t feel that the taste was wrong. It turned out that what was missing was not the taste, but the lack of someone by her side. But she didn’t dare to say it, because even if the taste was not as good as when she ate it with Du Feng, she was still quite good at eating…

Du Feng looked at Ganyu, she was still so easy to feed. Even if the tender corn cobs were cooked directly, it would be a delicious delicacy for her.

“”Can you be full without meat?” Ganyu asked.

Du Feng nodded and said,”It’s okay to have a meal occasionally.”

Ganyu couldn’t help but eat another bowl.

After eating, the two sat in the Chen Ge pot and talked about the past three thousand years ago.

While chatting, Du Feng grabbed Ganyu in his arms.

Looking at Du Feng’s fiery eyes, although the two had been together many times, Ganyu was still a little nervous at this time.

Even though more than three thousand years have passed, Ganyu still looks like a girl, and her personality is also the same.

This gentle and ladylike personality makes it impossible to imagine that she has lived for so long.

No matter how you look at it, she looks like a cute teenage girl.

The perfect figure is fascinating.

In the past, when she was not paying attention or sleeping, Du Feng secretly did bad things to her and she didn’t care.

But when she saw Du Feng doing bad things with her own eyes, her face was red.

No, compared with secretly doing bad things, he is too bad now. It’s like treating her as a delicious dish, and he has to taste every part of it carefully.

“Eh? There……”


In Liyue Harbor, thousands of houses were lit up, and people were still talking about the special funeral during the day.

It was the old man who often admired flowers at Yujing Terrace who passed away. It was said that the old man had lived for a long time. Many people who were already grandfathers said that they had seen the old man when they were young. Some people said that the old man was actually an immortal, but just shed his mortal body. That’s why her disciples held such a special and festive funeral for her.

The person in question was walking around Liyue Harbor with Ge Chen.

Without strength, Gui Zhong still bought a pair of shoes and put them on. When she arrived at Wanmin Hall, Xiangling looked at Ge Chen Zhenjun and called him Master in a weak voice. It seemed a little hard to believe that this was really her Master. Although immortals should look like fairies, not old men in their twilight years. But Xiangling still couldn’t get used to it for a while.

Gui Zhong was curiously looking at a fat acquaintance who was following Xiangling like a tail. No wonder Du Feng was unwilling to let her integrate her power into the land of Liyue. The Kitchen God is now in such a state that it seems that his intelligence has deteriorated a lot, let alone his transformation.

“Does this fairy sister know Guoba?” Xiangling asked

“Are you called Guoba now?”Gui Zhong squatted down and said with a smile.

Guoba looked at Gui Zhong, as if wondering why she was still alive. Guoba looked at Ge Chen, then at Gui Zhong, and actually showed a look of relief. Then he poured a cup of tea for the two of them.

“”Master, who is this fairy sister? She seems to know Guoba?” Xiangling asked Gechen.

“I will tell you about her and Guoba later. Didn’t your senior come here to eat this afternoon?” Ge Chen asked

“No!” Xiangling shook her head.

The two of them walked around for a while and then came to the pier.

“What’s wrong? Are you worried that your disciple will get lost again?”Gui Zhong saw that Ge Chen was worried, so he asked.

Ge Chen looked at Gui Zhong. She was very worried. What if the evil disciple really had some rebellious thoughts? Marrying the disciple she raised, let alone whether she could accept it, if that happened, all the immortals in Liyue would be dumbfounded.

After thinking carefully, Ge Chen came up with a bad idea.

“After all, can you pretend to be me for a while…my partner!”

“”Huh?” Gui Zhong’s eyes widened immediately.

The bad idea that Ge Chen had thought of was that if she already had a partner, then that would certainly dispel the idea of the evil disciple. But she couldn’t really just find a partner casually.

“Although it’s a bit uncertain, but to be on the safe side, I have to dispel someone’s idea of me!” Ge Chen said. Gui

Zhong was stunned for a moment,”Is it the immortal I know?”

“No, stop guessing! If I’m wrong, you can’t tell anyone about this! Come on, I’ll help you transform first. And then I’ll give you a fairy name!”

Du Feng didn’t know at this moment that his master had come up with this trick in order not to keep his promise.

But for Du Feng, he didn’t care about these things at all now. He didn’t care about any immortals or demons, but he had to have the girl in his arms who had been waiting for him for more than three thousand years.

Looking at Gan Yu’s rosy face and charming eyes, Du Feng couldn’t help but kiss her again.

Gan Yu’s slender arms unconsciously hugged Du Feng’s neck. So happy, why can I be so comfortable, I feel like my soul is going to melt!

(Fourth update, please vote!)

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