Du Feng originally thought that Fanan might cry when she saw him again, after all, she had already signed a contract to marry him.

But what Du Feng didn’t expect was that the former guardian Yaksha would not cry so easily, and gave him a suffocating kiss right away. What made

Du Feng even more at a loss was that the Fire Rat General Yingda actually hugged him from behind.

Even after letting go, Fanan was still hanging on Du Feng’s neck.

“What’s wrong with you?” Du Feng turned and looked at Ying Da in confusion.

“Thank you for your kindness in giving me a new life!” Yingda said

“There is no need to do this. You can live the way you like in the future. Don’t do anything stupid just to repay a favor!” Du Feng said.

Yingda was stunned for a moment, then looked at Fanan, and asked,”Didn’t you say he was very lustful?”

Du Feng looked at Fanan speechlessly, and Fanan immediately curled his lips and denied,”I didn’t say that!”

“Should I go out and leave you alone for a while?” Yingda said with a smile, not getting angry at Fa Nan’s denial.

“Yes!” Fanan said immediately.

“I promise I won’t peek!” Yingda said and slipped out.

Du Feng slapped Fanan on the buttocks and actually said that he was lustful. Fanan was not angry, but hugged Du Feng tightly and said:”Hit me again, and make it hurt a little. Otherwise, I won’t know if you are really back!”

It’s not that Du Feng is not lustful, but he has been away for more than three years, and a short separation is better than a new marriage. Now he is holding his young wife in his arms, with whom he has made a vow, so how can he think about anything else.

The monster, which dared not move because of the pressure of the demon god, was also thinking, hit, hit hard, and kill this vicious woman. Unexpectedly, the huge phantom of the demon god suddenly slapped it and slapped it against the wall, and it couldn’t get off.

“I thought I wouldn’t be away for long, so I didn’t tell you!” Du Feng said. He thought at the time that he only needed to put the immortal Gui Zhong in the Chen Ge pot and bring him back. Who knew that he would be gone for more than three years.

“I thought you were punished by God for resurrecting us!” Fanan buried his head in Du Feng’s arms and said.

Du Feng ducked his head back. Damn, the horn on Fanan’s head poked his chin.

“” By the way, wife, did you seal Guizhong’s divine body?” Du Feng asked Fanan.

Fanan was stunned for a moment, nodded and said,”My young husband, you don’t want to resurrect the God of Dust as well, do you?”

Fanan tightly grasped Du Feng’s arm and continued,”Resurrecting a demon god is too scary. The moment the demon god is reborn, maybe a nail will fall from the sky.”

Du Feng laughed and said,”You trust your husband so much that you can even resurrect the demon god!”

“Believe it!

” Fanan nodded and said,”Chen Shen Guizhong is also a wise king.

Although he is a demon god, he is not arrogant at all and has a good relationship with all the immortals in Liyue.

I also hope that she can be reborn one day to see the prosperity of Liyue today, but I don’t want my husband to do such dangerous things again.

I don’t want to tell you where the seal of Chen Shen’s body is, and even if I tell you, you can’t break the seal.

That seal must be broken by the joint efforts of the five guardian Yakshas.

Du Feng was ashamed. He didn’t believe that he had the ability to revive a demon god, but he didn’t believe that he could unlock the seal set by the five Yakshas.

Look, it was immediately delivered to him in the system space. Master key? Quantity 5! We can revive the demon god, so why can’t we unlock a mere seal? The master key can unlock all seals, open the secret realm, and open anything.

Five master keys are enough to unlock the seal set by the five guardian Yakshas. If we bring five guardian Yakshas to unlock the seal, wouldn’t we save money… But forget it, what kind of family do we have? Do we need to save this little bit?

“Don’t worry, I know my limits!” Du Feng looked at Fa Nan’s nervous and cute appearance, which formed a sharp contrast with the fierce appearance of killing monsters just now. He couldn’t help but lean over and kiss her again!

Since Ying Da was outside, the two did not dare to be affectionate for too long.

