The soul of Guizhong looked at the boy who was”missing home” and had the urge to hug him. Putting aside the question of whether it is really possible to be resurrected, there was a boy who spent more than three years to collect souls for you, and traveled all over Liyue, even around Mondstadt for more than half a month.

It’s a pity that the soul can’t do such a thing.

“How about this? I will dance for you! You play the piano and I will dance with you!”Gui Zhong said to Du Feng.

Du Feng glanced at Gui Zhong and said,”Are you sure?”

Gui Zhong nodded!

“I mean, are you sure you can dance to any song?” Du Feng asked. Gui

Zhong thought for a moment and said,”It should be fine, as long as you don’t play the song on suona.”

Du Feng took out the guzheng, and Gui Zhong’s spirit floated in front of Du Feng fearlessly and prepared herself. She was not afraid of either the guzheng dance or the guzheng dance.

However, as Du Feng began to play, Gui Zhong had just got ready, and then she was dumbfounded.

What kind of song is this? So magical!

Du Feng played the Pure Land of Bliss while looking at Gui Zhong in confusion. His expression seemed to say, dance, why don’t you dance!

This is a dance song!

Gui Zhong clenched his fists and looked at Du Feng angrily. The song was quite nice, but it was too magical. Even if you play an impassioned battlefield war song, I can also dance a sword dance on the battlefield. But what the hell is this Pure Land of Bliss. I haven’t even danced yet, and I feel my legs are shaking with the rhythm.

Although this is indeed a dance song, for Gui Zhong, this dance song is really too advanced, advanced by who knows how many years.

“I can’t jump!” Gui Zhong sat down beside him angrily and said

“Then I’ll change a song!” Du Feng said as he changed the song to… Majestic! Gui Zhong looked at this guy speechlessly. How could he dance to this? This guy was not only a genius, but also a genius.

After playing, Du Feng looked at Gui Zhong’s angry look and felt much better. He continued to collect souls. The following days were still very peaceful. However, what was different from the past was that after Du Feng and Gan Yu revealed their feelings, the two became much closer than before.

If it weren’t for the fact that their schedules were reversed, the two might have eaten the forbidden fruit.

During Gan Yu’s lunch break, she came and saw Du Feng sleeping soundly. Gan Yu smelled delicious food and wanted to take a nap in Du Feng’s bed, but she didn’t dare. How could a girl be so unrestrained.

Du Feng opened her eyes and grabbed her into the bed.

Gan Yu was startled, but when she saw Du Feng holding her in his arms and falling asleep again, Gan Yu breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed her head in Du Feng’s arms and took a nap. After sleeping for a while, Du Feng seemed to have a magical power that made her not want to get up, but she still had work in the afternoon. Gan Yu had to get up carefully and ran to work with a red face.

Although there was no tender corn in this season, the rice cooked by Du Feng was very delicious. She would put some other things in it, such as chopped nuts or lotus seeds that can enhance the taste of rice.

When she was alone before, Ganyu could finish a pot of mung bean porridge. Her current life is both happy and painful. The happy thing is that it is really delicious, and the painful thing is that it is so delicious that she wants to eat two more bowls.

But women dress to please themselves, and in order to maintain their figure, they are not so greedy.

In the last days, after the first time, Ganyu would come to Du Feng’s bed every day for a nap. After eating and washing the dishes in the afternoon, Ganyu Ganyu also helped Du Feng comb his hair.

When going out hunting, she would comb his hair neatly.

Finally, Du Feng walked through the last stop, Chenyu Valley.

Gui finally sensed her soul. Du Feng really collected all her soul. She really walked through every inch of Liyue. After collecting her soul, she floated to Du Feng’s side, wanting to say something but stopping herself.

She looked at the sky projected into the Chen Ge Pot. Tomorrow is the night of the full moon.

Back to Liyue Harbor.

At noon, Ganyu crawled into Du Feng’s bed for a nap. Suddenly, she felt Du Feng holding her very tightly.

“Are you leaving?” Gan Yu asked softly. In the past few days, Du Feng’s doting eyes began to be mixed with some reluctance when he looked at her, and Gan Yu knew that he might be leaving.

“Yes!” Du Feng replied

“”You will come back, right?” Gan Yu asked again.

Du Feng nodded,”But it may take a long time!”

“It doesn’t matter, as long as you come back, I can live a long time. As long as you come back, it doesn’t matter how long it takes!” Ganyu said gently.

Du Feng touched the corner of Ganyu’s head, and Ganyu rubbed his head and fell asleep. As usual, he took a nap and went to work as usual.

When he came back from work, Ganyu brought Du Feng a set of beautiful new clothes.

Knowing that Du Feng was leaving tonight, Ganyu dressed Du Feng carefully after dinner.

When leaving, Du Feng hugged Ganyu in his arms and kissed her.

Ganyu closed her eyes, tiptoed to hug Du Feng’s neck, and they separated after a long time. Ganyu’s face was rosy, so cute

“You still have to work overtime, so I won’t send you off!” Ganyu ran away with a red face.

She didn’t blush when she got into bed, and she blushed when she kissed.

Because when she came, the momentum of time travel was a bit loud, and Du Feng didn’t want Ganyu to see it. If she saw it, she would think that she was blasted into pieces by some mysterious force, and she would cry to death.

So Du Feng found a place far away from Liyue Harbor.

“Gui Zhong, enter this precious jade!”Du Feng entered the Chen Ge pot, took out the precious jade and said to Gui Zhong

“Why?” Gui Zhong asked curiously. She was obviously staying in the bell well.

“You don’t have so many whys!” Du Feng said with a straight face. Gui

Zhong glared at Du Feng angrily. How dare a mere mortal talk to a demon god like that. But she still listened to Du Feng, and her soul went into the jade in Du Feng’s hand.

Du Feng took out a knife and cut a cut on his arm. Gui

Zhong’s head popped out of the jade, looking like a ghost, and said in surprise:”What are you doing?”

“I don’t want my efforts over the past three years to go to waste. Only if you are inside my body will I feel more at ease!” Du Feng said as he endured the pain and stuffed the gem into the cut.

After the gem was stuffed into his arm, the Qi and Blood Stone began to repair the wound on Du Feng’s arm. After a while, the cut on his arm healed.

He walked out of the Chen Ge Pot, took out the Moonlight Box, looked at the bright moon in the sky, the cold moonlight sprinkled on his body, and looked towards the direction of Liyue Harbor.


(First update, if anyone hasn’t favorited it, please support me by favoriteing it!)

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