"Report to the commander, mission accomplished!"

"Well done, Captain Ryuen, Captain Kushida. Ishizaki will remember your contribution!"

Ryuen was surprised by Yingyi's praise. Why did this guy look so high and mighty?

After the communication was cut off, it marked that the beginning of everything was difficult. Then the next step was perseverance. After school at noon, the Bad Boys Love Operation Team gathered again.

"Congratulations, Ishizaki-san, you did it!"

"But I always feel weird......"

A bit weird? That's right, because this plan was weird from the beginning. Why would a bad boy fall in love with a harmless little sheep? Why did this bad boy seek the help of the student council president? Why did the student council president find a group of unreliable experts to set up a meeting? Why didn't this meeting have a professional plan from the beginning?

Because, because the author is crazy!! (Not)

Because these guys on the field can be said to be a group of love idiots! Although they are very popular in their respective fields, no one has the experience of struggling in the love field.

So this inexplicable plan may have achieved inexplicable results, making everyone feel inexplicable, but! The person involved is still quite satisfied:

"Well, I think this plan is pretty good! This is the first time, the first time I stood in front of Shiranami-san and greeted him naturally without being seen as a disgusting guy. This is all thanks to the president and Ryuen-san, hehehehe......."

If this is the case, it means that they have achieved great success!

As a former student union secretary, Akane Ju used her instinctive reaction and began to summarize the next steps:

"Then, I need to go to the scene every day.....Have you all gone to say hello?"

"Senior sister, you didn't mean to say.....Harassment....."

Even though she only said the first half of the word, Ishizaki could tell with his intelligence that what Tachibana Akane wanted to say was definitely not a greeting.

"I still have a question. Today's answer can be explained as forcing their way in, but Class B will be on guard next time. It can't be like this every day, right?"

"Today, Ishizaki wasted time because of his shyness. Tomorrow, you can wait at the shoe cabinet or something like that. It's just a greeting, and you won't be considered a pervert if you leave after saying hello."

Ryuen gave his own answer to Kushida Kikyo. The relationship between the two of them, which was originally based on mutual use and betrayal, ended when the latter became Arisu's pet.

How to be a favored pet? Never put your own hobbies above the hobbies of the owner. Since Arisu is interested in this fun, Kushida Kikyo is willing to accompany him.

Besides, it is common for people to be hostile one second and drink tea the next in advanced breeding.

After deciding on the next course of action, it is time to discuss the main content of the topic:

"This is a very critical question, how to improve the other party's favorability towards oneself in the daily greeting. Otherwise, no matter how hard you try, it will be regarded as useless."

Long Yuan and others looked at Ying Yi, the commander, with burning eyes, which meant: since the whole plan was proposed by you, then this question is of course the same.

"Humph, so you are too young!"

Ying Yi pretended to be experienced and received a lot of eye rolls. When he felt a familiar little hand on his waist, he quickly realized that he was too proud. He cleared his throat:

"No matter how conscious Bai Bo is, it won't change the fact that she is a timid girl. Therefore, the upcoming courage test is a good opportunity!"

"A test of courage? ?"

Of course, the crowd was not questioning the activity itself, but rather why a test of courage suddenly appeared.

"A test of courage or something....When did it happen?"

"Didn't I just tell you this?...In order to maintain the relationship between classmates who have been competing and conflicting, I decided to organize a courage test with the Student Union as the organizer. This test requires boys and girls to form a group of one boy and three girls."

"Boys and girls cannot be from the same class. The grouping is determined by drawing lots. Ishizaki was lucky enough to be drawn to Class B, and is in the same group with Shiranami."

A test of courage? That's a good idea, probably equivalent to an activity like a haunted house.

Kushida Kikyo:"Question, how do we invite Shiranami and the others to participate in the test of courage?""

"This problem is easy to solve. I will also prepare this event as the first event hosted by the Student Union. In order to mediate the relationship between classmates, the students of Class B will definitely go."

Ryuen also rarely raised his hand and spoke:

"Moreover, if you use the name of your student council, even if you are drawn to be in a group with Ishizaki, you won’t think that this is part of the plan."

Ying nodded:

"Well, the specific arrangements can be made during the Test of Courage."

Everyone thought about it and supported this decision. Not only can it help Ishizaki, but they can also invite friends and classmates to participate in the Test of Courage.

At this time, Tachibana Akane also raised her hand a little sadly:

"Um, President, can't I attend with my classmates?"

This secretary is really sincere to her boss.

"As a staff member of the Test of Courage competition, it seems normal for senior sister Akane Tachibana to drag her classmates to participate in a test of courage competition, right?"

