The sound of the ... Instead, between a burnt mountain, a man in gorgeous clothes was looking at a towering tree burning in front of him.

This was the last tree nearby.

But it was also covered with flames.

Above the earth, between the rocks, a large group of flames rose.

This was the doctor's experiment.

Just when everyone wanted to see the details of this experiment, the picture suddenly jumped to a girl.

She was in a house with green leaves as the door.

This was a unique design of Xumi.

The girl's hair was also green, and she wore a gray-green shawl of the same color as her hair on her shoulders.

On her chest was a pink gem.

At this moment, she was still in shock.

It seemed that she had not yet woken up from the scene in the dream just now, and she breathed in fresh air in big gulps.

"Kole, go patrol the forest."

Tinari's voice came from outside the house.

This also made Kele have no extra energy to recall what happened in the dream just now.

She lifted her body from the table with both hands.

She responded quickly:

"Got it, Master Tinari!"

This is a perspective from the window outside the house.

Originally, Cole, whose clothing style was conservative when viewed from the front, looks different from the back.

A large area of ​​blank space shows the snow-white back.

Two yellow belts flutter in the wind.

Covering part of the back.

It forms a kind of beauty that is half-covered and half-uncovered.

The lower body is a black short skirt, and the existence similar to stockings, forming an absolute domain.

Of course.

What attracts the most attention is, of course, the green God's Eye on his waist.

The God's Eye is only given to people with a firm mind.

The person in front of him is definitely not as delicate as she looks.

"What just happened was..."

At the end of the camera, she looked at the palm of her hand, as if she was wondering what she had just seen.


In the chat room.

I also fell into deep thought about the last scene.

[Walter Yang: This tree looks familiar, there is one in my hometown. ]

[Amber: Cole, how come you are here? ]

[Eula: Who is she? ]

[Amber: A good friend. I received her when she came to Mondstadt before. ]

[Cole: I don’t really know. ]

[Paimon: But it seems that these things are Cole’s dreams? So is all this true or false? I am a little confused! Who can explain it to me quickly! ]

[Walter: Setting fire to the mountain means imprisonment. ]

[Barbara: Such a big tree, it can’t be our Mondstadt, right? ]

[Qin: It shouldn’t be. ]

[Ningguang: It looks like it should have happened in Xumi, but does Xumi really have such a landform environment? ]

[Dolly: Such a big tree, it is impossible to be concealed. ]

[Elhaisen: But if all the conditions are met, it seems that there is no one? ]

Originally, except for Zhidong and Inazuma.

Everyone was thinking of having a feast.

I felt a little sad, but it did not prevent me from doing things.

As a result, it is good now.

The people of Xumi are eating the feast on themselves.

This is not happy at all.

[Jingyuan: Could it be a precognitive dream? This kind of special ability does not exist in a large span of time and space. ]

[Feixiao: Is the precognitive dream very strong? ]

[Huaiyan: Of course it is very strong! Even I know that this is basically a gifted talent in divination. It's a pity that he is a short-lived species, and he is an outsider who can't be contacted.

People. ]

[Su Shang: Although I don't understand, I feel it's so amazing! ]

[Fu Xuan: If you have the opportunity in the future, you can come to our Taibu Division to study. ]

[Ke Lai: If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely consider it. ]

[Fa Lu Shan: Oh~ Senior~ I have invited you so many times before. ]

[Ke Lai: Senior, after all, I prefer the job of a forest ranger.........]

[Witch N: It should be no problem to work as a part-time astrologist, and it can also protect the forest better! My ability to teach apprentices is still good. ]


Even if you are not a person in astrology.

After watching this video, I am a little interested in Ke Lai.

After all.

Being able to appear on the sky itself means that the other party is absolutely extraordinary.

[Gui Naifen: This kind of big guys, jealous of each other for one person, I also want to experience it! ]

[March 7: Add one. ]

[Su Shang: I always feel that the word "jealousy" should not be used in this way. ]

[Hua Huo: Recently, Li Da Zhentou's knowledge reserve has increased! It seems that Luofu's education level is still much higher than Yaoqing. ]

[Fei Xiao: This kind of low-level provocation is useless. ]

[Fei Xiao: But one thing is true, why not hand some people over to Luofu for training? ]

[Huai Yan: Luofu's success rate is indeed high. ]

Let's not talk about anything else.

Four of the five heroes on the cloud back then grew up in Luofu, and only one Yingxing was from Zhu Ming.

After the war.

From the fact that he even had the energy to send people to support Yaoqing Xianzhou in these years, we can see that Luofu's overall power loss is not big.

And it recovered quickly.

The key is that Jing Yuan is the only high-end combat force left.

Otherwise, Luofu might still be the strongest Xianzhou.

[Potio: My dear, I am more curious about the professor. What does slicing mean? ]

[Doctor Zhen: Maybe it is to upload the memories of each period and then create an intelligent robot? ]

[Jezi: This... does Teyvat have this kind of technology? ]

[Every time we feel that Teyvat is lagging behind, the other side always seems to be able to find some particularly powerful technology to scare us. ]

[Sambo: This time Xumi is going to be miserable...]

[The Great Sage: Miserable? How dare the Fatui come here to make trouble? ]

[Hanabi: Not yet? Now it seems that Mondstadt and Xumi are at the bottom of the seven countries. ]

[Huanlong: Correction, this is not the bottom. Mondstadt still has an army to expedition to other countries. If they come back, it is hard to say who is stronger. ]

[Dixia: In addition to the grass god, does Xumi really have the combat power of the demon god level? 】

【Great Sage: The Faints can't possibly attack us in Xumi. I have already controlled the Faints' power in Xumi! What's there to worry about! 】

【Xumeri people: ******】

The Great Sage has strong confidence.

Unfortunately, few people believe it.

And the sky curtain.

It didn't stay for long, but quickly started playing the next plot - "Yunli PV "Accidental""

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