“You guys go back to Liyue Harbor first, I have to go visit other immortals!”

Fanan nodded obediently. The courtyard in Liyue Harbor has not been lived in for a long time, so I have to go back and take good care of it.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
After returning to Liyue Harbor, although the house in the courtyard was sealed with immortal magic and there was no dust, the weeds in the courtyard were almost growing out of the courtyard wall.

Zhongli was drinking tea at Sanwan Buguogang at this moment.

“Boss, put it on the account of Wangshengtang!” After saying that, Zhongli was about to get up when Yingda ran over and sat next to him.

Zhongli looked at Yingda in confusion, poured two more cups of tea, handed one to Yingda, raised the other to taste it carefully and asked:”Is there anything wrong?”

“”That… that, I’m here to collect the pension!” Yingda didn’t want to either, but if the young master wasn’t lustful, she couldn’t stick to him shamelessly. She couldn’t continue to live with Fanan, what a light bulb. She had to buy a small yard for herself.

Zhongli almost spit out the tea he had just swallowed. Was that guy back… Otherwise, why would Yingda suddenly come to him to collect the pension. He didn’t have the money, and the money for the tea was all recorded in the account of the Rebirth Hall. But Fanan had given it, so Yingda couldn’t not give it!

Du Feng didn’t visit any other immortals, but came to Guiliyuan and entered the Chen Ge pot.

Guizhong’s soul was in a daze

“Are you also worried that your resurrection will bring disasters?”Du Feng asked Gui Zhong.

Gui Zhong shook his head and looked at Du Feng, wanting to say something but stopping.

After a while, Gui Zhong said to Du Feng playfully:

“Young man, you are about to revive the great god of dust, Guizhong. Now you can make three wishes. I guarantee in the name of the gods that as long as I can do it, I will satisfy you!”

Du Feng looked at Guizhong with disdain. You are already a grown-up, and you are still playing house??

“Give me a bunch of little demons!” Du Feng said.

Gui Zhong clenched his fist and said angrily:”Change one!”

“Then don’t die. I don’t want to run across every inch of Liyue again!”

“Then I should die far away?”

Du Feng looked at Gui Zhong speechlessly,”Tell me the location of the seal of your divine body!”

“If you don’t make a wish, I won’t tell you!” Gui Zhong snorted and said

“If I allow you to do it, you can’t do it. If I don’t allow you to do it, you still won’t be happy. I might as well use the soul refining technique to refine you!” Du Feng said speechlessly.

“But your wish really can’t be fulfilled, okay? I’ve never heard of a demon god having offspring, let alone having offspring with a mortal.”Gui Zhong said with his hands on his waist. Du

Feng was stunned for a moment and said,”So cool? Then you don’t even need to take any protective measures.?”

“Ah…what unhealthy things are in your head!” Gui Zhong raised his hand to hit, but unfortunately the soul had no entity, and when he hit Du Feng, his hand went straight through Du Feng’s body.

“I told you that you can do it, so if you want to keep talking, don’t mention it!”

Although Guizhong is a little playful, she is definitely capable of writing the Four Commandments of Guizhong. Let her be resurrected and go to Yuehai Pavilion to help Ganyu share the work, so that Ganyu won’t have to work so hard.

“Stop, I know what you want to say!

I just promise you.

“Du Feng was about to say something when Gui Zhong interrupted him.

Three and a half years, the three and a half years that should have been spent growing up carefree, were spent traveling all over the mountains and rivers of Liyue to collect souls for her.

In order not to affect her future development, he was still alone and silently walking through the night.

It would be a lie to say that she was not moved at all.

Watching her soul being brought back by him bit by bit, she wanted to use the bell to sing him a song, but he didn’t care.

He played better than her.

Oh, so angry!

Du Feng looked at Gui Zhong strangely. Could it be that Gui Zhong also had the ability to read minds like the little grass god of Xumi?

(The fourth update, there are still only four updates today, but I still shamelessly ask for some votes…)

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