The more you go, the more you will be defeated.

When the wall falls, everyone pushes it.

Osvaldo's downfall is almost inevitable.

The only difference is whether he will die or simply retire.

Jade feels that it is more likely to be the former.

However, the focus is not on Osvaldo now.

A company director.

Is it important to have a sky master who is suspected to be a star god?

Give others power and spread the voice throughout the universe.

This ability.

Even if it is just the propaganda ability under the company.

Their power may be expanded several times and become the overlord of the galaxy.

Thinking of this.

She couldn't help but remind Shajin:

"This sky curtain is a good thing. Although I don't know why you were chosen, you may be able to get more of what you want by relying on it."

Shajin nodded.

Even if he has to become the Minister of the Market Development Department.

The expression on his face is still calm.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of these things."


The company's processing speed is very fast.

After all, what Osval did, even those who are in the universe who are also protecting their fate will probably question the meaning of the company's existence.

The future market development journey will be more troublesome.

At that time, let alone preparing materials for the Amber King.

It's good to be able to keep the current assets.

So the two results of this incident came out soon.

1: Osvaldo resigns as Minister and will be tried by the Universe Court.

2: Shajin becomes the new Minister and continues the market development behavior.


Shen Ce Mansion.

Jing Yuan scratched his head looking at this solution.

"The company's response was really fast, and it handled it very well. It's worthy of being a long-established large organization, right?"


Fu Xuan snorted coldly, his expression full of disdain, "Just don't see Osvaldo on a holiday island."

For the company's integrity.

Those who often deal with it know it very well.

Jing Yuan did not comment, but said in a flat tone: "We will urge them to enforce the law fairly."

After speaking.

He looked at the sky curtain.

He felt a little more worried.

It seems that I underestimated the sky curtain before.

Just playing a video can cause such a huge impact.

What if the Lord of the Sky Curtain comes to deal with Xianzhou one day?

Thinking of this.

He stood up and ordered:

"Everyone, we are going to set up a department dedicated to studying the sky curtain and dealing with answers at this moment. Please cooperate with us!"


Everyone answered in unison.

Under the leadership of Jing Yuan, a special group targeting the sky curtain was launched.

And these things are still happening all over the universe.

They speculated what the so-called sky curtain is?

The revival of the old star god?

Or the birth of a new god?

No matter which one it is, it is an existence that can shake the universe.


And Lu Haiyi knew nothing about all the above.

He silently swiped the next video - "Sinner's Dance".

In the center of a huge stage, the water goddess Funina bowed slightly in the center of the stage, as if she was taking a curtain call.

And behind her.

The highest judge of Fontaine, Navilette, only showed half of his face.

He glanced at the stage.

The cold and solemn emotions in his eyes were about to come out.

Obviously Funina was the god.

But at this moment.

As a subordinate, Navilette seemed to be the god who controlled everything.

This scene immediately ignited the passion of the two worlds! (The writer's level is not enough, the picture is placed in the comment area).


[I saw Lady Funina. Is she participating in another performance? ]

[The Judge's aura is so strong that just a glance makes people feel a little breathless. ]

[This composition is not very good. Who made it? It's also great. ]

[Please give me the original picture. ]

[I've heard of the Water God of Fontaine for a long time, but I didn't expect that she is so... lively and cheerful? ]

In the original world, everyone who knows a little about Fontaine is impressed.

In addition, some people compare them with the gold dust just now.

[These two people are very good-looking. Are they big shots like gold dust? ]

[That's much better than gold dust. She is our Water God and Judge of Fontaine. She is not comparable to any so-called company! ]

[Bigger than the company? Which barbarian has not entered the interstellar era? ]

[Interstellar? Are you talking about astrologers? We have a lot of them here. ]

[What if? Even astrology is a scam. It's really stupid. ]

[V me 50, watch Di Ting! ]

Most people in the Bengtie universe were confused.

What Fontaine?

What Water God?

Why do I feel like chatting with them is like chatting with people from another world?

Shen Ce Mansion.

Jing Yuan stroked his chin with his hand, and a playful smile unconsciously appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Is this the chat room that Tianmu uses for communication? It feels like surfing the Internet, which is interesting, isn't it?"


Si Heng coughed lightly and handed a stack of information in his hand to Jing Yuan, "The people below have sorted out various information about Fontaine and Funina."

"It is speculated that they are probably a non-interstellar civilization."

"But they have a certain special culture, and a special belief cultivation system that no one has ever seen."

Jing Yuan quickly scanned it and was shocked.

I have been working for a thousand years and have seen everything.

But this is really something I have never seen!

But for faith.

They have always sneered.

With the attitude of believing, there is, and not believing, there is nothing.

But now it's good.

Someone tells you that faith not only exists, but it can even be used in all aspects of life.

Enhance strength and supply energy.

Xianzhou's technology tree is already at the top of the universe, but it knows nothing about these.

Is it just special technology?

Or are there really other star gods that they don't know about?

Whose side does the Lord of the Sky Curtain stand on?

Thinking of this.

Jing Yuan's heart sank instantly.

If it is the former.

Everything is fine.

But if it is the latter.


He dared not think about it anymore.

This is enough to cause a big change in the whole world.

It seems that he still underestimated this planet called "Original God".


We must increase research and investment in the Sky Curtain.

"Continue to sort out relevant information and establish corresponding data models."

"In addition, I will temporarily serve as the director of the Sky Curtain Research Department. If necessary, the department can mobilize everyone including Liu Yu."

Si Heng raised his head suddenly.

He looked at Jing Yuan in disbelief.

Fu Xuan, who was still obsessed with divination, couldn't help but ask:

"Command the Six Imperial Guards? The general of the Immortal Boat is just like this. Tianmu should pay attention to it, but isn't it a bit too much?"

"Anyway, I have the right to do so. Let's try it first."

At this moment, Jing Yuan's tone was as leisurely as a casual chat.

But everyone knew it.

He had made a decision.

Still, no changes are allowed, and there is no argument.

Everyone present realized it immediately.

The whole universe is about to change!


This scene is staged in the Collapse Iron World.

It's just that most forces can only summarize the data at most, and it takes more time to complete the data screening.

And in the original God world, it's a different scene.



Finina raised her head high, looked at the sky curtain and laughed:

"Not bad, my beauty has been restored to a large extent, I am very satisfied."

"As the God of Water."

"I have decided to forgive the sins of the Lord of the Sky Curtain!"

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