Just as the man was about to use the power of the thing in his hand, Du Feng came over and held his hand.

“This is not a force you can control!”

The man frowned as he looked at the boy who ran out from nowhere,”Where did you come from, kid? It’s dangerous here, find a place to hide quickly. Diluk, come and take this child away.”

Hearing the voice, the red-haired boy not far away ran over.

Diluk, as expected, this is Mondstadt, and the dragon should be the dragon Ursa that has been harassing Mondstadt for a long time. Diluk ran over, grabbed Du Feng and prepared to take Du Feng to a safe place. But he found that he couldn’t pull him at all.

“”What are you standing there for? Take him away!” The man shouted at Diluk. If he delayed for another second, one more person would die at the hands of the evil dragon.

Diluk pulled Du Feng, not because he didn’t want to take him away, but because the child seemed to be filled with lead and couldn’t be pulled away.

“Look at him, if he uses this evil power, he will be dead!” Du Feng glanced at the thing in the man’s hand and pointed it at Diluc.���After saying that

, Du Feng let go of Diluc’s hand, then leaped into the air, then stepped on the air and walked to the side of the dragon. He kicked the dragon’s jaw, and the dragon’s entire head was kicked back. Then he took out the white tassel spear and stabbed it towards the dragon’s neck.

Du Feng was a little surprised by the dragon’s defense. Although the white tassel spear pierced into the dragon, the guy was huge and had thick skin, so it was just a superficial injury to it.

This dragon existed as early as the founding of the Mond Knights, during the dark era when the Lawrence family ruled Mond. It was repelled once by the wind god and Vanessa, the founder of the Knights of Favonius, but the wind god did not reveal his identity at that time. He should have been a soy sauce, otherwise the dragon Ursa would not have survived until now.

If you don’t use the elemental force and the power of the abyss, it seems a bit difficult to solve it with strength alone!

Diluc and the others below were looking at this scene in amazement. Whose child is so terrifying. Du Feng suddenly looked over here and said,”Lend me that evil eye!”

“”Father!” Diluk looked at the man in disbelief.

Why did his father have the evil eye?

Du Feng didn’t want to waste time, so he rushed down and snatched the evil eye from the man.

Although the evil eye is life-threatening, it varies from person to person.

In the plot, after Diluk’s father died, he resigned from his position as a knight and gave up the Eye of God.

He used the evil eye for a long time and nothing happened.

However, the evil eye is a death warrant for ordinary people.

The evil eye developed by the Fatui is different from the Eye of God.

You can’t use the Eye of God even if you snatch it away, but the evil eye has no such limitation.

This evil eye with fire attribute is not an ordinary evil eye, and Diluk’s father didn’t know how much it cost to get it.

The Sky-breaking Rising Dragon Spear shot up into the sky and hit the dragon Ursa. Obviously, this shot was not painful to the dragon Ursa, and it raised its claws and slapped Du Feng.

Du Feng flashed like a cloud The flames spread all over the prairie.

The people below were stunned to see this battle between two people of very disproportionate sizes. Du Feng’s small figure was walking on the ground in the air, and the air was rippled by his steps. The long spear in his hand kept bombarding the dragon. And every time the dragon attacked him, he could dodge it with his clever body movements.

The dragon Usa suddenly wailed, and the long spear in Du Feng’s hand pierced into one of its eyes.

Xing Yunfeng dodged the angry attack of the dragon Usa, found the right opportunity to aim at the other eye of the dragon Usa and stabbed it again.

At this time, the dragon Usa was completely crazy, and he attacked wherever there was a sound. The cheers below made him feel extremely angry, and he dived directly towards the location of the cheers.

Diluk rushed over, ready to protect everyone, but the small figure blocked the air, and the white tassel spear in his hand suddenly ignited, and the fire element power in the evil eye poured into the white tassel spear crazily.

“Flowing Clouds Illusion, Counterflow Clouds!”

Du Feng did not release any extra shots from Flowing Clouds Illusion, but after draining all the power from the Evil Eye, he directly unleashed the ultimate blow of Flowing Clouds Illusion.

As Du Feng let go, the burning White Tassel Spear went upstream like a meteor and blasted towards the swooping Demon Dragon Usa.

The powerful impact of the swooping Demon Dragon Usa was completely hitting the counter-meteor-like White Tassel Spear. The harder it dived, the harder it hit. The counter-meteor-like White Tassel Spear was directly knocked into its body, and then the fire element infused in the White Tassel Spear instantly erupted. The Demon Dragon Usa fell straight down, without a sound.

Du Feng also landed steadily and handed the Evil Eye to Diluk.”This kind of thing is a death warrant for ordinary people. You decide how to deal with it!”

After saying that, Du Feng left immediately. He left after the task was completed, hiding his merits and fame. However, I don’t know if the Knights of today will take away the credit like they did to Diluk’s father in the plot. If so, it is possible that Grandma Ping’s blood pressure will rise again.

Move in an instant.

When he came to a deserted place, Du Feng activated the teleportation again. The next second, Du Feng appeared in a luxurious room.

Du Feng looked at the luxurious decoration. This seemed to be the style of Fontaine.

“Don’t come near me!”A sobbing voice came from a room. The voice was very tender, like a child.

Du Feng kicked the door open, and a man dressed like a noble was looking at a little girl with a wretched face.

The little girl seemed to be a little younger than Du Feng, with two cat ears on her head and a tail behind her. The little girl huddled up and trembled, tears streaming down her face.

Damn it, Du Feng’s face turned black, a white tassel spear appeared in his hand, and he stabbed directly at the beast!

(First update, I beg you to click on the collection, vote and support, please!!)

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