"Yes, yes! This is very normal! I am a staff member."

No one else had any objection. The arrangement of the Test of Courage Conference was decided in the next few days. In addition to the people present, the staff also included members of the student union and some school workers.

Ishizaki almost knelt down in gratitude to Yingyi:

"President....you...I really want to hold a courage test just for me.thank you"

Since he didn't have much knowledge, he could only say thank you, but Yingyi also felt Ishizaki's most sincere gratitude.

Yingyi actually felt a little guilty. This test of courage was because Arisu suddenly said to himself last night:

"I really want to go to a haunted house myself. I guess relationships between men and women would heat up quickly in such places."

"I'll take you there later......"Before Yingyi could finish what he was about to say, he heard the little princess's extremely evil words:

"Haha, it must be very interesting to see a group of people screaming in fear at the fake ghosts."

So you want to enjoy the look of others being frightened?

"But there's no haunted house in school.......How about we hold a courage test?"

Arisu's eyes lit up, and he seemed to be looking forward to this event.......Therefore, Yingyi decided to add a courage test to the plan!

In order to protect the safety of the students, strict monitoring will be arranged throughout the process to prevent staff or other students from being accidentally injured. It is a very considerate arrangement.

"Okay, since everyone has no objection, then the second part of Date A Live: Test of Courage will begin!"


But having said that, the activity arrangement will take two or three days, so Ishizaki still needs to carry out the greeting activity.

Therefore, the next day, in the lobby on the first floor of the teaching building.

Because of Kanzaki's action to prevent the class from being ambushed, even the students in Class B who usually go to school alone also act in groups of three or five with their friends.

Ishizaki's appearance of waiting for someone at the shoe cabinet has attracted the attention of many people, but no one except Class B thought much about it.

After a while, Shiranami and Ichinose also came to the teaching building in a team.

"Good morning, Shiranami-san."

Because of his previous experience and the upcoming Test of Courage, Ishizaki is very confident in himself now and no longer does anything fancy.


Because of what happened yesterday, Shiraha was even more wary and fearful of this bad boy. When he saw him coming over to greet him, he was so nervous that he couldn't speak.

And Ichinose also quickly protected Shiraha:

"Ishizaki-san, no matter how hard you try, it's useless. Chihiro is my best friend and our most trusted partner. Your splitting actions are useless."

However, Ishizaki didn't hear clearly. After completing his task, he turned around and left. On the way out, he looked back at Shiraha's position with a silly smile, but then thought that this might be considered abnormal, so he turned his head away.

Only Ichinose and Shiraha were left staring at each other......

"Small sail wave....What on earth is he going to do?"

"I....I don't know either...."

The dog-headed military strategist Kanzaki Ryuji also witnessed this scene. He has been keeping a close eye on Ishizaki. If he does anything out of line, he will report it to the student union.

"Long Yuan's plan is not small!"

Hearing the voice coming from the side, the two also responded:

"Kanzaki-san, have you thought of anything?"

Kanzaki nodded:"If I'm not mistaken. Their target from the beginning was not Bai Bo! But..."


Ichinose pointed at himself according to the other party's gaze and reasoning.

"That's right. Shiranami-san is an important partner in our class, but in Ryuuen's eyes, he is not. It should be you, Ichinose, that he has always wanted to defeat!"

"But the risk of contacting you directly is too high, so they turned their target to Bai Bo, who often appears with you. Whether it is the greetings in the past two days, it can be proved that they are deliberately contacting Bai Bo."

"As for why I judged this way, it was because his subconscious actions exposed himself. Ishizaki himself was just Ryuen's follower, and he did not have a strong psychological quality."

"After completing today's disguise operation, you pretended to escape in order to test whether we had fallen into the trap. And Ichinose, you warned Ishizaki directly not to split our class, which made him think that we had fallen into the trap."

"However, should we say that he lacks the ability? He actually showed a smug expression on his face, and even turned back to taunt subconsciously. Although he reacted quickly, all this could not escape my eyes!!!"

Kanzaki's sharp reasoning shocked Ichinose and Shiranami.

Ichinose thought that it was his own fault again, which led to him almost falling into Class C's trap. He had a self-blaming expression, but since he had seen through the other party's conspiracy, he could just use the same trick against them!

"Thank you, Kanzaki-san, I’m glad you’re here!"

"It's nothing. We said that I will be the one to stop the vicious hands of other classes!"

Soon, the class bell rang.

"Oh no, we're going to be late, let's go!"

Shiranami was dragged by Ichinose and ran towards Class B:

"really....Bad or something.....The most annoying thing!!"

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